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海外は日本に比べて油っぽい(脂っぽい)料理が多いですよね。 油っぽくないものがあるかどうか、 店員さんに聞きたいです。
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2018/02/22 14:19
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  • oily

  • greasy

  • oleaginous

The last example here is a more scientific term which is rarely used about food in general conversation.
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • oily

  • greasy

This means that the food has been cooked with a lot of oil. You can use either oily or greasy. Example sentences: The food is very oily. I don't think I will be able to eat it. The food was greasy.
これはその食事が沢山の油で調理されていることを意味します。 "oily" もしくは"greasy"のどちらかを使えます。 例文: "The food is very oily. I don't think I will be able to eat it." (この食事はとても油っぽいです。私には食べられません。) "The food was greasy." (その食事はとても油っぽかったです。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • oily food

  • greasy food

  • Some fast food is considered to be oily and quite unhealthy.

"Greasy/ Oily" are adjectives that can describe food that has too much oil in it which can be seen, felt, or tasted.
"Greasy/ Oily" は、見た目、感覚または味的に油が多すぎる食べ物を表す形容詞です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • greasy

  • oily

Food that contains a lot of grease and oil is called greasy. Fast food is notoriously known as greasy. Even if the food is cooked in oil, we still normally refer to the food as greasy, not oily. For example: The food is so greasy, it left a grease stain on the box. The greasy food gave me an upset stomach.
油をたくさん含んだ食べ物は、greasy(油っぽい)と呼ばれます。ファーストフードはgreasyな食べ物として悪名高いです。それがたとえ油(oil)で調理された食べ物だったとしても、oilyではなくgreasyと言うのが普通です。 例文 The food is so greasy, it left a grease stain on the box. (その食べ物は本当に脂っぽい。箱に脂の跡が残っている) The greasy food gave me an upset stomach. (脂っこかったから、胃の調子が悪くなった)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • This is greasy.

  • This is buttery.

  • This is dripped in oil.

The three sentences you see provided above are great ways to express that a particular food is greasy. In the third sentence you will see the term dripped in oil. This means that something has a lot of oil. This is a term we use a lot, especially when discussing food, and would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記の3つの文は、特定の食べ物が脂っぽいことを表す素晴らしい表現です。 3番目の文にdripped in oilというフレーズがあります。これは、油をたくさん含んでいることを表します。このフレーズは特に食べ物についての話題でよく使われます。覚えておくと良いでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Fatty

  • Greasy

  • Buttery

In English, foods that contain a high level of oil are often referred to as oily. We also use the word greasy. Commonly, fast foods and pizza are among those that are most greasy and fatty. Also, butter is used a lot in American cuisine, so we would refer to it as buttery as butter is a fat. Example, "This bread is very buttery".
英語では、油量が多い食べ物のことを"oily"(油っこい)と言い表します。"Greasy"という類義語を使うこともあります。 大抵、ファーストフードやピザなどは"greasy"な食べ物です。それから、アメリカンフードにはバターをふんだんに使った食べ物が多く、バターは油なので、"buttery"(バター量が多いため、バター風味が強い)とう言葉を使って「油っぽい」ことを表します。 例:This bread is very buttery.(このパンはバターがすごいね。)
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • (very) oily

  • greasy

When something is very oily, then we use to terms "very oily" or "greasy". For example, you can say: -I like very oily food like fried chicken. It's bad for your health but it tastes great. -I don't like greasy food because it is unhealthy. It can make your skin break out.
とても油っぽいものは、"very oily"や"greasy"と表せます。 -I like very oily food like fried chicken. It's bad for your health but it tastes great. フライドチキンのようなすごく油っこい食べ物が好きです。体には良くないけどすごくおいしいんです。 -I don't like greasy food because it is unhealthy. It can make your skin break out. 体に良くないので油っこい食べ物は好きではありません。肌に吹き出物ができます。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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