世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/02/15 20:44
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  • I'd like to return to those times, even if it was only for a day.

  • I'd like to go back to that era, even if it was just for a day.

  • I'd love to live those times again, even for a day.

All of these above terms can be used and each conveys a sense of nostalgia
上記のすべての表現を使うことが出来ます。 それぞれの表現で、ノスタルジックな気持ちを伝えることが出来ます。
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • If I could turn back the clock, I'd go back to those times/that day.

  • If I could turn back time, I'd love to be there again.

  • Those were the days! I wish I could go back!

There are so many good songs about nostalgia for the past and the wish to go back to go back in time! Listen to some of them online -- it's a great way of learning! In this case, the performer Cher had a big hit in the year 1989 with the song "If I could turn back time". A lot of people sing this song in karaoke bars in the US. Another song like this is "Those were the days", which is based on a Russian song and was a big hit in 1968 for Mary Hopkin. This recording was produced by Paul McCartney of the Beatles. Give it a listen!
過去への郷愁やあの日に帰りたい、という様な事を歌った歌は沢山ありますよね! オンラインでそのような曲を聞いてみてください。 英語を学ぶのにとても素晴らしい方法ですよ! この場合、1989年に"Cher"(シェール)という歌手が大ヒットさせた曲 "If I could turn back time"(もし時間が戻せるなら)がいいでしょう。 アメリカでは多くの人がカラオケバーなどでこの曲を歌います。 他にも "Those were the days"(悲しき天使)があります。 これは,ロシアの歌に基づいている曲で1968年に大ヒットした"Mary Hopkin"(メリーホプキン)の曲です。 "the Beatles"(ビートルズ)の"Paul McCartney"(ポールマッカトニー)によってプローデュースされました。 聞いてみてください!
David McA DMM英会話講師
  • If I could, I would love to go back to that day.

  • I have such fond memories of that day. I wish I could experience that day again, at least once.

"If I could, I would love to go back to that day." This is a great and informal way to express that you'd like to experience a specific good day or a specific good time again. You can use this sentence with friends, family, and coworkers. This answer, however, does not specify the good day or good experience. You'd have to specify that in a separate sentence. I have added a specific experience in my example for clarity. However, you can put any experience or day there. The term "go back" in this case means to revisit an experience or experience something again. Example: Coworker: "Hey, what are you thinking about?" You: "I was just thinking about that time I went to Disneyland. If I could, I would love to go back to that day." "I have such fond memories of that day. I wish I could experience that day again, at least once." This a very informative way to express that you'd like to experience a specific good day or a good experience again. This can be used in both formal and informal situations, during casual conversation. Example: Friend: "Remember that time you went to Disneyland?" You: "I have such fond memories of that day. I wish I could experience that day again, at least once."
"If I could, I would love to go back to that day." (もしできるなら、あの日に戻りたい) これは、『もう一度。あの日に戻りたい』と言う気持ちを表す、素晴らしいですがインフォーマルな表現です。 友達や家族、同僚などにこの表現を使うことが出来ます。 ですが、この答えは『いい日』や『いい経験』を明確には述べていません。 別の文章で詳細に述べるといいでしょう。 はっきりとさせるために例文に詳細な経験を付け加えてみました。 ですが、どんな経験でもいつの事でも付け加えることが出来ます。 この "go back"と言う表現は、ここではある経験を再訪したりもう一度経験したいという意味になります。 【例】 Coworker: "Hey, what are you thinking about?" (同僚:何を考えてるの?) You: "I was just thinking about that time I went to Disneyland. If I could, I would love to go back to that day." (あなた:ディズニーランドに行ったことを考えてたんだよ。出来る事なら、あの日に戻りたいな) "I have such fond memories of that day. I wish I could experience that day again, at least once." (あの日にとても素敵な思い出があります。一回でいいからもう一度あの日の経験をしたいな) これはとても多くの情報を表現しています。 ある特定のいい経験をもう一度経験したい気持ちを表しています。 これは、カジュアルでもフォーマルな状況でも砕けた会話で使うことが出来ます。 【例】 Friend: "Remember that time you went to Disneyland?" (友達:ディズニーランドに行った時のこと覚えてる?) You: "I have such fond memories of that day. I wish I could experience that day again, at least once." (あなた:あの日にとっても好きな思い出があるよ。一回でいいからもう一度あの日の経験をしたいな)
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I could live that day again.

  • I wish I could go back to that day even just for a short time.

"I wish I could live that day again." this explains that you really loved that day and you wish you could do it again. "I wish I could go back to that day even just for a short time." This explains that you really enjoyed that day and you would like to do it again even if you can do just a small part again.
例文 "I wish I could live that day again." あの日に又戻れたらなぁ あの日が本当に大好きで出来ることならまた戻りたいと思っていると説明しています。 例文 "I wish I could go back to that day even just for a short time." 少しの時間で良いからあの日に戻れたらなぁ あの日が本当に楽しくてほんのわずかな時間で良いから又戻りたいと説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • O Death in life, those days that are no more!

Explanation: This quote is from a poem by Tennyson entitled, 'Tears, Idle Tears.' This line is quoted sometimes when nostalgically looking back at times gone by. Example sentence: "I really miss those sunny childhood days, running around the countryside! O Death in life, those days that are no more!"
解説:この引用句は Tennysonによる 'Tears, Idle Tears.' という題名の詩から来ています。この言葉は懐古的に過ぎ去った日々を懐かしむときに引用されます。 例文: "I really miss those sunny childhood days, running around the countryside! O Death in life, those days that are no more!" (晴れ渡った田舎をかけまわっていた、子供のころが本当に懐かしいよ。あの日々に1日でいいから戻りたいよ。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I could turn back time, even for one day!

Turn back is an intransitive verb that refers to visiting an earlier time or place, than the present day.
「turn back」は、過去の時間、場所に戻ることを表す自動詞です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • If i could turn back time i would go back to that time even for just one day

  • I would go back to that time, even for just one day

  • That was a lovely day i wish we could do it again

If you have memories of a soecial thing that happened then we sometimes wish we could do it again we use the term 'if i could turn back time' meaning you could go back in time to the time/day that made you happy Just for one day means even if it's a very short time you would love to do it again
楽しい思い出を振り返り、その時に戻りたいことを伝えるときは、”If I could turn back time"(もし時間を巻き戻せたら)というフレーズを使います。 ”Just for one day"(一日だけ)というフレーズは、ほんの少しの間でもいいから、その時に戻りたい、ことを意味します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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