世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/29 20:03
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  • Do you want this warmed up?

  • Would you like me to heat this up for you?

どちらも「これ、温めますか?」の意味です。 「[温める](」は warm up や heat up と言います。 例: A: Hi, what would you like? こんにちは、[ご注文をどうぞ。]( B: This one please. これください。 A: Would you like it warmed up? 温めますか? B: Yes please. お願いします。 他には Could you please warm it up?(温めてもらえますか?)、Please warm it up(温めてください)のように自分からお願いすることもできます。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Want me to heat this up?

  • Want me to heat this up for you?

Hey there Kenji! ユーコネクトの英語コーチのアーサーです! [温める](の直訳は「warm」ですが、[電子レンジ](でちんすると「heat up」を使います。 アメリカの接客はかなり友達同士のように話すので、簡単に Want me to heat this up? 文法ただしい英語だとDo you want me to heat this up for you?と言いますが、話す時にだいたいdo youを言いません。 もし相手に「あなたのために」ということを明確に言いたいのであれば、 want me to heat this up for you? と言います。 よろしくお願いします! 応援しています! アーサーより
  • Would you like for me to heat this up for you?

  • Do you want this warmed up?

Working in a convenience store is considered a customer service job, so I would stick to being as polite as possible. That being said, you can use: -Would you like ( ~ )? --Would you like for me to heat this up for you? --Would you like for me to separate the hot and cold items? --Would you like chopsticks or a fork? --Would you like a handwipe? (=おしぼり) If you're in a hurry, there is nothing wrong with just using: -Do you want ( ~ )? --Do you want this warmed up? --Do you want a fork? --Do you want a handwipe? Be careful with the tone when you use "do you want ~" because it could sound a little short if you don't say it with a smile. ^^
コンビニで働くのはサービス業のためできるだけ丁寧に話すといいでしょう。 これらのフレーズを使えます: -Would you like ( ~ )? --Would you like for me to heat this up for you? --Would you like for me to separate the hot and cold items? --Would you like chopsticks or a fork? --Would you like a handwipe? (=おしぼり) もし急いでるのであればこのフレーズも使えます: -Do you want ( ~ )? --Do you want this warmed up? --Do you want a fork? --Do you want a handwipe? "do you want ~" を使う時は声のトーンに気をつけましょう。 笑顔で言わなければ少し失礼に聞こえるかもしれません。 ^^
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Can I warm it up a little?

  • Do you want it cold or can I warm it up for you?

>Can I warm it up a little? *This is asking if you may warm up the "food". Asking "a little" means that you will not warm it up to hot. ............................... >Do you want it cold or can I warm it up for you? *This is asking if he/she is going to take it cold because some people want to have it cold, or if you can heat it up for him/her. .................***...............
Can I warm it up a little? 食べ物の温めを依頼するときに使われる表現です。 「a little」は熱くなりすぎないように温めることを伝えてたいときに使う表現です。 Do you want it cold or can I warm it up for you? 冷たいままがいいか、温めたいのかを尋ねるときの表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like me to heat this up?

  • Do you want this warmed up?

  • Shall I heat this up for you?

Some products in store like food or drinks require the cashier to warm them up for their customer to enjoy. The best way to ask the customer is to ask 'would you like me to warm this up for you?' and then wait for their response. Hope this helps Teacher Jemxi
食品や飲み物などお店にある商品の一部は、お客さんに渡す前に温めてあげないといけません。 一番良いのは: "Would you like me to warm this up for you?" 「温めましょうか」 それから返事を待ちます。 参考になるといいです Teacher Jemxi
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • Shall I heat that up for you?

  • Would you like that cold or warm?

Shall I....? We use this construction when offering to do something for someone, or making a proposal of some kind: "Shall I give you a lift to the station?" "Shall we go swimming later?" Would you like....? We use this form when asking someone their preference for something: "Would you like salt and vinegar on your chips?" "Would you like me to stay for the night?"
Shall I....? = 誰かの為に自分ができる何かを提案する時にこの文体を使います。 例:"Shall I give you a lift to the station?" (駅まで送りましょうか?)    "Shall we go swimming later?" (後で泳ぎに行きませんか?) Would you like....? 誰かにその人の好みや希望を尋ねる時にこの文体を使います。 例:"Would you like salt and vinegar on your chips?"   (ポテトフライに塩と酢はいかがですか?)   "Would you like me to stay for the night?"   (私が泊まっていきましょうか?) 
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like that warmed up?

  • Do you want me to heat this up for you?

Both these statements are different ways of asking the same question. Example:- Customer : "I 'd like to have two muffins please." Clerk: "Sure, would you like me to heat them up for you." Customer : " Yes, thank you."
Would you like that warmed up? (こちら温めますか?)*フォーマルな聞き方 Do you want me to heat this up for you? (温めますか?) 例 Customer : "I 'd like to have two muffins please." 客(マフィンを2つ下さい) Clerk: "Sure, would you like me to heat them up for you." 店員(かしこまりました。温めますか) Customer : " Yes, thank you." 客(お願いします)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like it warmed up?

  • Do you want it warmed up?

  • Do you want me to warm it up for you?

Would you like it warmed up? Do you want it warmed up? Do you want me to warm it up for you? One of these should help you out when you are asking someone if they would like something warmed up. And, personally, I would use the third question. It is a bit more wordy, but for some reason I prefer it. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Would you like it warmed up? Do you want it warmed up? Do you want me to warm it up for you? (温めますか) 上の例のどれか一つを使ってみてください。「温めますか」と確認できます。 私なら三つ目の例を使うかなと思います。少し長いですか、何となく好きです。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like me to warm it up for you?

  • Would you like me to heat it up for you?

  • Would you like it warm or cold?

At convenience stores, some products such as meat pies may be sold cold especially especially if a considerable amount of time would have passed. Since the customer may want to eat the meat pie immediately, it would be appropriate to ask the customer if he/she would like the meat pie warmed up or have it as it is, cold. So you may ask: Would you like me to warm it up for you? or Would you like me to heat it up for you?
コンビニではミートパイなど一部の品は冷たい状態で売られているかもしれません、特に時間がたったものなどはそうだと思います。買ってすぐに食べたいお客さんもいるでしょうから、温めるのか冷たいままでいいのか聞くといいですね。 以下のように言うことができます: "Would you like me to warm it up for you?" 「温めましょうか」 または、 "Would you like me to heat it up for you?" 「温めましょうか」
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Would you like this warmed up?

  • Do you want me to warm this up for you?

  • Would you prefer this pastry cold or heated up?

Some pastries taste much better when they are warmed up. At Starbucks, for example., they have a wide selection of pastries and sandwiches that taste great when they are warmed up. "Would you like this warmed up?": This is a very standard way to ask someone if they would like their pastry warmed up in the toaster oven. "Do you want me to warm this up for you?": In this sentence, you are being asked if you would like the worker to heat up your pastry. It is obvious that the worker is going to do it, but this is just another way of asking. "Would you prefer this pastry cold or heated up?": In this sentence, the worker is asking if we would rather eat the pastry cold, or have the worker warm it up in the oven for us. These are all polite ways of asking this question and should be done with a smile because if not, you may seem rude.
ペストリー(パイやタルト)には温めた方がおいしいものもありますね。例えば、スターバックスには温めて食べるとおいしいペストリーやサンドイッチがたくさんあります。 "Would you like this warmed up?"(これ温めましょうか) これは、ペストリーをオーブントースターで温めるかどうか確認するときの一般的な言い方です。 "Do you want me to warm this up for you?"(これ温めましょうか) この文では、ペストリーを店員に温めてもらいたいかどうか聞かれています。店員が温めるのは当然のことですが、このような言い方もします。 "Would you prefer this pastry cold or heated up?"(このペストリーは冷たいままでよろしいですか、それとも温めましょうか) この文では、ペストリーが冷たいままでいいかそれとも温めるか聞かれています。 これらは全て丁寧な言い方です。お客さんにこの質問をするときには笑顔で言うようにしましょう。でないと、失礼に聞こえるかもしれません。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like me to heat it up?

  • Would you like this warmed up?

「温めますか」はWould you like me to heat it up?やWould you like this warmed up?と言うことができます。 itなどの代名詞ではない名詞を使う場合は heat upのあとに名詞を置くことに注意してスピーキングで使っていきましょう。 例文 Would you like me to heat up the food? Nice questionでした!その調子で頑張っていきましょう! Fuji
Fuji スパルタ英語講師
  • Would you like it warmed up?

  • Do you want me to warm it up?

1. Would you like it warmed up? 2. Do you want me to warm it up? どちらも「温めますか?」の意味で使うことができる表現です。 1は「温めて欲しいですか?」、2は「(私が)温めましょうか?」のようなニュアンスの違いがありますが、ほぼ同じです。 例: Would you like it warmed up? 温めますか? -Yes, please. -はい、お願いします。
  • Would you like this warmed up?

Would you like this warmed up? こちらは温めますか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 warm up で「温める」という意味の英語表現です。 例: Could you please warm this up in the microwave? こちらを電子レンジで温めていただけますか? お役に立てればうれしいです。
  • Would you like me to heat this up for you?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「Would you like me to heat this up for you?」 (意味)これ温めますか? <例文>Would you like me to heat this up for you?/ Yes please. <訳>これ温めますか?/お願いします。 参考になれば幸いです。
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