世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/21 16:09
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  • I’ll drink anything as long as it’s alcohol.

「酒なら何でも良いよ」というのは言い換えると、 「それがお酒であれば、何でも飲むよ」 ということですので、 I’ll drink anything as long as it’s alcohol. と表現します。 as long as~は「~である限り」という意味です。 アメリカの口語ではお酒のことをboozeと言いますので、 上のalcoholをboozeに代えて言うと、 より口語っぽくなります。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • Any alcohol would be fine.

★ポイント:「もし(あなたが)どんなアルコールを持ってきてくれたとしても」ということを意味したいので、If形のwould を使います。 Any alcohol would be fine. 英語職人
  • Anything as long as it's alcohol

  • I'll drink anything as long as it's alcohol

  • Any alcohol is fine

If you don't mind what you have to drink then you would say you will drink 'anything' as long as means it must contain something
何を飲んでも構わないということなら、'I'll drink anything'(何でも飲みます)と言えます。 'as long as' は「~であるならば」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Anything alcoholic.

  • I'm not fussy, as long as it has alcohol in.

  • Any alcohol is fine.

"Any alcohol is fine" is the most formal way of saying that you do not mind what you drink as long as it has alcohol in it. The other two and less formal. "I'm not fussy" suggests that there are not many things you do not like. But all three of these sentences mean the same thing.
"Any alcohol is fine"(お酒なら何でも良いです)が、アルコールが入っていれば何でも良いと伝える最もフォーマルな言い方です。 他の二つはもっとカジュアルです。 "I'm not fussy"(えり好みしない)は、嫌いなものが少ないという意味合いです。 ただ、これら三つの文はどれも同じ意味です。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • Bring me anything with alcohol

  • I don't have a preference. What would you suggest?

  • Can you suggest a good alcoholic drink?

Often if you ask the waiter/waitress what they like they will be happy to recommend something for you. If they don't know or have a preference, then just say, "Bring me anything with alcohol". Otherwise, just say, "I don't have a preference. What would you suggest?", "Can you suggest a good alcoholic drink?", "what would you recommend?" or "what is your favorite so I can try it?".
ウェイターやウェイトレスに何が好きか尋ねると、何か勧めてくれることが多いです。もし相手が分からなかったら、"Bring me anything with alcohol"(アルコールが入っていれば何でも良いです)と言いましょう。 それ以外の場合には、次のように言えます。 "I don't have a preference. What would you suggest?" (特に好みはないんですけど、おすすめはありますか) "Can you suggest a good alcoholic drink?" (何かおすすめのお酒はありますか) "What would you recommend?" (おすすめは何ですか) "What is your favorite so I can try it?" (あなたが好きなのは何ですか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Sure, as long as it's alcoholic.

  • If it'll get me tipsy.

Alcoholic is an adjective to describe whether a drink has alcohol or not. It may be more commonly used to describe someone with an addiction to alcohol. The word "tipsy" means that somebody is drunk, but not very drunk.
"alcoholic" は、アルコールが入っているかどうかを表す形容詞です。「アルコール依存症の人」という意味で使われることの方が多いかもしれません。 "tipsy" は「ほろ酔いの」という意味です。
Mick J DMM英会話講師
  • Any alcoholic beverage would be OK

  • Anything as long as it has alcohol

  • Any alcoholic drink

When you are offered a drink and want to ask for anything alcoholic, then you may express this in the following ways: -Any alcoholic beverage would be OK -Anything as long as it has alcohol -Any alcoholic drink
何を飲みたいか聞かれて、お酒なら何でもいいと答えたいなら、次のように言えます。 -Any alcoholic beverage would be OK(お酒なら何でも結構です) -Anything as long as it has alcohol(お酒なら何でもいいです) -Any alcoholic drink(お酒なら何でもいいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'll be fine with any alcoholic drink.

  • Anything, as long as its alcohol.

When you want to say that you will drink anything, as long as it's alcohol, you can say: "I'll be fine with any alcoholic drink." "Anything, as long as its alcohol."
「お酒なら何でも構わない」は次のように言えます。 "I'll be fine with any alcoholic drink." "Anything, as long as it's alcohol." (お酒なら何でも構いません)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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