世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/02/02 16:35
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  • Can I order this without...

  • Is this spicy? Can I have it non-spicy?

  • Can I order this? But hold the...

・Can I order this(もしくはメニューの名前) without (mastered, chilli, the spice)


・Is this spicy? これは辛いですか?と聞いてそれ避けるのが最も無難かと思いますが、
・Can I have it non-spicy? と続けることで辛く無くすることはできますか?と聞けます。

・Can I order this? But hold the (mastered, chilli, the spice)
頼む時にhold the~だと、~抜きでという意味になります。

どれも共通しますが、最後にfor the baby, for my babyとつけると、相手にも「あぁ、赤ちゃんのために辛いのは抜きたいんだな」と伝わると思いますので、より有効です。

  • I would like to order this without mustard.

  • No mustard please.

  • I will have the #1 with no mustard please.

I would like to order this without mustard.
No mustard please.
I will have the #1 with no mustard please.
Can I get that without mustard on it please?
I don't want mustard on that order.
Can I get that with ketchup instead of mustard?
Is it ok to get that without mustard?
Would it be possible to get that without mustard?

I would like to order this without mustard.

No mustard please.

I will have the #1 with no mustard please.

Can I get that without mustard on it please?

I don't want mustard on that order.

Can I get that with ketchup instead of mustard?

Is it ok to get that without mustard?

Would it be possible to get that without mustard?

Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • No mustard, thanks

  • I'm allergic to mustard

  • Could you be sure there's no mustard on mine, thanks?

Well, the easiest way of asking for something to be omitted from your dish these days is to say that you are allergic to it - as in the second example. The first and last examples are different ways of making a request for no mustard.

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • No mustard, please.

  • Can you make it not spicy?


・No mustard, please.

No 〜, please で「〜なしでお願いします」と言えます。

・Can you make it not spicy?


Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Can I get that without mustard please?

  • Without mustard please

  • No mustard on mine please

To ask a waiter/waitress for no mustard you can simply say 'without mustard please' or 'no mustard on mine please' a polite way of asking is 'can i get mine without mustard please?' by adding please at the end this is a nice polite way of asking

ウェイター/ウェイトレスにマスタードを抜いて欲しいとお願いしたいなら、シンプルに'Without mustard please' または 'No mustard on mine please' と言えます。

丁寧な言い方は 'Can I get mine without mustard please?'(マスタードを抜いてもらえますか)です。

最後に 'please' を加えると丁寧になります。

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I would like it without the mustard, please.

  • No mustard, please.

A very simple expression to use is, "No mustard, please."
But you could also say, "I would like it without the mustard, please."
The first expression is informal, and the second is a little more formal. Both mean the same thing.

Other expressions:
"I would like the hamburger, but with no mustard."
"Let me have the ham sub, with lettuce, tomato, but no mustard, please."

すごくシンプルな言い方は "No mustard, please."(マスタード抜きでお願いします)です。

"I would like it without the mustard, please."


"I would like the hamburger, but with no mustard."(ハンバーガーをください。ただ、マスタードは抜きでお願いします)
"Let me have the ham sub, with lettuce, tomato, but no mustard, please."(ハムサンドにレタスとトマトを入れてください、マスタードは入れないでください)

Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like the..... But with no mustard please

  • Can you not use mustard, thanks.

"can you not use" a casual term that can be used in many contexts "Can you not use mustard, thanks." and "can you not use my clothes"

"can you not use" はいろいろな文脈で使うことのできるカジュアルな表現です。

"Can you not use mustard, thanks."(マスタードは使わないでもらえますか)
"Can you not use my clothes"(私の服は使わないでもらえますか)

Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't add mustard to my dish.

  • There must be no mustard in my dish please.

It is extremely important to add the adverb 'please' when making requests. All requests should be precise but also clear and polite. The addition of the adverb 'please' to your requests will always 'stand you in good stead'. It portrays extreme politeness. Since mustard is just an addition to food such as meat to make it tasty, it can be excluded and the food will still be delicious. You may politely ask the waiter not to add it to your food as follows:

Please don't add mustard to my dish.
There must be no mustard in my dish please.

お願いをするときには、副詞の 'please' を加えることが重要です。人に何かを頼むときには、それは正確であると同時に明確で丁寧でなければなりません。

'please' を加えることは、お願いをするときには必ずプラスに作用します。丁寧さを表せます。



Please don't add mustard to my dish.
There must be no mustard in my dish please.

Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • No mustard, please.

  • Hold the mustard, please.

  • Can you leave off the mustard?

All three of these sentences will express that you want no mustard. When you hold something, you leave it off the order.

The last sentence is phrased as a question, however, in the context of a restaurant, it is more of a polite statement.

三つとも、マスタードは要らないと伝える言い方です。'hold' は「注文から~を抜く」の意味です。


Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • Without mustard, please.

  • Can I get this without mustard please?

  • Hold the mustard please.

We can either use the short phrases as seen in the 1st and 3rd example with the verb, "to hold," or with the word, "without," to represent that we don't want this item included in our food. The 2nd example is how we can make a full sentence using the verb, "can."

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please have my meal without mustard.

  • No mustard please.

Often, in a restaurant, the meals aren't exactly what we want, we either want it with something extra or without something that is included in the meal.


A; Would you like mustard on the side?
B; No thank you, no mustard for me.

Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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