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To be precise, 違いに何かありますか?
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2016/02/02 14:16
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  • More specifically

To move from a general statement to a more detailed statement we can use, "more specifically." Here's an example: "I love seafood. More specifically, crab and other shellfish." Have a great day!
一般的な話から、より[詳細](な話をするときには、「more specifically.」ということができます。 以下の例があります。 I love seafood. More specifically, crab and other shellfish. シーフードが好きです。特に、カニと貝が好きです。 specific = [明確な](、具体的な specifically = 明確に、具体的に よい1日を。
Myriah DMM英会話講師
  • What I mean is,

  • In other words,

  • What I really want to say is,

「To be precise」、これはほぼ直訳になりますので実際、普段の友達とのカジュアルな会話の中では他に存在する〝間接的な表現” に比べると、どちらかと言えば固くてフォーマルな表現となってしまいます。もちろん、ビジネスの場や意見交換などの議論の場面では最適。 そこで、よりカジュアルな表現もあるいくつかの例を挙げてみました。 一つは、〝What I mean is、....”、つまり直訳すると[〝私が言いたいのは”](、と始めて別の言い方、またはもっと詳細に砕いた内容を相手に言うときなどに使えます。結果的に間接的に「詳しく言うと」という意味で使えるんですね。 次の例もまた同じ間接的な表現、〝In other words、” ([他の](言い方にすると)、という直訳ですが、漠然とした表現を言って相手に伝わらなかった時、又はそれこそもっと詳しく言う時の文頭で使えるもう一つの表現。 最後は、〝What I really want to say is,” (私が言いたいのは)というのも同じ理由から〝つまり詳しく言うならば” というような意味で使えますね。 フォーマル対カジュアル、好みで色々使い分けてみてください。 ご参考になればと思います。
Hara Ken English teacher
  • In depth

  • Throughly

  • Blow by blow

You can explain something in detail, thoroughly or in depth. They mean the same thing. When you recite a past event in detail, you give a blow by blow account. In other words, you describe what happened step by step. To be precise is the same as saying to be exact or to be accurate. It has a slightly different meaning.
何かを詳しく言うときの表現、in detail, thoroughly や in depthということができます。どれも同じ意味です。 過去の出来事を詳しくいうときは、 give a blow by blow account.:何が起こったかを少しずつ語る、という表現が使えます。 細かくいえば、こういった表現はこのように意味が少し異なってくるんです。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • To be accurate

  • To be exact

  • Actually

"to be accurate"も"to be exact"がto be preciseと同じように”詳しく言うと”や”正確に言うと”と言う意味になります。 シチュエーションによってはActuallyで代用できます。 例 A: Are you going to the party tonight? 今夜パーティに行くの? B: No, I'm not. I'm staying in. いや、行かないよ。家にこもる。 A: Why not? 何で行かないの? B: Actually, I'm taking it easy from partying. 実はパーティ遊びは控えてるんだよね。 A: Ah, I see. あぁ、成る程。 この例ではActually=”実は”の後にパーティに行かない理由の説明をしているので詳しく言ってます。
  • Let me break it down for you

  • To be more precise...

  • To expand on this a bit more I would say,,,

"Let me break it down for you" This means to explain at length, clearly, and in a way that cannot be disputed further. e.g Let me break it down for you. The sky is not blue but colorless.We only see blue because of the light reflecting on water. "To be more precise..." precise :marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail. This means you are about to explain something in more detail. "To expand on this a bit more I would say,,," This is a way of preparing someone for a more detailed explanation on the subject you are talking about. expand : give a fuller version or account of something e.g"the minister expanded on the government's proposals"
"Let me break it down for you" 詳しく説明させてもらうという表現は、はっきりと明確に説明します。 例Let me break it down for you.The sky is not blue but colorless.We only see blue because of the light reflecting on water. 詳しく説明させてもらうと空は青色じゃないんだ。無色なんだよ。 ひかりが水に反射しているために青く見えるだけなんだ。 "To be more precise..."もっと正確に言うともっと細かく説明をつけるときの表現です。 "To expand on this a bit more I would say,,,"これについてもう少し説明を加えると、こう言う・・・ これから話すことに対してもっと詳しくいうときです。 例 "the minister expanded on the government's proposals. 大臣は政府の提案をさらに広げていきました。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to explain this to you in detail, so listen carefully.

  • I'm going to explain this to you piece by piece.

  • Let me break it down for you.

"I'm going to explain this to you in detail, so listen carefully." You can uses this statement to prepare the person for what you are going to explain. 'I'm going to explain this to you piece by piece." Piece by piece = in gradual stages E.g. Let me explain this mathematics problem piece by piece. "Let me break it down for you." This statement is used when you want to explain something in detail, but in simple terms.
"I'm going to explain this to you in detail, so listen carefully." 誰かに何かを説明する前に使えるフレーズです。 'I'm going to explain this to you piece by piece." Piece by piece = 一つ一つ 例Let me explain this mathematics problem piece by piece. "Let me break it down for you." 何かをわかりやすく具体的に説明する時に使えるフレーズです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Let me explain.

  • Let me break it down for you.

We can use either of these before we go into detail about something.
Boris S DMM英会話講師
  • What I mean is ......

  • What I am trying say is...............

"What I mean is ......" This means that you want explain again but in detail. You are going to be more specfic and clearer.
"What I mean is ......" 何かを具体的にもう一度したいという事です。またもっとわかりやすく説明する事です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A) Please listen attentively as i will be explaining something important.

  • B) I will break it down for you , so listen carefully .

A) Please listen attentively as i will be explaining something important. *Listen -give one's attention to a sound. Example -"evidently he was not listening" *Attentively -while paying close attention. Example-"throughout our discussion the president listened attentively" *Explaining-make (an idea or situation) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts. Example -"they explained that their lives centred on the religious rituals" *Important - of great significance or value. Example-"important habitats for wildlife" B) I will break it down for you , so listen carefully . *break it down for you - I will simplify it for you *Carefully -in a way that deliberately avoids harm or errors; cautiously. Example -"they must be carefully handled and stored" I hope this helps! :-)
A) Please listen attentively as I will be explaining something important. *Listen -聞くという意味です。 例-"evidently he was not listening" (間違いなく彼は聞いていなかった) *Attentively -よく注意をして、と言う意味です。 例 -"throughout our discussion the president listened attentively" (討論の間、社長は注意深く話を聞いていいた) *Explaining -不明な点などを明らかにしたり、説明するという意味です。 例 -"they explained that their lives centred on the religious rituals" (彼らの生活は宗教上のしきたりなどが中心だ、と彼らは説明した) *Important -とても重要と言う意味です。 例 -"important habitats for wildlife"(野生動物にとって重要な生息地) B) I will break it down for you , so listen carefully . *break it down for you - 簡単に説明します。 *Carefully -注意して; 注意深く 例 -"they must be carefully handled and stored" (彼らは慎重に取り扱って保管されているにちがいない) お役に立てれば幸いです! :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • More specifically,

  • To be more specific...

  • To explain in detail,

When you are trying to explain something in more detail, you may use words like "specifically" or "in depth" or say something along the lines of "To be more specific..." or "To explain in detail..." these are easy ways to further your explanation when trying to explain something to someone.
より詳しく説明するときは、"specifically"(具体的に言うと)、"in depth"(徹底的に)などの語句が使えます。あるいは、"To be more specific..."(より具体的に言うと)、"To explain in detail..."(具体的に言うと)。これらは具体的に説明するときのシンプルな表現です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • What I mean to say is...

  • To be exact

"What I mean to say is," is primarily used when there is a minor confusion with the first way that you tried to explain something. For example : I don't think you fully understand, what I mean to say is... "To be exact," is used when you are trying to specify further on a particular topic to make your idea more detailed.
"What I mean to say is"(私が言いたいのは)は主に、最初の説明でちょっとした誤解が生じたときに使います。 例えば: I don't think you fully understand, what I mean to say is...(ちゃんと伝わってないと思います、私が言いたいのは...) "To be exact" は、話をより明確にするときに使います。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Listen carefully.

  • Pay attention to this.

  • This needs a long explanation, let's have a seat.

To pay attention and listen carefully means being fully engaged in what is being explained. If you offer someone to take a seat before explaining something it shows that you are not explaining something light and that it will take some time. "This needs a long explanation so let's have a seat, that way we can both be comfortable while I explain this to you." "So what this means is that.." "This is all about.." "Pay attention, the explanation is long."
"pay attention" と "listen carefully" は「注意深く聞く」という意味です。 説明する前に「座りましょう」と提案すると、その説明が長くなることが分かります。 "This needs a long explanation so let's have a seat, that way we can both be comfortable while I explain this to you." (長い話になるから、座りましょう。その方がゆっくり話ができます) "So what this means is that.."(つまりこれは..) "This is all about.."(つまりこれは..) "Pay attention, the explanation is long."(よく聞いてください、ちょっと長い話になります)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • To be specific,

  • In other words,

  • More thoroughly,

Before you start explaining something in detail, you can say: "To be specific," "In other words," "More thoroughly,"
具体的な説明をする前には、次の表現が使えます。 "To be specific,"(具体的に言うと) "In other words,"(言い換えると) "More thoroughly,"(より詳しく)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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