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泣いて起きた時などに言いたいです。逆に楽しい夢を見た? と言う場合も教えてほしいです。
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2018/02/02 10:23
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  • Did you have a nightmare?

  • Did you have a bad dream?

A 'nightmare' describes as a bad dream. Nightmares can be particularly frightening and scary. Both nightmare and bad dream mean the same thing, although nightmare would be more appropriate to use if the person was really upset, crying and afraid when they awoke A bad dream could make you a little bit upset or very sad, but a nightmare would terrify you, make you feel sad, frightened and worried.
'nightmare'(悪夢)とは"bad dream"悪い夢と言う言意味になります。 "Nightmares"は、とりわけぞっとするような恐ろしい物だったりします。 この"nightmare"と"bad dream"は同じ意味になります。 ですが"nightmare"の方が誰かが動揺して、泣きながら、 何かを怖がって目を覚ました時の夢にふさわしいでしょう。 "bad dream"とは少し動揺したり、ちょっと悲しかったりしますが、 "nightmare"は心からぞっとさせたり、怖がらせたり、 心配にさせたりするようなものを言います。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Did you have a bad dream?

  • 2. You seem restless

Explanation: Sentence 1 is a direct question, however comment 2 is a little more subtle and cues the same response as sentence 1. It is not always necessary to ask a question to strike a rapport with someone, and comments are always more casual than questions Example sentence: "It seems you're having a problem sleeping."
【説明】 例文 1は直接的な質問です。 でも、例文 2の表現はもう少し詳細で、例文1と同じ答えを促しています。 親密な誰かとの関係に響くような質問やコメントをする必要はありません。 これは質問と言うよりはカジュアルに話すといいでしょう。 【例文】 "It seems you're having a problem sleeping." (よく眠れなかったみたいだね)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Did you have a bad dream?

Did you have a bad dream? →悪い夢でも見たの? 単純ですが、bad dream で「悪い夢」を表せると思います 「よく眠れた?」という意味では: Did you sleep well? ↑など、よく使われます 例) Why are you crying? Did you have a bad dream? 〔The Merriman's By D.J. Lohr〕 →何で泣いてるの?悪い夢でも見た? 参考になるといいです ありがとうございました
  • Were you having a nightmare?

  • Were you having bad dreams?

  • You cried out in your sleep. Did you have a bad dream?

A bad, scary or unpleasant dream is often called a 'nightmare' in English. You can use the word nightmare, or you can simply ask if they had a 'bad dream'. Both ways of asking are very common. The phrasal verb to 'cry out' implies sound, rather than the act of crying with tears coming from your eyes. This is an important difference from 'to cry', which implies that there were tears. For example: 'You were crying in your sleep' - (Made sad noises or cried with tears). 'You cried out in your sleep' - (Made a scared or angry noise).
良くない、怖い、あるいは不快な夢は、英語ではしばしば 'nightmare'(悪夢)と呼ばれます。 'nightmare' を使ってもいいですし、シンプルに 'Did you have a bad dream?'(悪い夢でも見たの?)と聞くこともできます。どちらも一般的です。 句動詞の 'to cry out' は「涙」よりも「声」のニュアンスがあります。これは 'to cry' との重要な違いです。'to cry' には「涙が出た」というニュアンスがあります。 例えば: 'You were crying in your sleep'(寝ながら泣いていたよ) ※ 涙を流して泣いていた。 'You cried out in your sleep'(寝ながら叫んでいたよ) ※ 恐怖あるいは怒りで声をあげていた。
Sanndy S DMM英会話講師
  • Were you having a nightmare?

  • Were you having a bad dream?

  • Did you have a nightmare/bad dream?

if you want to ask someone if they were doing something then you can say 'were you having' or 'did you have' these refer to the past tense or something that has happened A nightmare is also called a 'bad dream'
何かをしていたかどうか尋ねたいなら、'were you having' または 'did you have' と言えます。これは過去の出来事を指します。 "nightmare"(悪夢)は 'bad dream' とも言います。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • For you to wake up crying, you must have have had a scary dream.

  • It seems you had a nightmare. You woke up crying.

  • Tell me you had a sad dream because you woke up crying.

For somebody to wake up crying, that person must have had a very sad dream, one in which a terrible thing happened, like a close relative dying. A scary dream may cause the dreamer to scream or cry with fear. People do have bad dreams which can sometimes make them shout out, or even physically throw punches. So, you may say to your spouse who woke up crying: For you to wake up crying, you must have had a scary dream. or It seems you had a nightmare. You woke up crying. or Tell me you had a sad dream because you woke up crying.
泣きながら目を覚ますということは、その人はきっと家族が亡くなるといった悲しい夢を見たのでしょう。 怖い夢を見た人は叫び声を上げることがあります。人は悪い夢を見ると叫び声を上げたりあるいはパンチをくり出すことだってあります。 もし自分の配偶者が泣きながら目を覚ましたら、次のように言えます。 For you to wake up crying, you must have had a scary dream.(泣きながら目を覚ましたのだから、怖い夢でも見たんだろうね) It seems you had a nightmare. You woke up crying.(悪い夢でも見たみたいだね。泣きながら目を覚ましたよ) Tell me you had a sad dream because you woke up crying.(悲しい夢を見たでしょう。泣きながら目を覚ましたよ)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Did you have a nightmare?

  • Was it a nightmare?

  • Did you experience a nightmare?

Nightmare referred to as a bad dream can also be called a night terror, night terror is a more formal and older way of describing a nightmare. "did you experience an nightmare" a very formal and less casual way of asking if someone had a nightmare.
「悪い夢」という意味の 'Nightmare' は 'Night terror'(夜驚症)とも呼ばれます。 'Night terror' は 'Nightmare'(悪夢)のよりフォーマルで古い言い方です。 "Did you experience a nightmare?" は「悪い夢を見たの?」の非常にフォーマルな言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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