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バレンタインの日にカードにメッセージを書いて、 好きな人や友達に渡そうと思っています。 このカードのことを英語で言いたいです。
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2018/01/23 11:02
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  • Valentine's Day card

  • Valentine's Day note

Valentine's Day card 日本語そのまま、バレンタインデーカードと呼びます。 cardの前の部分は説明ですので、この部分を変えればいろいろ使えます。 例えば Father's Day card, Mother's Day card, Christmas card など Valentine's Day note とも言えます。noteはいろいろな意味がありますが、大まかには書かれたものという意味。ですのでValentine's Day noteというとカードではなく、メモ書きや短い手紙などの場合もあります。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです。
Shiori S 英語講師
  • Valentine's day card

バレンタインデーカード Valentine's day card バレンタインデーメッセージ Valentine's day message ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • Valentines message

  • Love note

  • Poem

"Valentine's day card" is the card given on Valentine's day. "Valentines message" Is what you call the writing on the card. "Love note" or "Poem" would be a loving message that possibly rhymes.
Valentine's day card はバレンタインにあげるカードのことです。 Valentine's message はカードに書くメッセージのことです。 Love note や Poem は韻を踏んだ詩のような愛に関するメッセージのことです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Valentines day card

▪ Valentines day card Valentines day is the day to celebrate romantic love. On this day valentines day cards are given to loved ones with love poems or messages written in it.
▪ Valentines day card (バレンタインディカード) "Valentines day" (バレンタインデー)はロマンチックな愛をお祝いする日ですよね。 この日は"valentines day cards"(バレンタインカード)を好きな人に愛の詩やメッセージを書いて渡したりしますね。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Valentine's card!

  • I'm not sure who sent it ..but I go a Valentine's card from someone!!

On Valentine's is a long held tradition to send a card or message of affection to those we "have strong feelings for..." Saint Valentine" was said to have helped Christians get married in ancient Rome...during at a time when this was NOT allowed!! He was martyred and is still considered "a symbol of true love"
バレンタインには、誰かに対して強い思いをカードやメッセージで送る風習が古くからあります。 " Saint Valentine"(聖バレンタイン) は、古代ローマで、結婚が許されていなかった時代にキリスト教徒を結婚させる手助けをしたと言われています。彼は、殉教者で、今でもなお「真実の愛の象徴」とされています。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Valentine's day card.

  • Note with a poem.

  • A secret admirer!

Valentine's day card - this is a standard gift as it has lovely decorations and a small rhyme/poem inside normally with the name of the sender. Note with a poem - this can be found on a piece of card, normally attached to flowers or chocolates etc. The poem will possibly be something like the cliche "Roses are red, violets are blue." A secret admirer! - this can be fun or creepy as if you are getting flowers from an unknown person, the person may identify themselves, however if it turns out to be day after day, flowers after flowers you may have a stalker!
Valentine's day card (バレンタインカード)-これは、普通は中には、送りての名前とかわいらしいデコレーションやメッセージなどが書いてあるカードのことです。  Note with a poem (ポエム付きのちょっとしたカード)- これは、普通チョコレートや花束などに付いているカードのことです。ポエムは、"Roses are red, violets are blue."などのような決まり文句な場合が多いです。 A secret admirer!(密かに思いを寄せる人からのラブレター) - これは、知らない人から花束をもらうと、うれしくなるか、不気味に思われることもあります。しかし、日を追うごとにストーカーになっていくかもしれません。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Valentine's Day card

  • A card for Valentine's Day

A card that has a message people usually give on Valentine's Day are called "Valentine's Day card" or "a card for Valentine's Day". You may use these phrases in a sentence in the following ways: -I would like to get a Valentine's Day card this year. -I should just get my girlfriend a card for Valentine's Day
バレンタインデーにメッセージを書いて渡すカードのことは "Valentine's Day card" や "A card for Valentine's Day" と言えます。 これらのフレーズは文章の中では次のように使えます。 -I would like to get a Valentine's Day card this year. (今年はバレンタインデーカードをもらいたいです) -I should just get my girlfriend a card for Valentine's Day (彼女にバレンタインデーカードを送らないといけない)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Valentines day card

  • Poem

  • Love note

Often on valentines day you would receive a 'valentines day card' this could include anything from a love note,poem,phone number or even a cute message. ex. "I got 4 valentines day cards this year!"
バレンタインデーには、'Valentine's day card'(バレンタインデーカード)を受け取ります。 これには、'Love note'(恋文)や 'Poem'(詩)、電話番号、あるいはかわいいメッセージが書かれることもあります。 例: "I got 4 valentines day cards this year!" (今年はバレンタインデーカードを4枚もらいました)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Love note

  • Valentine’s Day card

A note or a card is a message for someone given on special occasions. Ex: -I don’t know who sent me this love note! - I hope I get a Valentine’s Day card from my crush.
“note” または “card” は特別な日に送るメッセージをいいます。 例: - I don’t know who sent me this love note!(このラブレター誰が送ってくれたんだろう) - I hope I get a Valentine’s Day card from my crush.(好きな人がバレンタインにカードをくれるといいな)
Rachel Ly DMM英会話講師
  • Valentine's card

  • A card for Valentine's Day

You'd like to know what you call a message card that is given on Valentine's Day? In that case, you can try the above suggestions. There are always a variety of ways to respond to someone or make a comment - depending on the context and other factors such as nationality, appropriacy and body language. 'John got 5 cards for Valentine's Day'
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Valentine's Day card

A message or card that is given or received on Valentine's day is called a, "Valentine's Day card." Example sentences : - Did you get any Valentine's Day cards today? - I gave my girlfriend a Valentine's Day card.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • A Valentines Day card

  • A love poem

  • Secret note

On the 14th February, there is a special day called Valentines Day. Normally people will send a card with a little note inside to their love as a token of affection and show their girlfriend/boyfriend their love. 'I received a card for Valentine's off a secret admirer'
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Valentine's Day card

Valentine's Day card In the west, a Valentine’s Day card is usually given to someone that you secretly like or admire. The idea is to dress up in red and white which are the traditional Valentine’s Day colors. The card may or may not be accompanied by chocolates or a bouquet (bunch) of flowers. Many married and unmarried couples also spoil each other on Valentine’s Day with cards, gifts or even a special dinner eaten at a fancy restaurant.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Valentine's Day Card

  • Valentine's Note

These are ways you can say Valentine's Day Card. Below are ways you can use them in a sentence. On Valentine's Day, we usually hand out Valentine's Card. I received a lovely Valentine's note last year. It's good to write the name of the person you are giving a Valentine's Card to.
Berta DMM英会話講師
  • "Valentine's Day card"

  • "Love note"

A message card that is given on Valentine's Day in English is most commonly referred to as either a "Valentine's Day card" or a "Love note". Example sentence: Thank you for my Valentine's Day card, the message inside was very nice and romantic.
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Valentines day gift card

'Valentines day gift card' is a card you give to your loved one or friend on valentines day. Containing a special or unique message expressing one's love for the person.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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