世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/02/23 09:09
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  • One sec, I'll get someone to interpret for us

Explanation: In this situation, you can state quickly what you will do to ease the diffculty of communicating. One sec = one moment (second) Example sentence: I'll be back in a sec when I find a suitable English interpreter."
【説明】 この場合、英語でのやり取りが難しいので、ちょっと失礼することをすぐに伝えることが出来ます。 One sec = 少しの間 (one second) 【例文】 "I'll be back in a sec when I find a suitable English interpreter." (誰か英語で訳してくれる人を見つけて、すぐ戻ります)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please wait a moment, while I consult a colleague who is fluent in English?

  • Would you mind pausing for a while, so i can consult my colleague, who speaks English more fluently?

  • Could we pause for a moment, while I contact my colleague, who is more familiar with English?

These are similar ways of saying exactly the same thing and all the sections of each sentence are interchangeable.
これらは全く同じような表現で、 それぞれの文章の言葉は置き換えて使うことが出来ます。
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • Please bear with me a moment, while I bring a fluent English speaker to help us communicate

  • Excuse me for a minute, I am going to bring a person that speaks English fluently to help us

  • One moment, I'm going to get a fluent speaker to translate for me

By opening the sentence with: 'Excuse me', 'Please', 'Bear with me a moment', 'Bear with me a minute', 'One moment', 'One minute'; you have asked the person to wait for a short period of time while you get the relevant person to help you. Using the word 'fluent' explains that you are not speaking with ease and the person that you will bring will be able to converse easily in English.
次のように話し始めます。 'Excuse me', 'Please', 'Bear with me a moment', 'Bear with me a minute', 'One moment', 'One minute'(少し待ってください) あなたは相手に対して関係のある、あなたを手伝ってくれる人を呼んでくるので少しの間待ってください、と言う事を伝えたことになります。 この'fluent'(流暢)を使うという事はあなたは誰かに英語を簡単に使って会話が出来る人を連れてくるという意味になります。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • An interpeter....

  • Please hold on for a moment, my English speaking interpreter, will be here shortly!

When we do not speak a foreign language well enough to converse efficiently, we may engage the services of "an Interpreter"...In this case that language is English, so we would have an" English language interpreter" standing assist us, "Please hold on for a moment, my English speaking interpreter, will be here shortly!"
外国語をうまく話すことができない場合、「通訳」をお願いするかもしれません。この場合、英語なので、" English language interpreter"(英語の通訳)がお手伝いしてくれます。 "Please hold on for a moment, my English speaking interpreter, will be here shortly!" しばらくお待ちください。英語の通訳がもうすぐ来ます。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Please hang on a moment while the translator comes.

  • Please wait a second, the translator is on their way.

"Please hang on a moment while the translator comes." Hang on a moment is a casual way of saying wait a moment. Translator is a person that will explain what you say in Japanese to those that speak English and vice versa (both ways). "Please wait a second, the translator is on their way." This is a polite way to ask people to wait a second until the translator arrives.
"Please hang on a moment while the translator comes."(通訳が来るので少しお待ちください) - "Hang on a moment" は「少し待ってください」という意味です。"Translator" とは、日本語で言ったことを英語に、英語で言ったことを日本語にしてくれる人のことです。 "Please wait a second, the translator is on their way."(通訳が来るので少しお待ちください) - これは、通訳が来るので少しお待ちくださいと伝える丁寧な言い方です。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Please wait a moment I'll get someone who can speak English fluently

  • Bear with me, I'll get someone to interpret for us

When someone tells you and explains what someone is saying in a different language this is called an 'interpreter' so they 'interpret' what is being said so you can understand To speak naturally and without much thinking is called 'fluently' To ask someone politely to wait then you can say 'please wait a moment' or 'bear with me'
外国語で話されたことを訳してくれる人のことは 'interpreter'(通訳者)といいます。その行為は 'to interpret'(通訳する)です。 あまり考えずにスラスラと話せることは 'fluently'(流ちょうに)といいます。 人に待って欲しいと丁寧に伝えたいなら、'Please wait a moment' や 'Bear with me' と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Let me bring in someone who can help me translate for better understanding.

  • I have someone here who can help me understand better.

  • My English is not so fluent, I will bring someone who can help me better understand.

When we are not fluent in a language, it helps to have someone around who is fluent in both your native language and the language you are trying to understand. In this case, if you need an English translator who can speak more fluently, they can help you to communicate better in the business situation.
苦手な言語を話さないといけないとき、バイリンガルの人が周りにいてくれると助かりますね。 この場合は、英語の通訳がいれば、コミュニケーションがより円滑に進みますね。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me a minute, I will bring in someone to translate for me.

  • One moment please, I'll just get someone who can speak fluent English.

"Excuse me a minute, I will bring in someone to translate for me." "Excuse me a minute" and "One moment please" are some other polite ways or sayings for "please wait a moment". someone to 'translate' refers to a translator, an individual who is able to speak in a fluent language other than there native.
"Excuse me a minute, I will bring in someone to translate for me."(ちょっと失礼します。通訳者を呼んできます) = "Excuse me a minute" と "One moment please" は「少し待ってください」の丁寧な言い方です。 'someone to translate' は 'translator' を指します。'translator'(通訳者)は外国語を流ちょうに話せる人をいいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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