世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/02/02 17:46
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  • I'm calling in sick.

  • I'm feeling sick today, so I cannot go to work.

I'm calling in sick. 私が昔働いていたアメリカの職場では休んだ人の勤務表にはcall in sickを略してCISと書いたりしました。 I'm feeling sick today, so I cannot go to work. 今日は[体調が悪い](ので仕事に行けません。 体調が悪いことはI'm feeling sick 以外にも I'm feeling under the weather. ということもできます。 休む理由をもう少し詳細にするなら、以下を参考にどうぞ。 I have a fever. [熱があります。]( I have a sore throat. 喉が痛いです。 I have a headache. 頭痛がします。 I'm feeling dizzy. めまいがします。 I'm feeling nauseous. 吐き気がします。 <ボキャブラリー> call in sick = 体調が悪いので休む feel sick = 体調が悪い under the weather = 体調が悪い
  • Take a sick day

以下の答えに追加です。 アメリカでは[風邪](で休むことを Take a sick day とも言います。 I'm taking a sick day 風邪で休みます Take a sick day from work 風邪で[仕事を休む](
ALPHA English 英会話カフェ
  • I will have a day off with a cold.

  • I will take a day off because I have a cold.

・「休みます」(今日1日)は  have / take a day off ・「風邪で」 は with a cold でもいいですし、 「風邪をひいている」の I have a cold でもいいです。 訳文は2つ挙げましたが、この2つの要素の組み合わせになります。
  • Sorry I will be absent today as I have a bad cold

  • Sorry I will not be coming into work today as I have gone down with flu

  • Sorry I will not be at work today as I am suffering from flu

There are a few different variations of saying this. Most importantly, you should distinguish between a cold and flu. A cold is usually considered a mild inconvenience and most people would continue working with this ailment. Flu is a more serious blow and can badly affect people for a few days or more in some cases.
いくつか言い方があります。一番大事なのは、coldとfluを区別することです。 A coldは生活に影響は出ますが、恐らく多くの人がそれでも働くでしょうね。 しかしFluの場合、症状が重く、だいたい2、3日か、それ以上も重い症状が続くケースが多いです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry but I will not be able to come in today. I woke up sick.

  • I am very sick I will not be able to come in today.

I have drafted a sample email below that you can use: Hi (Supervisor's name) I am sorry to say that I will not be coming in today. I have a terrible cold and I am going to see the doctor today. I should be back at work tomorrow, but let me know if there is anything you would like me to do in the meantime. I will be on email. Kind regards, (Your name)
あなたが使えるサンプルメールを下に作っておきましたよ。 Hi (Supervisor's name) ーこんにちは(上司の名前) I am sorry to say that I will not be coming in today. ーすみませんが、今日はいけません。 I have a terrible cold and I am going to see the doctor today. ー私はひどい風邪をひいていて、今日はお医者さんにいきます。 I should be back at work tomorrow, but let me know if there is anything you would like me to do in the meantime. ー明日には戻りますが、もし何かこの間にしてほしいことがあったら教えてください。 I will be on email. ーメールは見ておきます。 Kind regards, (Your name) ーあなたの名前
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I cannot come to work today because I am sick with the cold.

  • I'm calling in sick.

  • I'm taking the day off today because I have the cold.

If you need to advise your boss that you need to take a day off work because of the cold, you can use any of these sentences:- 1. I cannot come to work today because I am sick with the cold. 私は風邪をひいているので、今日働くことはできません。 2. I'm calling in sick. 私は病気に電話しています。 3. I'm taking the day off today because I have the cold. 私は風邪をひいて今日休みを取っています。
風邪をひいたので、上司に休みを取りたいことを伝える場合、次の表現を使って言い表すことが出来ます。 1. I cannot come to work today because I am sick with the cold. (風邪をひいたので、今日はお休みさせて頂きます) 2. I'm calling in sick. (病欠で休みます) 3. I'm taking the day off today because I have the cold. (風邪をひいてしまったので、今日休みを取らせて頂きます)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I have a bad cold and so I won't be coming to work today.

  • I have a bad cold. I won't be coming to work because I have to go and see the doctor.

  • I am on sick leave because I have a very bad cold. I won't be coming to work today.

Because a cold is a viral infection which can affect one's performance at work, it is not advisable for a person to go to work when that person is suffering from it. It should be noted that colds are highly infectious and can easily spread. To void infecting workmates, it is advisable to be on sick leave and visit the doctor. The doctor will prescribe medicines to take to alleviate the infection and also recommend a period of rest and recovery. Doctors give sick notes for this.
風邪は、職場でパフォーマンスに影響を与えるウイルスを感染させるので、誰かが風邪で苦しんでいる時に仕事にいくのはお勧めできません。 風邪は、感染力があり簡単に広がりやすいという事を覚えておくべきです。 職場の仲間に感染させるのを避けるために傷病休暇を使い、医者に行くのがお勧めです。 また、医者は、その完成に効く薬を処方してくれ、休んで回復するのを進めるでしょう。 医者は、病歴を記録します。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I need to call in sick.

  • I need to take a sick day.

  • I'm feeling ill, and I don't think I can make it to work today.

You can ask for you boss to use a "sick day." You can also say that you are "calling in sick." You can also express that you're "feeling ill" and of course, apologize for any inconvenience and express gratitude to your boss for their understanding.
上司に、"sick day"(病気休暇)を使いたいことを尋ねるといいです。"calling in sick"(病欠の電話をする)と言うこともできます。また、"feeling ill"(体調が悪い)ということを表現して、当然ながら不便をかけてしまうことに謝って、上司が理解してくれることに感謝をすることもできます。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Please excuse my absence from work today. I have come down with a cold.

  • Unfortunately, I will not be in the office today because I am very sick.

  • I caught a cold and will not be in the office today.

You do not always have to use the word "cold". You can state that you are sick or you are under the weather. If someone asks how you are doing and you are sick, you can say, "I am not feeling well. I am under the weather." This expression means that you are sick.
"cold"(風邪)という言葉を、いつも使わなければならないというわけではありません。. sick(気分が悪い)と言ったり、under the weather(気分が悪い)と言っても構いません。 誰かがあなたに元気か聞いてきて、あなたの気分が悪い場合は、"I am not feeling well. I am under the weather." (私はあんまり気分がよくない。気分が悪いんだ。)と言うことができます。こちらの文は、気分が悪いという表現です。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • I will not be coming into work today as I have woken up with a cold.

  • I will not be at work today because I am ill.

"I will not be coming into work today as I have woken up with a cold." This explains that you have woken up sick and will not be going to work. "I will not be at work today because I am ill." This politely explains that you are ill so will not be at work.
"I will not be coming into work today as I have woken up with a cold." (起きたら風邪だったので、今日は仕事に来ません。) こちらの文は、起きてみたら体調が悪かったので、仕事に行かないということを説明しています。 "I will not be at work today because I am ill." (今日は体調が悪いので、仕事に行きません。) こちらの文は、体調が悪いので仕事に行かないことを丁寧に説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry to inform you...

  • I will not be able to come to work today due to an illness.

A common expression to use in the U.S. is "sick day" For example: I need to take a sick day on (date) due to an illness. Sorry for the inconvenience.
アメリカでよく使われる表現は "sick day"(病欠)です。 例文: I need to take a sick day on (date) due to an illness. Sorry for the inconvenience. 病気で病欠を取る必要があります。ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありません。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • absent for health reasons...

  • I awoke this morning to a nasty I will be absent from work, for health reasons

"Absent for health reasons". This suggests that you are "not fit enough" to function properly and may pose a health threat to others (if you were to attend) ! "I awoke this morning to a nasty I will be absent from work, for health reasons."
"Absent for health reasons" (健康の理由で欠勤します) これはあなたが仕事をきちんとする"not fit enough"(健康状態ではない) 又は、(もしあなたが会社に出社したら)他の人に病気をうつしてしまうかもしれないと言う意味になります。 【例】 "I awoke this morning to a nasty I will be absent from work, for health reasons." (朝起きたら酷い風邪をひいていたので、今日は健康上の理由でお休みします)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I am feeling sick and won't be able to come to work today.

Dear Mr./Ms. (Last name of your boss) Good day! I am [Insert Name], please kindly excuse me for missing [number] days of work. I had been sick with [illness]. Please pardon me for being unable to call and advise the office during that time because of my condition. I am now very much aware of my offense regarding the company’s employee policy and I will make sure next time I will advise the management of any emergency. Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely yours, [Your Full Name] Please provide a Medical Certificate as a proof. Thanks!
Dear Mr./Ms. (Last name of your boss) ~さん(上司の苗字) Good day! おはようございます。 I am [Insert Name], please kindly excuse me for missing [number] days of work. I had been sick with [illness]. Please pardon me for being unable to call and advise the office during that time because of my condition. I am now very much aware of my offense regarding the company’s employee policy and I will make sure next time I will advise the management of any emergency. Thank you very much for your consideration. [あなたの名前を入力]です。[休む日数]日、仕事をお休みさせて頂きたいです。[病名]で体調が悪いです。こちらの体調の関係で、オフィスにお電話ができず、申し訳ございません。当社の従業員規則に反していることは十分承知しておりますので、次回何かあった場合は必ず上層部にご相談します。ご理解頂きありがとうございます。 Sincerely yours, [Your Full Name] 敬具 [あなたの名前] Please provide a Medical Certificate as a proof. 証明として、医療証明書を頂ければと思います。 Thanks! ありがとうございます。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I can't go to work because I have a cold.

I can't go to work because I have a cold. 「風邪なので仕事に行けません」 シンプルな言い方ですが、とても使いやすいと思います。 have a cold で「風邪をひいている」となります。 例: I have a cold and a bad cough. 風邪をひいていて咳がひどいです。
  • I'm going to take the day off because I have a cold.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・I'm going to take the day off because I have a cold. 風邪なので、今日は休みます。 take the day off = 休む ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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