世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/25 21:30
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  • What are your aspirations for learning English?

  • How do you plan on using English in the future?

  • What are your future career goals?

People who study languages, especially English, are often learning this new language to be used to progress in their careers. When talking to a student of English, it is nice to understand what their reasons are for studying, and how they wish to use this in the future. To ascertain this answer, you can ask questions such as "What do you want to do in the future"
言語、特に英語を勉強する人では、キャリアを築くために新たな言語を学んでいることが多いです。英語の生徒に話す際には、勉強している理由や、今後それをどのように生かしたいかを理解することがよいでしょう。この答えを確かめるためには、"What do you want to do in the future"などと質問できます。
Emmy M DMM英会話講師
  • Why are you learning English?

*Why are you learning English?- This is a direct way of asking. Example: A:Why are you learning English? B: I am going to an English speaking school in America next year. Example: A:Why are you learning English? B: I am learning English as a hobby/fun.
*Why are you learning English? (なぜ英語を勉強しているのですか?) - これは率直な質問になります。 【例 1】 A:Why are you learning English? (なぜ英語を勉強しているんですか?) B: I am going to an English speaking school in America next year. (来年アメリカの英語の学校に行く予定だからです) 【例 2】 A:Why are you learning English? (なぜ英語を勉強しているんですか?) B: I am learning English as a hobby/fun. (趣味として/楽しんで英語を勉強しています)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Do you have a specific reason for studying English?

  • 2. Where do you hope to be using your English in the future?

  • 3. Is English just a hobby for you?

There are a few ways to ask about why someone is learning English and, when they do learn it, how they hope to apply their new-found knowledge to the wider world. The first sentence just targets the 'reason' for studying the language. The second sentence has a more geographical undertone (where?) The third sentence asks if English is just a hobby. Such a question is designed to elicit a detailed response: "No, I hope to use it in my next job if I am promoted to a post in Washington."
なぜ英語を学ぶか、いつ学ぶか、どのように新しく身につけた知識を世界で使うか についての聞き方はいくつかあります。 最初の文は、言語を勉強する”reason”(理由)に着目しています。 二番目の文では、より地理的な要素が入っています。つまり”Where”(どこ)です。 三番目の文では、英語はただの趣味かどうか聞いています。 このような質問はより具体的な回答を聞き出そうとしています。 “No, I hope to use it in my next job if I am promoted to a post in Washington.” (いいえ、ワシントンでのポストに昇格できれば、そこで使います。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is there something you want to do in the future that requires English?

  • Do you need English to d something in the future?

"Is there something you want to do in the future that requires English?" This asks the person to tell you if there is something they way to do in the future that needs them to know English. "Do you need English to do something in the future?" This is another way of asking the person to tell you the reason they are learning English.
例文 "Is there something you want to do in the future that requires English?" 将来したいことで英語を必要とすることは何かありますか? 将来英語を必要とすることで何かしたいことがあるかどうかを尋ねています。 例文 "Do you need English to do something in the future?" 将来することのために英語が必要ですか? 英語を学んでいる理由を尋ねる別の表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a specific goal in mind with a view to your learning of English?

  • How do you plan to use your English skills in the future?

The first answer I have provided terms "specific goal" in relation to English study, this requires a specific response from the person questioned about their intentions. The word "plan" in the second sentence also assumes a specific purpose in the respondent´s quest of learning English and requires an answer to this end.
最初の答えは英語の勉強に対しての"specific goal"(特定の目標)を提示しています。 これは、質問された人からの特定の返答を必要とします。 2番目の文にある"Plan"(計画)というこの言葉は 英語を学ぶという返答の中に特定の目標があると推測され、 答えが必要となります。
Franky B DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have something you want to do to use English in the future?

  • What are you expectations from learning English?

  • What do you aspire to learn English for?

If you want to do something by learning a langauge then you would ask what you expect to ge from learning it 'what are your expectations from learning English?' To 'aspire' to means to hope to acheive something
英語を学んで何をしたいのか聞きたいなら、そこから「何を得たいと思っているか」という聞き方ができます。 'What are your expectations from learning English? (英語を学ぶことで何を得たいと思っていますか) 'aspire' は「~を目指す」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • What do you plan to do with English in the future?

  • Do you have any plans to use your English?

Asking someone what they “plan to do” or if they have any “plans” is a way to ask what someone hopes and wants to do in the future. Ex: A: “What do you plan to do with English in the future?” B: “I plan to work in an international company.”
What do you plan to do' や 'Do you have any plans' は、将来やりたいことを尋ねる言い方です。 例: A: “What do you plan to do with English in the future?”(将来英語を使って何をしたいですか) B: “I plan to work in an international company.”(国際的な会社で働きたいです)
Rachel Ly DMM英会話講師
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