世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/02 23:14
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  • No, no, no. What was he looking at?

No.を3回連続で言うと「今のは無いわー」に近い ニュアンスが出せるかなと思いました。 そこに、「審判は一体何を見てるんだ?」 という一言を加えてみました。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • What? Seriously?

  • No! You've gotta be kidding me!

1. Whatは「ワット」では無く、「ワァーット」と伸ばして発音すると「なんでぇ?」というニュアンスになります。Seriouslyは「マジで?」になります。 2. You've gotta be kidding me! 「冗談でしょ」という意味です。信じられないことが起きた時に使えます。
  • No way!

  • That can't be right!

  • What a strange decision!

All of the above expressions indicate that you are very surprised by the referee's decision.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • That was a bad call.

  • The referee is blind.

  • I would never make that call.

That was a bad call' - The referee's decision was a mistake in your opinion. 'The referee is blind' - Implying that the referee is not paying enough attention to the game. 'I would never make that call' - This sentence implies that if you were in the referee's shoes you would have made the correct decision. There are many expressions that can be used in this situation, ranging from mild to very rude.
That was a bad call' - 審判の決定が、あなたの意見とは違った時に使います。 'The referee is blind' - 審判がゲームに十分な注意を払っていないことを暗示する言い方です。 'I would never make that call' - この文は、あなたが審判だったら、正しい決定を下したであろうという意味。 このような状況では、軽いものからとても失礼なものまでさまざまな表現が使用できます。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • Keep your eyes on the game!

  • That call is brutal!

Most people feel like referees are not paying attention when they make a bad call and accuse them of not paying attention. Saying the call is brutal means that it's harsh and unfair.
レフェリーが間違いを犯すのは注意を怠るからだ、と考える人が多いので、「ちゃんと見とけ」のように言われます。 "brutal" は「判定が厳しい(harsh)、不公平(unfair)」と言う時に使います。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • Unbelievable!

  • Ridiculous!

  • Wait a moment...

There are probably dozens, if not hundreds of expletives that can be used for situations like this. Even simply saying "What!" is common. It's also common to create new expressions or phrases in the moment, for example "The referee has worse judgement than a monkey using a computer!"
このようなシチュエーションで使われる感嘆句はとてもたくさんあります。 ただたんに"What!" と言うこともよくあります。 その場で即席で面白い表現を作ることもよくあります。 たとえば、 "The referee has worse judgement than a monkey using a computer!" (コンピューターを使う猿よりもひどい判断をする審判だね!) など。
Christian D DMM英会話講師
  • Open your eyes Ref!

  • We should support the Blind Foundation but not give them jobs as Referees!

  • What the?

Open your eyes Ref! - suggests the referee had his eyes closed when he made the call. Ref is short for a referee. We should support the Blind Foundation but not give them jobs as Referees! - a joke that suggests the referee is, in fact, a blind person. What the - means what just happened, I cannot believe it.
Open your eyes Ref! - これは笛を吹いたときに、レフェリーが目を瞑っていたんじゃないのかと示唆する言い方です。Refはa refereeの略です。 We should support the Blind Foundation but not give them jobs as Referees! レフェリーが盲目なんじゃないかと示唆するジョークです。 What the - これは今起きたことが信じられない、という意味で使われます。
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • That was a bad call.

  • That's ridiculous!

  • That's absurd!

Bad call used to express criticism of a person's decision Ridiculous Deserving mockery and is absurd Absurd wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate _________________________________________________________________ Example He cannot be out. That's absurd. That ball was not offside. The referee made a bad call.
Bad call used to express criticism of a person's decision 過った判定。 判定に対する批判。 Ridiculous Deserving mockery and is absurd 馬鹿げている。 バカにされて当然。 Absurd wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate 不条理なこと。 不可解、不合理、不正。_______________________________________________________________ Example He cannot be out. That's absurd. That ball was not offside. The referee made a bad call. ≪例文≫ 「出されるなんておかしい!馬鹿げている!」 「今のはオフサイドじゃない。あの審判の判定は間違っている。」
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I can't believe he just did that!

  • No way!

You can use any of these statements to express disbelief at the referee's judgement. 1. I can't believe he just did that! 2. No way!
どちらも、レフェリーのジャッジが信じられないときに使えます: 1. I can't believe he just did that!  信じられない! 2. No way!  嘘でしょ!
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • No way!

  • Are we watching the same game?

  • That was a bad call.

The three sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you think the referee made a strange or bad decision. In the third sentence you will see the noun call. This is a decision made by the referee. This is a word that you will hear a lot when watching a game in English, it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記例文はどれも「審判が不可解な判定をした」ことを表す文章です。 三つ目の例文に、”call"という名詞がありますが、これは審判が下した「判定」を意味します。英語で試合観戦しているときに頻繁に出て来る言葉なので、あなたのボキャブラリーに追加すると良いと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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