世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/27 12:45
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  • What do you want to do?

  • What would you like to play?

When asking a child what they want to do you can say."What do you want to do?" or "What would you like to play/do?" If you want to suggest playing something you can say "Lets play dolls/ball". Dolls and ball can be replaced with what ever game you want to play.
子供に何をして遊ぶか尋ねる場合、次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例】 "What do you want to do?" (何をしたい?) "What would you like to play/do?" (何をして遊びたい?) 何かの遊びを提案する場合は次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例】 "Lets play dolls/ball". (お人形で遊びましょう/ボールで遊びましょう) "Dolls"(人形)や"ball"(ボール)はゲームや遊びに何の遊びでも置き換えることが出来ます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to play a game

  • Let's do something fun

*Would you like to play a game. - Most kids love/like to play games for fun. Usually boys like to play video games and girls play doll. A: Which game would you like to play? B: Hmm we can play candy crush. *Let's do something fun. Example Sentences: You look bored let's play a game. It seems like your mum is coming back late, let's do something for fun.
*Would you like to play a game. ゲームをして遊びたい? 子供はゲームが好きです。だいたい男の子はビデオゲーム、女の子は 人形遊びが好きです。 A: Which game would you like to play? なんのゲームをして遊びたい? B: Hmm we can play candy crush. えっと、キャンディクラッシュをしよう。 *Let's do something fun. おもしろいことをしよう。 例文: You look bored let's play a game. 退屈してるみたいだからゲームして遊ぼうか! It seems like your mum is coming back late, let's do something for fun. お母さんは帰りが遅くなるみたいだから何か楽しいことをしようか。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What shall we do for fun?

  • Any ideas about having fun together?

Children love to play and are very happy when asked about having 'fun' together. As in the first example sentence, you may ask for a suggestion about doing something fun together, or as in the second sentence, you could ask if the child has 'any ideas' for fun things to do together.
子供たちは遊ぶのが大好きで、 一緒に楽しい時を過ごすととても幸せです。 最初の例文では、 なにか楽しいことを一緒にすることを提案しています。 また、2番目の例文では、 なにか一緒に楽しむために何か考えはないか聞いています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What would you like to do?

  • What would you like to play?

  • What do you want to do/play?

"What do you want to do/play?" is a informal way to ask someone who is a friend or family member, what activity they would like to do.
What do you want to do/play? [訳]何がしたい/何して遊びたい? これは、友達や家族に何をして遊びたいか尋ねる時に使えるインフォーマルな言い方です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • What would you like to do for fun?

  • Do you want to play a game?

  • DO you want to play with toys?

▪ What would you like to do for fun? This is asking the child if he/she has anything specific that he/she would like to do that will be fun for him/her. ▪ Do you want to play a game? This is asking directly if the child wants to play a game. ▪ Do you want to play with toys? This is asking the child if he/she wants to play with the toys.
▪ What would you like to do for fun? (何をして遊びたい?) これは、相手が遊ぶのに何か特別したいことがあるかどうかを聞いています。 ▪ Do you want to play a game? (ゲームがしたい?) ▪ Do you want to play with toys? (おもちゃで遊びたい?)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • What would you like to do today?

  • Do you want to do anything fun today?

  • What should we do?

When you want to ask a child what they want to do that is fun, then you may ask in the following ways: -What would you like to do today? -Do you want to do anything fun today? -What should we do?
子どもに何をして遊びたいか聞きたいときは、以下のフレーズが使えます。 例文 -What would you like to do today? (今日は何をしたい?) -Do you want to do anything fun today? (今日は何して遊ぼうか?) -What should we do? (何をしようか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to play a game?

  • Shall we play with.... (lego/barbie/toys)

  • Let's play...

Most kids love to play games and enjoy spending time with 'grown ups'. Asking "Would you like to play a game?" gives kids the chance to choose something they would like to do. If they are not sure what they would like to do you can suggest "shall we play with your cars today?" or "Let's play with the tea set". Then let the kids take the lead and join them in their game.
多くの子供はゲームをしたり'grown ups'(大人)と時間を過ごすことを楽しみます。 "Would you like to play a game?"と聞くことで、子供がやりたいことを選ぶ機会を与えてあげられます。 やりたいことが分からない場合は、"shall we play with your cars today?"(今日は車で遊ぼうか?)や"Let's play with the tea set"(ティーセットで遊ぼう)と提案できます。それから子供にリードさせて、遊びに参加させます。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
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