I need a saline soultion of Eye drops to clear my itchy eyes!
Allergic conjunctivitis is the most common cause of eye redness and usually causes itching, swollen eyelids and watery, bloodshot eyes...."EYE DROPS" are the answer!
We can get "eye drops" over the counter at chemists shops or pharmacies.
I need some eye drops to help moisturize my dry eyes.
Eye drops is a very common word or term in English. It is used to refer to any liquid solution that is
used to help moisturize dry eyes. Sometimes native speakers will refer to a specific brand of eye
drops and use the brand name instead of saying "eye drops". For example: I need some Visine for my dry eyes. "Visine" is a very popular brand name for eye drops.
The use of eye drops is very common among people who wear contact lenses to help improve their vision.
"Eye drops"が英語では一般的に使われる表現です。
これは"dry eye"(ドライアイ)を潤ませるのに使う溶液の事です。
時々、ネイティブスピーカーは"eye drops"と言う代わりに特定のブランドの目薬名を言ったりします。
"I need some Visine for my dry eyes."
視力矯正の為にコンタクトレンズを着用している人には"eye drops"はよく使われますよね。
Can you help me? I'm looking for artificial tears.
I think "eyedrops" is the most frequently used general term for all types of drops.
A lot of Americans use the word "Visine", which is the name of a popular brand, just like people call the paper you blow your nose into "Kleenex".
Another word you see often in the pharmacy is "artificial tears".
And ALL of these are different from "contact lens solution", which is designed especially for the needs and problems of people who wear contact lenses.
When eyes become tired or sore or dry, then some form of eye drops may be necessary. There are medicated eye drops which may be prescribed by the doctor, or 'over the counter' eye dropd anyone may buy - for tired eyes or just to refresh your eyes.
"I always use eye drops during my working day as I am constantly using a PC."
医者に処方箋を出してもらう目薬もあれば、"over the counter"(処方箋なし)で、疲れ目や目をすっきりさせるために使うことができるものもあります。
"I always use eye drops during my working day as I am constantly using a PC."(PCをずっと使っているので、仕事の日には必ず目薬を使います。)
These are called "eye drops", You could say "I have dry eyes, do you know where I can buy some eye drops?" or "I need eye drops as I have very dry eyes."
これらは "eye drops"(目薬)と呼ばれます。
"I have dry eyes, do you know where I can buy some eye drops?"
"I need eye drops as I have very dry eyes."
「○○薬」は英語で「○○medicine」という形で表現できますので、「目薬」は英語で「eye medicine」と「eye medication」と言えますが、
ネイティブがよく使う言葉「eye drops」となります。
目「eye」に薬が落ちる「drop」だから「eye drop」と呼びます。
→「My eyes are itchy so I will go buy some eye drops」
→「I’m looking for eye drops」
→「Where are the eye drops?」