世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/02/22 06:52
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  • I prefer to celebrate other peoples birthdays instead of mine.

  • I would rather celebrate other people birthdays instead of my own.

"I prefer to celebrate other peoples birthdays instead of mine." This explains that you like celebrating other peoples birthdays but not yours. "I would rather celebrate other people birthdays instead of my own." This is another way of explaining that you like celebrating other people birthdays rather than yours.
例文 "I prefer to celebrate other peoples birthdays instead of mine." 自分の誕生日の代わりに、他人の誕生日を祝う方が好きだ 自分の誕生日ではなく、他人の誕生日を祝う方が好きだと説明しています。 例文 "I would rather celebrate other people birthdays instead of my own." 自分自身の誕生日よりも、他人の誕生日を祝う方が好きだ 自分自身の誕生日より他人の誕生日を祝う方が好きだと説明する別の表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I like celebrating other people's birthdays, but not my own

  • I enjoy other people's birthdays more than my own.

  • I don't care to celebrate my own birthday, but I enjoy those of others

Three slightly different ways of saying exactly the same thing.
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • I don't like celebrating my birthday but I enjoy celebrating other people's birthdays.

*I don't like celebrating my birthday but I enjoy celebrating other people's birthdays. This sentence means that you do not like to celebrate your birthday but if you are invited for a birthday party you will attend.
*I don't like celebrating my birthday but I enjoy celebrating other people's birthdays. 自分の誕生日を祝うのは好きではないけれど、他の人の誕生日を祝うのは好きです。 これは、自分の誕生日を祝うのは好きではないけれど、友達などの誕生日パーティーに行くのは好きという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I don't like to celebrate my birthday, but I'm down to celebrate others.

Down is slang for cool or chill in this example. For example: I'm always down to go on a road trip. Or, I'm always down to hang. "I don't like to celebrate my birthday, but I'm down to celebrate others." Here you are saying that you don't like to celebrate your birthday, but like to celebrate the birthdays of others.
"Down" はここでは「~に前向きである」「~したい」という意味のスラングです。 例えば: I'm always down to go on a road trip.(ロードトリップだったらいつでも行きたい) I'm always down to hang.(遊ぶならいつでも行くよ) "I don't like to celebrate my birthday, but I'm down to celebrate others." ここでは、「自分の誕生日を祝うのは好きではないけど、人の誕生日を祝うのは好きだ」と言っています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I like celebrating people's birthdays.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) I like celebrating people's birthdays. 「私は人の誕生日を祝うのが好きです」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • I am happier celebrating others' birthdays, rather than my own!

"I am happier celebrating others' birthdays, rather than my own!" or "I like celebrating others birthdays, rather than my own!" Happier is similar to "Like". Both help us understand that the person speaking finds more pleasure in celebrating their friends/families birthday than they do their own. (Rather or instead of.)
例文 "I am happier celebrating others' birthdays, rather than my own!" 自分自身の誕生日よりほかの人の誕生日を祝う方が幸せだ "I like celebrating others' birthdays, rather than my own!" 自分自身の誕生日より他人の誕生日を祝う方が好きだ HappierはLikeと同じ意味です。両方の表現を見れば、話している人が、自分自身の誕生日よりも友人や家族の誕生日を祝う方が楽しいということが分かります。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Discounting My own, I enjoy celebrating people's birthdays

Well, as we grow older, the desire to celebrate your advancing years may decline proportionately to the passage of time. In fact you may really hate your own birthday in the end! However, taking part in other people's celebrations may be more enjoyable. "I love going to birthday parties - but not my own!"
年をとると、若いころほど、自分の誕生にを祝いたいという気持ちが減るかもしれません。しまいには、自分の誕生日が嫌になるかもしれません。しかし、他の人の誕生日を祝うことは、もっと楽しいかもしれません。  "I love going to birthday parties - but not my own!" 自分のではない、誕生日パーティーに行くのが大好きです!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoy birthdays...

  • I enjoy celebrating birthdays ...just as long as its not mine!

Some people hate to think of...or be reminded about their own age... However they don't mind celebrating birthdays...but only when it comes to others! "I enjoy celebrating birthdays ...just as long as it's not mine!"
年のことを考えるのが好きではない人もいます。しかし、自分の誕生日は気にしなくても、人の誕生日を祝うのが好きな人もいます。  "I enjoy celebrating birthdays ...just as long as it's not mine!" 自分のではなくて、人の誕生日を祝うのが好きです。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
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