世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/25 20:43
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  • I want to be able to understand English lyrics.

  • I want to understand the meaning of the words in English song.

Lyrics refer to the words sung in a song. Singular - lyric - refers to one line of the song. Plural - lyrics - refers to more than one line of the song. You can also, more casually, call lyrics 'the words' of the song, but 'lyrics' is definitely the nicer term.
Lyricsとは歌の歌詞を指します。 単数形lyricは、歌の一節を指します。 複数形lyricsは、歌の複数の節を指します。 カジュアルな表現として歌詞を歌の'the words'と言うこともできますが、'lyrics'のほうがより正確な単語です。 例: I want to be able to understand English lyrics. 英語の歌詞を理解できるようになりたい。 I want to understand the meaning of the words in English song. 英語の曲の歌詞の意味を理解したい。 understand は「理解する」という意味になります。
Amy S DMM英会話講師
  • I want to understand English lyrics.

  • I want to be able to understand the words to English songs.

"I want to understand English lyrics." This is a way of answering and explaining that one of the reasons you want to learn English is so that you can understand what the words mean. "I want to be able to understand the words to English songs." "Lyrics" are the words in a song. This explains that you want to understand the words in the English songs.
"I want to understand English lyrics." 英語を学びたい理由の一つが歌詞を理解したいことであると説明する表現です。 "I want to be able to understand the words to English songs." "Lyrics"とは歌の歌詞です。これは英語の歌の歌詞を理解したいと伝える表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoy music so I want to be able to understand English lyrics.

  • I want to be able to understand the words to English songs.

*I enjoy music so I want to be able to understand English lyrics.- If you are a person that enjoys music it will really be nicer if you are able to hear what is been said in songs. *I want to be able to understand the words to English songs. - Another word for lyrics is words.
*I enjoy music so I want to be able to understand English lyrics. (音楽を楽しんでいるので、英語の歌詞を理解したです) -音楽をとても楽しむ人なら、歌われている内容が分かるとよりいいですよね。 *I want to be able to understand the words to English songs. (英語の曲の歌詞を理解できるようになりたい) - "lyrics"(歌詞)のもう一つの表現は"words"になります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I want to understand English Lyrics.

  • I need to understand English lyrics because I listen to English music.

▪ I want to understand English Lyrics. This is clearly indicating that you find it difficult to understand English lyrics and you really want to understand it. ▪ I need to understand English lyrics because I listen to English music. By using the "need" shows and tells that it is really important for you to understand English lyrics and you also giving a reason why. Example 1 Friend: Why do you study English? You: I want to understand English Lyrics. Example 2 Friend: What is you main reason why you learn English? You: I need to understand English lyrics because I listen to English music.
"I want to understand English Lyrics." (英語の歌詞を理解したい。) これはあなたが英語の歌詞を理解するのが難しいと思っており、是非それを理解したいと思っているということを明確に表しています。 "I need to understand English lyrics because I listen to English music." (英語の曲を聴くから、英語の歌詞を理解しなければならない。) "need"を使うことで、あなたにとって英語の歌詞を理解することはとても重要だということを示しています。また、その理由も付け加えています。 例文1 友達 "Why do you study English?" (なんで英語を勉強するの?) あなた "I want to understand English lyrics." (英語の歌詞を理解したいんだ。) 例文2 友達 "What is your main reason why you learn English?" (あなたが英語を勉強する主な理由は何?) あなた "I need to understand English lyrics because I listen to English music." (英語の曲を聴くから、英語の歌詞を理解しなければならないんだ。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I started studying English to learn English lyrics

  • The reason i started learning English was to understand lyrics

  • I want to be able to understand English lyrics so i study English

All the sentences explain that you started to learn English as you want to learn English lyrics 'Lyrics' are the words used to make up a song and are used to explain what the song is about So if you said ' I started studying English to learn English lyrics' it explains why you started learning English ( to learn the lyrics to songs)
3例とも、英語の勉強を始めたのは英語の歌詞を理解するためだと伝える言い方です。 「lyrics(歌詞)」は歌を構成する言葉のことで、その歌が何について歌っているのかを示します。 'I started studying English to learn English lyrics' (英語の歌詞を理解するために、英語の勉強を始めました。) これで、英語を学び始めたのが歌の歌詞を理解するためだと伝えられます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoy music and want to understand the lyrics.

  • I want to understand the lyrics to English songs.

  • It is important to me to understand the lyrics to the music I like.

Lyrics mostly relate to music, although sometimes to a poem. If you explain this to someone they will imagine that music is very important to you! Listening to English music is a great way to improve pronunciation and distinguish new vocabulary. There are probably many reasons why you would want to speak English but explaining this is easy. You could say, " There are many reasons why I want to learn English, but one important reason is to understand the lyrics to the songs I like! ".
”Lyrics"(歌詞)は主に音楽に関係しますが、ポエム(詩)のことを指す場合もあります。上記例文のように言えば、相手は音楽はあなたにとってとても大切なものであることを想像するでしょう。 英語の音楽を聴くことは、発音強化になりますし、新しい語彙も学べます。あなたが英語を話せるようになりたい理由は沢山あると思いますが、下記のとおり説明するのがシンプルで良いでしょう。 There are many reasons why I want to learn English, but one important reason is to understand the lyrics to the songs I like! (英語を学ぶ理由は沢山ありますが、大きな理由の一つは私が好きな歌の歌詞の意味を理解することです。)
Laura M DMM英会話講師
  • I want to comprehend English lyrics.

  • I want to get English lyrics.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your teacher that you want to understand English lyrics. In the first sentence you will notice the word comprehend and in the second sentence you will notice the word get. Although these words have different meanings in these sentences they mean to understand. The word comprehend is appropriate for formal settings and the word get is appropriate for informal settings.
上記二つの例文は、英語の歌詞を理解したいと先生に伝える言い方です。 最初の例文では "comprehend"、そして例文2では"get"という言葉が使われているのに気が付いたと思います。この二つの単語にはいろいろな意味がありますが、例文では、どちらも「理解する」という意味です。"comprehend"はフォーマル、そして"get"はインフォーマルな場面でそれぞれ使うことが出来ます。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I'm learning English because I would like to understand English song lyrics a lot better

  • I want to be able to understand English lyrics

When you want to say that you are learning English because you want to understand English lyrics, you can explain it in the following ways: -I'm learning English because I would like to understand English song lyrics a lot better. -I want to be able to understand English lyrics. -Because I want to understand English lyrics better.
英語を学んでいるのは英語の歌詞を理解したいからだと伝える言い方です: 【例文】 -I'm learning English because I would like to understand English song lyrics a lot better. [訳]英語の歌詞をもっとよく理解したいので英語を学んでいます -I want to be able to understand English lyrics. [訳]英語の歌詞を理解できるようになりたいです -Because I want to understand English lyrics better. [訳]英語の歌詞をもっとよく理解したいからです
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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