世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/17 23:41
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  • Did you understand what I spoke about?

  • Did you comprehend what I spoke about?

「私の[話したこと](を[ご理解いただけましたか?](」は英語に訳すとこのようです。 Did you understand what I spoke about? Did you understand what I was saying? What I spoke about は一番丁寧です。Did you understand what I talked about も言えますが、spoke about の方が丁寧です。 Did you comprehend what I spoke about? も結構丁寧ですが、少し硬すぎて日常会話にはそんなに言いません。教科書の中には Reading comprehension とか Listening comprehension とかが書いてあるかもしれませんが、硬いです。 Did you understand what I said? Did you understand what I talked about? も言えば同じ時意味ですが、ニュートラルな言い方です。丁寧の場合、キャジュアルの場合でもふさわしいです。 ご参考までに。
  • Is that clear?

  • Do I make sense?

By asking your teacher if your sentence/response is clear you will be asking for them to verify what you said is grammatically correct and pronounced well. You could also ask your teacher is what you said makes sense? I use this expression quiet often when I am conducting classes and in everyday English. Does my explanation make sense to you?
先生にあなたの文/回答がclearかを尋ねることで、あなたの言ったことが文法的に正しく、またしっかり発音できていたか確認できます。 また、あなたの言ったことが「make sense(理解できる)」なのか聞くこともできます。私はこの表現を授業をしているときや日常会話でよく使います。 Does my explanation make sense to you? (私の説明はわかりましたか?)
Bronwyn D DMM英会話講師
  • Do you understand what I said?

  • Do you understand?

英語では変にかしこまらずに尋ねる方がいい場合があります。 ここでは、私の英語あっていますか?私の説明したこと[ご理解いただけましたか?](というニュアンスでしょうから、 Do you understand? だけでも大丈夫ですし、その後ろに what I said. 私が言ったこと というのを付け加えても大丈夫です。
Tomomi T 英語講師
  • Could you understand what I just said?

  • Did what I just say make sense?

Both of these answers are polite ways of asking your teacher "Did you understand what I said?" To both of these questions your teachers answer will either be 'yes' or 'no'. If no, they may ask you to repeat what you said. Speaking slowly can sometimes help pronunciation.
二例とも、「Did you understand what I said?(私の言ったこと理解できましたか)」を丁寧に尋ねる言い方です。どちらの質問に対しても、先生は「yes」または「no」で答えます。もし「no」ならば、繰り返すように言われるかもしれません。ゆっくり話すことで発音を補えることがありますよ。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Did you get what I said?

You have just explained to your teacher a complicated procedure. The teacher seems confused. You want to know if he understood what you said.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Did you understand what i said?

  • Did you understanding my meaning?

  • Did you get what i said?

If you understand something you know the meaning of something so to check they understand you, you would say did you understand what I said? you could also say "did you understand my meaning?" The meaning of something is to say what the topic is about. If you say did you get what I said? it basically means did you understand me its another way of saying it in English which could also be called making sense so you know what something means.
understand somethingは、その意味が分かっていることを表します。ですから、理解したかどうか確認する場合、Did you understand what I said?と言えます。また、Did you understand my meaning?とも言えるでしょう。 meaningは、その話題について話した事柄を表します。 Did you get what I said?は、基本的には「私の言ったこと分かりましたか(Did you understand me?)」という意味です。make sense(意味が伝わる)と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Could you understand what I was saying?

  • Were you able to understand me speaking?

  • Could you understand me when I was speaking?

To check with your teacher and make sure what you were saying was understood or check if your speaking was clear in pronunciation, you can ask like "Could you understand what I was saying?"
先生(相手)が自分の言ったことを理解できたか、あるいは発音が明瞭だったかを確認する場合は、以下のように聞けます: "Could you understand what I was saying?" 【訳】私の言っていたこと分かりましたか。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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