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友達がついこの間、婚約しました! なのでこのことを共通の友人にも伝えようと思います。 「友達が最近婚約した」と言いたいです。
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2018/01/24 18:50
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  • My friend just got engaged.

  • My friend got engaged recently.

  • My friend recently got engaged.

おめでとうございます。 友達が最近婚約した My friend got engaged recently. My friend recently got engaged. 友達が最近婚約したばかり。 My friend just got engaged. 最近 recently 婚約 engagement 婚約した got engaged ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • engagement

  • engaged to be married

An engagement is a formal agreement between two people to be married in the future. You can say: My friend got engaged. My friend is engaged. My friend is engaged to be married. My friend recently got engaged. My friend recently had an engagement party. To explain the entire situation, you can say: My friend's boyfriend proposed to her recently at an engagement party. Now they are engaged to be married.
"engagement"(婚約)は、将来結婚することに対する、正式な同意をいいます。 例えば: My friend is engaged. (友達が婚約しました) My friend is engaged to be married. (友達が婚約しました) My friend recently got engaged. (最近友達が婚約したの) My friend recently had an engagement party. (友達が先日婚約パーティーを開きました) 状況全体を説明するなら、例えば: "My friend's boyfriend proposed to her recently at an engagement party. Now they are engaged to be married." (先日友達のボーイフレンドが婚約パーティーでプロポーズしました。今は婚約中です)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Recently, one of my friends got engaged.

最近は、recentlyを用います。 私の友達の中の1人で、one of my friendsとします。 engageで婚約と言います。 エンゲージリングは婚約指輪、 マリッジリングは結婚指輪ですね。 幸せなご家庭をお築きください。
  • Engagement

  • Engaged

The agreement between two people before they get married is called an "Engagement." "They got engaged" "There engagement was wonderful."
結婚する前の二人の同意は"Engagement"(婚約)です。 "They got engaged" (彼らは婚約した。) "There engagement was wonderful." (婚約は素晴らしかった。)
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • An official engagement

  • My friend announced his engagement

In the UK, there is no formal and binding agreement for engagement to get married. It is usually just by word of mouth between two people who state that they both wish to enter into marriage at some later date. The man would typically give the woman an engagement ring to signify his true intention. Sometimes the announcement may be made in a newspaper and be described as an 'official engagement'. This same term may also be used when the announcement is made in a more formal setting.
イギリスでは、フォーマルで、bindingな婚約や結婚する合意書がありません。 大抵は、のちに結婚したいと願っている二人の人によって交わされる言葉だけです。 男の人は一般的に、熱意を象徴するために、 婚約指輪を女の人にあげます。 ときどき、新聞で紹介され、"official engagement"(正式婚約)としてのります。 より正式な場合のアナウンスがされるのに、これが使われます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My girlfriend and I have a formal engagement to get married.

  • The couple cancelled their engagement and decided not to get married.

  • That is a very expensive engagement ring.

婚約 engagement 私のガールフレンドと私は結婚するために正式な婚約をしています。 My girlfriend and I have a formal engagement to get married. 夫婦は婚約を取り消し、結婚しないことを決めた。 The couple cancelled their engagement and decided not to get married. それは非常に高価な婚約指輪です。 That is a very expensive engagement ring.
  • engaged

  • My brother proposed to his girlfriend and so now they are engaged.

  • I am engaged to Emily and will soon be married.

When a person has proposed marriage to another they are officially "engaged".
婚約することを "engaged"と言います。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Engagement

  • To be engaged

  • My friend got engaged

A marriage engagement is when a couple agree that they would both like to get married so are therefore taken (to be engaged means already taken) Usually the man would give the woman a engagement ring to show his love and commitment
「marriage engagement」は、カップルが共に結婚することに合意することを言います。ですから「取られる」と表現します(「be engaged」は「取られる」という意味です)。 たいてい、男性は女性に愛と誓いを表すために婚約指輪(engagement ring)を渡します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My friend has just become engaged.

  • My friend recently became engaged.

The definition of become is begin to be. Became is the past verb of become. Become and became are more formal versions of verbs like got. For example, you could say "My friend got engaged recently." but that is more casual language. To sound more professional, I would use the very become. "My friend has just become engaged." It sounds very professional.
Madison T DMM英会話講師
  • get engaged

「婚約する」はget engagedと言います(*^_^*) 例) They got engaged last week. 「彼らは先週婚約した」 ちなみに、 「結婚する」はget married 「離婚する」はget divorced と言います(*^_^*) 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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