I got the first half of the sentence but not the second half.
I didn't understand the second half of the sentence.
①I got the first half of the sentence but not the second half.
前半→First half
後半→Second half
Got→Getの過去形。I get it→分かる、理解できる。I got it→分かった、理解できた。
②I didn't understand the second half of the sentence.
I got/understood the first half of the sentence, but I didn't get/understand the second half of it.
I understood the first half of this sentence, but I couldn't understand the second half.
この文 this sentence
前半 first half
理解できた understood
けど but
後半 second half
分かりませんでした didn't understand/didn't get
例文 I understood the first half of this article, but I couldn't understand the second half.
・I understood the first half, but not the second.
「前半」「後半」は英語で the first half / the second half のように表現することができます。
half は「半分」という意味になります。