世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/02/24 02:31
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  • Who was here first?

  • Who is first in line?

  • Who is first in the queue?

If you are not sure who the first person is then you can ask, "Who was here first?" If you want to encourage people to form a line then you can ask "Who is first in line?". Another way of saying a line of people is "queue". In the UK, people are expected to form a queue when waiting in a shop, bank or for a bus.
誰が一番か分からない場合、Who was here first?で聞けます。 列を作ったことを奨励したい場合、Who is first in line?と聞けます。人の列の他の言い方は、queueです。UKでは、お店や、銀行で、またはバスを待つ時、列を作ると思われます。
Claire Gi DMM英会話講師
  • Who was here first?

  • Who arrived first?

When asking people who got to the place first you can say "Who was here first" or "Who arrived first". These both ask the people to tell you who got their first and who is in the front of the line.
誰が一番早くこの場所に着来たかを尋ねる際は、 例文 "Who was here first" ここに最初に来たのは誰?又は "Who arrived first". 最初に来たのは誰? です。 これらの表現は両方共誰が最初に着いて、列の先頭にいるかを教えてくれるように人に頼んでいます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • First in the queue

  • first in line, first in the row

a casual way of saying this might be "who's first!" or "who was first in the queue?". A queue is a word used to describe a line or row of people waiting for something.
このことを言うカジュアルな言い方は 例文 "who's first!" 誰が最初なの? "who was first in the queue?". その列では誰が最初だったの? queueは、何かを待っている人の列を表す時に使われる語です。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Who came first?

  • Who was first in line?

You can ask "Who came first?" or "Who was first in line?". This sentence implies that you want people to queue in the order they came. Another word for line is queue. You can use it interchangeably.
"Who came first?"(誰が最初に来たの?) 又は "Who was first in line?".(列で誰が最初だったの?)と尋ねることが出来ます。 この文は、人々に来た順番に列に並んで欲しいということを示しています。lineの別の語はqueueです。 その語はほとんど同じ意味で使うことが出来ます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Who was here first?

  • Who can I help first?

  • Who's first?

"Who's first?" (Who is first?) - Straight forward question to find out who was at the counter first and who you can help first. "Who was here first?" and "Who can I help first?" Most people will let you know the person that was at the counter first.
"Who's first?" (Who is first?) - 誰が一番早くカウンターに来ていて、最初にサービスを受けるべきなのか尋ねる率直な質問です。"Who was here first?"(最初にここにいたのは誰?)と"Who can I help first?"(誰に最初にお手伝いすればいい?)と聞くことで、たいていの人はその人が一番に来たことをあなたに知らせるでしょう。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • Who is first in the queue?

  • Who's first?

In the UK there is a norm of queuing which is usually self-enforced by the people in the queue. However in situations where there is an unruly crowd of people, you can ask: 'Who's first?'
イギリスでは行列に並ぶことが普通で、自然に列に並ぶ習慣があります。しかし、無秩序に人だかりができている場合は、次のように聞くことができます。 'Who's first?' (誰が最初に並んでいますか)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please queue in the order you came!

  • Who came first?

You can say : "Please queue in the order you came!" "Who came first?" Please = being polite Queue = make a line Order = pattern first = first person
"Please queue in the order you came!" 早く来た順に並んでください。 "Who came first?" 誰が最初に来ましたか? Please = 文章を丁寧にする単語 Queue = 列を作ること Order = パターン first = 一番の人
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Who got here first?

  • Please form an orderly queue; may I ask... who got here first?

Sometimes there is a more of a crowd than a queue waiting for a store to open;-D It would polite to enquire...Who got there first.? "Please form an orderly queue; may I ask who got here first?"
時には、列というよりも開店を待つものすごい群衆が集まっていることがあります。 Who got there first.?(誰が先に着きましたか?)と聞くのが丁寧でしょう。 例: "Please form an orderly queue; may I ask who got here first?" きちんと並んでください。誰が先にここに着きましたか?
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Who got here first?

  • Who arrived here first?

  • Who was here first?

Here we can use a very similar phrase using three different verbs to all have the same meaning. "to get here," and, "to arrive here," have the same meaning of who showed up first. We can always use the verb, "to be," to refer to location and when someone arrived.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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