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What is subject do you likeって文法的に合ってますか?
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2018/01/31 20:33
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  • What's your favorite subject?

What's your favorite subject? →好きな教科は何ですか 「like(~が好き)」を使っても言えますが 個人的には favorite の方が言いやすいと思います favorite は「お気に入りの」という意味の形容詞です。 「教科」は subject ですね。 参考になるといいです ありがとうございました。
  • What's your favourite school subject?

  • What was your best subject?

Explanation: Favourite = the one you like best. We often talk about our 'best subject' as that is invariably the one we enjoy the most. Example sentence: "My favourite type of tea is Earl Grey."
説明: Favourite = 最も好きなもの 'best subject'(最も好きなもの)について話をするのは私達の相も変らぬ楽しみです。 例文: "My favourite type of tea is Earl Grey." (私の一番好きな紅茶はアールグレイです。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What is your favorite subject in school?

  • What subject do you prefer most in school?

  • What is your favorite subject.

One way to say this is, "what is your favorite subject in school?". Another way to word this question is to say, "What subject do you prefer most in school?". This is a very straight forward question and will be easily understood by saying it like this. You could also keep it short and it is still understood if you just say, "what is your favorite subject".
これをいうのに良いもののひとつは、 "What is your favorite subject in school?" 「学校で一番好きな科目は何?」 他には "What subject do you prefer most in school?" 「どの科目が一番好き?」 はっきりと分かりやすい質問なので、このように言えば簡単にわかってもらえるでしょう。 もっと短くして次のようにいうこともできます。 "What is your favorite subject?" 「一番好きな科目は何ですか?」
Laura M DMM英会話講師
  • What subject do you like the most?

  • What's your favorite subject?

  • What's your favorite school subject?

You can use the phrase "favorite subject" or "subject you like the most" when asking a question about what is the student's (or person's) favorite school subject.
何の学校の教科が好きか聞きたいときは、"favorite subject"(好きな教科)や "subject you like the most"(一番好きな教科)という表現が使えます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • What is your favorite subject in school?

"What is your favorite subject in school?" You can also just ask, "What is your favorite subject?" It is generally understood that this question is referring to school so you don't have to add the words "in school." You could also ask, "Which subjects do you enjoy in school?" This way you can find out what other classes the person enjoys!
"What is your favorite subject in school?"(あなたは学校で何の教科が好きですか?) または、単純に次のように聞くことができます。 "What is your favorite subject?"(好きな教科は何ですか?) この質問は一般的に学校に関する質問だと理解されるので、"in school."(学校で)と付け足さなくても良いです。 また次のように聞くこともできます。 "Which subjects do you enjoy in school?"(学校でどの教科が楽しいですか?) この表現では、その人が他のどの教科が楽しいか聞き出すことができます!
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • What's your favorite school subject?

  • What is your favorite subject at school?

When you want to ask someone which subject they like a lot at school; you can say: -What is your favorite subject at school? -What's your favorite school subject?
学校の教科で何が好きか尋ねたいときは、次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例文】 -What is your favorite subject at school? (学校では何の教科が一番好きですか?) -What's your favorite school subject? (学校では何の教科が一番好きですか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a subject that you prefer the most?

  • What subject is your favorite?

  • Is there a subject you like more than any other?

Here is a list of ways that you can ask if someone has a favorite subject. What is your favorite subject? What subject is your favorite? Do you like a certain subject the best? Do you have a subject you prefer? Do you have a favorite subject? Is there a subject you like most? Is there a subject that you like the most? Is there a subject that you like more than others?
以下、好きな教科を尋ねる表現です。 【例文】 What is your favorite subject? (お気に入りの教科は何ですか?) What subject is your favorite? (何の教科があなたのお気に入りですか?) Do you like a certain subject the best? (好きな教科はありますか?) Do you have a subject you prefer? (好みの教科はありますか?) Do you have a favorite subject? (お気に入りに教科はありますか?) Is there a subject you like most? (一番好きな教科はありますか?) Is there a subject that you like the most? (一番好きな教科はありますか?) Is there a subject that you like more than others? (好きな教科はありますか?)
Alathia DMM英会話講師
  • What subject do you like?

  • What's your favorite subject?

「何の教科が好き?」は、 What subject do you like?または、 What's your favorite subject? と聞けます(*^_^*) 「何の○○が好き?」は、 What ○○ do you like?または What's your favorite ○○?と言います(*^_^*) 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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