As it is implied you are talking about test the pronoun ‘that ‘can be used to talk about it. That took longer or the test took longer both acceptable. Similar with it in third example. Test is implied so you can use pronoun ‘it’ without an antecedent
テストの話をしているので、この場合代名詞 ‘that ‘を使うことができます。
That took longer または the test took longer どちらでもかまいません。3番目の例も同様です。テストの話をしていることが分かるので、先に test という発言がなくても代名詞 ‘it’ を使うことができます。
When you start a task, project, or in this case, a test, you may not have any real idea about how long it will take to complete. However it is in human nature to make a prediction, guess or anticipate how long it will take.
' I anticipated it would take me an hour to walk home, but it actually took me two hours.'
' I anticipated it would take me an hour to walk home, but it actually took me two hours.'
*The test took longer than I expected. -People have different expectations. Sometimes reality doesn't meet our expectations.
Example Sentences:
I'm disappointed, I expected it would rain today.
I expect to get 95% in Maths.
*The test took longer than I expected.
I'm disappointed, I expected it would rain today.
I expect to get 95% in Maths.
I underestimated how long the exam would take to complete
I took longer than I thought i would to finish the test
The first answer is a simple way of saying this. If you wanted to use more elaborate English, you could use the second answer. The verb 'underestimated' when used in past tense means you made a guess or an estimate about something but your guess was not enough. You made a guess that the test would take longer than it did.
It took longer than I thought/expected to finish the test.
It took longer than I thought/expected to finish the test.
It took longer than I thought/expected to~.
When you expect or predict something to happen then this is called 'anticipate' you can also say 'I didn't expect' or 'than i thought' these all mean you didn't think something would happen the way it did
何かが起こることを「予測する」ことは、'anticipate' と言います。他に、'I didn't expect' や 'than I thought' という言い方もできます。これらは全て、「~になるとは思わなかった」という意味です。