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2018/01/21 11:17
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  • One third of the people are sixty-five or over.

Many native speakers like to use fractions to explain ratios in population or in other areas. You can use either one depending on which you feel more comfortable using. The expression "1 in 3" and "one third (1/3)" have the same meaning and can be used to express the same idea.
多くのネイティブスピーカーは"fractions"(分数)を使って人口の割合やその他の事を説明するのが好きです。 どちらでも、使い易い方を使って表現することが出来ます。 この"1 in 3"(3つに1つ)という表現と "one third (1/3)" は同じ意味になるので、同じことを言いあわらすことが出来ます。
Matthew J DMM英会話講師
  • one is three people are over 65.

  • 1 in 3 people are 65 or over.

"one is three people are over 65." This explains that for every three people one is 65 or older. "1 in 3 people are 65 or over." This also explains that one in three are older than 65 but uses numbers instead of letters.
"one of three people are over 65." (3人に一人が65歳より上です。) "1 in 3 people are 65 or over." (3人に一人が65歳以上です。) 文字ではなく数字で表したバージョンです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Every 1 in 3 people are 65 or older.

  • Every 1 out of 3 people are 65 or older.

3人に1人が65歳か65歳以上。 Every 1 in 3 people are 65 or older. Every 1 out of 3 people are 65 or older. 3人に1人 1 in 3 one in three every 1 in 3 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • Almost one in three people are 65 years or older.

AlmostやNearlyで、約、およそとします。 3人に1人はone in threeです。 65歳以上は65years or older です。 単純な文法構造で表現しています。
  • Amongst three people one of them is 65 years old or older

  • The ratio of people that are 65 years old and older is 1 as to 3

*Amongst three people one of them is 65 years old or older. - When comparing two or more things use older/oldest. Example Sentences: My brother is 5 years older than me. Jack is 15 years old, Tim 17 years old and Jill is 13 years. Tim is the oldest one. *The ratio of people that are 65 years old and older is 1 as to 3. - Ratio is a comparison between two or more things. Example Sentences: The ratio of boys to girls in our class is 1:2(1 as to 2). When baking a cake, the ratio of flour to baking powder and butter should be proportional.
*Amongst three people one of them is 65 years old or older. (3人に一人が65歳かそれ以上の年齢です) - 2つの物やそれ以上の物を比べる時はolder/oldestを使います。 【例文】 My brother is 5 years older than me. (私の兄は私に5歳年上です) Jack is 15 years old, Tim 17 years old and Jill is 13 years. Tim is the oldest one. ( ジャックは15歳、ティムは17歳、そしてジルは13歳です。ティムが一番年上です) *The ratio of people that are 65 years old and older is 1 as to 3. (65歳以上の人口の割合は3人に1人です) - "Ratio"とは二つの物やそれ以上の物の割合の事です。 【例文】 The ratio of boys to girls in our class is 1:2(1 as to 2). 私たちのクラスの男子と女子の割合は1対2です。 When baking a cake, the ratio of flour to baking powder and butter should be proportional. (ケーキを焼くとき小麦粉に対してベーキングパウダーと牛乳は比例しなくてはいけません)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A third of the people are 65 and older.

  • One out of every three people are 65 or older.

  • Over 30% of the people are aged 65 or older.

When you want to express 1 out of 3 people you can say, "Over 30%", "a third", or "one out of every three".
「3人中1人」を表現したい時は、"Over 30%"、"a third"、または "one out of every three" が使えます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • 33 percent of the population are under 65

  • Two thirds of the population are over 65

Well, you may quote a statistic in any situation to highlight a point you wish to make. You could concentrate on the young population percentage as in the first example. Or, you could give details of the older part of the population as in the second sentence, depending on what is best for your purposes in any given scenario.
ポイントを明確にするためにも、統計を引用すると良いかもしれせん。 最初の例にように、若者の人口に注目できます。 それか、目的のためになにがベストかによって 2番目の例のように、年寄りの人口の詳細をつたえることができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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