世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/24 23:58
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  • I don't feel like my English speaking skills are improving because I don't have many opportunities to speak to native English speakers.

When we are talk about our language learning, it is good to say "i feel" because it is your opinion. When you don't meet tourists regularly you don't have the opportunity to do so. You can also say "i don't come across many tourists so I don't get to practice speaking". This is a more informal phrase.
これはあなたの意見なので語学学習の事を話す時 "I feel"(~と[感じる](と言うといいでしょう。 観光客に定期的に会わなかったりすると、英語を話す機会はあまりありませんよね。 また次のように表現することも出来ます。 "I don't come across many tourists so I don't get to practice speaking" (多くの観光客に会う事はないので、スピーキングの[練習](が出来ません) こちらの方が少しフォーマルな表現です。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • My English speaking skills are not improving because of lack of interaction with English speakers.

  • I have not improved my ability to speak English because of lack of opportunities to speak face to face with persons from abroad.

The two best ways to learn a language are firstly, to learn it via tutoring and secondly, via practically speaking the language with native speakers. This means that apart from being taught, you have to find opportunities to interact with those that speak the language. Physically socializing can be beneficial. So, if you are one of those lagging behind in your English speaking skills because of the aforementioned reasons, you may say: My English speaking skills are not improving because of lack of interaction with English speakers. or I have not improved my ability to speak English because of lack of opportunities to speak face to face with persons from abroad.
二つの語学学習上達の方法があります。 まずは"tutoring"(個別指導)をしてもらう事、そして二つ目はその言語のネイティブスピーカーと実際に話す事です。 これは教わることはさておき、その言語を使って交流する機会を見つけるという意味です。 物理的な[交流](はとても利益になります。 ですので、これらの理由であなたの英会話習得に後れをとっていたら、次のように表現してみましょう。 【例】 My English speaking skills are not improving because of lack of interaction with English speakers. (英語話者と交流することがないので英語のスピーキング力が伸びません) I have not improved my ability to speak English because of lack of opportunities to speak face to face with persons from abroad. (外国人の人と直接[話をする機会がない](ので英語のスピーキング力が伸びません)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I have not been able to improve my English because I do not get a chance to use it.

  • I would like to improve my English but I need someone to talk to me to help me practice

  • I do not get a chance to speak much English so it is not very good.

"I have not been able to improve my English because I do not get a chance to use it.." "I would like to improve my English but I need someone to talk to me to help me practice." "I do not get a chance to speak much English so it is not very good.." "I need more opportunities to speak English in order to improve it."
【例文】 "I have not been able to improve my English because I do not get a chance to use it.." 〔訳〕英語を使う機会がないから、上達していない "I would like to improve my English but I need someone to talk to me to help me practice." 〔訳〕英語を上達させたいんだけど、練習を手伝ってくれる話し相手がいないんだ "I do not get a chance to speak much English so it is not very good.." 〔訳〕英語を話す機会があまりないので、あまりうまくない "I need more opportunities to speak English in order to improve it." 〔訳〕もっと話さないと英語は上達しない
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • My English is not improving because I don't get many opportunities to talk with English speaking people.

  • My English is not improving because I haven't been able to talk with many native English speaking people.

I am not progressing with my English speaking ability because I haven't had many opportunities to speak with native English speakers. My English is at a standstill because I haven't been able to practice by speaking with native English speakers.
その他の例文: I am not progressing with my English speaking ability because I haven't had many opportunities to speak with native English speakers. =英語のスピーキング力が上達しないのは、ほとんどネイティブスピーカーと話す機会がないからです。 My English is at a standstill because I haven't been able to practice by speaking with native English speakers. =ネイティブスピーカーと話して練習することができないので、私の英語力は伸び悩んでいます。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • My level of English is not improving because I don't often get the chance to speak with native English speakers.

  • My English ability is not improving very quickly, because I have few opportunities to speak with foreigners.

You can refer to English ability or skill as "level" i.e beginner, intermediate and advanced. You can also say you're not able to practice with people from abroad, by explaining you "don't often get the chance to speak with them" or "have few opportunities to meet and speak with foreigners".
英語の能力やスキルは「level」と表せます、 例えば: beginner(初級) intermediate(中級) advanced(上級) また: I don't often get the chance to speak with native English speakers. (英語のネイティブと話す機会があまりない) I have few opportunities to speak with foreigners. (外国の人と話す機会がほとんどない) ↑と説明してもいいです。
Spencer T DMM英会話講師
  • I have no chance to use English and so no chance to improve

"No chance" is an informal phrase used in situations where there is zero possibility or a very low possibility of succeeding at something. For example, "There is no chance Japan will win the football world cup!"
no chance=~に成功するチャンスが、「全く、もしくはかなり低い確率しかない」という状況の時に使います。 例 "There is no chance Japan will win the football world cup!" ー日本がワールドカップで優勝することはほぼあり得ない!
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • Improving my English skills is difficult due to lack of contact with foreigners

If you have a 'lack of...' something it means that you do not have enough supply or provision of that item. "I am suffering from a lack of vitamin C and my doctor tells me I should be eating more citrus fruit."
「I have a lack of something」とは、十分な供給、または提供を持ってない、受けてないという意味です。 例: I am suffering from a lack of vitamin C and my doctor tells me I should be eating more citrus fruit. 私は、ビタミンC不足で苦しんでます。病院の先生は、柑橘類を取るように言います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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