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I'm waiting while waiting on TV.でしょうか? 正しい言う方、他の言い方があれば教えて頂きたいです。
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2018/03/06 23:16
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  • I'll be watching tv while i am waiting for you.

  • I'm watching tv until you get here.

  • I'm killing time watching tv until you come.

All 3 of these examples state the fact that you are watching tv and that you are waiting for the person. I'm killing time - this is a very common way to say that you are waiting for something to happen and until then you are "killing time". Always end the sentence by stating that it is the person that you are waiting on to come.
これら3つの文は全て、テレビを見て、人を待っているということを言っています。 I'm killing time (時間を潰している) 何かが起こるのを待っていることを言う最も一般的な表現です。 相手が来るのを待っていることを最後に付け加えて、文章を終わりましょう。
Arran DMM英会話講師
  • Whilst I'm waiting for you I will watch TV.

  • I will kill time by watching TV until you get here.

  • I think i will watch TV until you get here.

*Whilst I'm waiting for you I will watch TV. - Whilst and while mean the same. Example Sentences: While you do laundry, I will prepare breakfast. Whilst you are working on that, I will take a nap. *I will kill time by watching TV until you get here. -"kill time" is an idiom that means rather than being idle I will occupy myself with something to pass time quickly. *I think i will watch TV until you get here. A: I'm sorry I think I will be late. B: Alright, I will watch a movie until you get here.
例文 *Whilst I'm waiting for you I will watch TV. あなたを待っている間にテレビを見ます Whilstとwhileは同じ意味です。 例文 While you do laundry, I will prepare breakfast. あなたが洗濯をしている間に、朝食を準備するよ Whilst you are working on that, I will take a nap. あなたがそのことをやっている間に、昼寝をするよ 例文 *I will kill time by watching TV until you get here. あなたがここに着くまで、テレビを見ながら時間を潰すよ "kill time"はイディオムで、暇な時に時間が早く経つように何かをするということです。 例文 *I think i will watch TV until you get here. あなたがここに着くまでテレビを見ようと思う A: I'm sorry I think I will be late. 遅れそうです、すみません。 B: Alright, I will watch a movie until you get here. 大丈夫です。あなたが着くまで映画を見ているよ
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I'm gonna kill time by watching TV.

  • I'm going to watch TV while I wait.

  • Take your time. I'll just be watching TV.

1) "Gonna" is obviously improper and slang but Native speakers always use it anyways. 2) Short and straight to the point. 3) Polite way to let whoever you're waiting for know that they don't need to rush and you will be occupied with the television.
1) "Gonna" とは明らかに不適切でスラング/俗語になります。 でも、ネイティブスピーカーはいつもつかっていますよね。 2) 簡潔で率直に的を得た言い方です。 3)丁寧な言い方で、待っている間テレビを見るので急ぐ必要はないという事を伝えています。
Joraly DMM英会話講師
  • I watch TV until you come round.

  • I'll be watching TV until you get here.

  • I might as well watch TV while I'm waiting.

I watch TV until you come round. I'll be watching TV until you get here. I might as well watch TV while I'm waiting. You can also say... *I'll wait here and watch some TV until you're here. *Until you get here, I'll watch some TV *I'll have a rest and watch TV until you're here. Hope this helps! ^ ^
例文 I watch TV until you come round. あなたが来るまでテレビを見ている I'll be watching TV until you get here. あなたがここに来るまでテレビを見ている I might as well watch TV while I'm waiting. 待っている間 テレビを見ていた方が良さそう こう言うことも出来ます。 *I'll wait here and watch some TV until you're here. あなたがここに来るまでここでテレビを見て待っている *Until you get here, I'll watch some TV あなたがここに来るまで、テレビを見ている *I'll have a rest and watch TV until you're here. あなたがここに来るまで休憩してテレビを見ている お役に立てば幸いです。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • I'm just going to watch Netflix while waiting for you.

  • While I am waiting, I will watch TV

You can let them know that you are watching the TV/Netflix/Fox so they know your waiting and biding your time. Sometimes I like to say "you better hurry so I don't get 'sucked in' by the next program. That feeling when you start really enjoying a show and you then have to leave! aghhh!! The expression 'sucked in' is the same as 'drawn in', which means you are really engaged and enjoying the program you are watching.
相手にあなたはTV/Netflix/Fox を見ていることを知らせれば、待ち時間を潰していることが分かるでしょう。ときには、このように言えるかもしれません。 "You better hurry so I don't get 'sucked in' by the next program.” (次の番組に私が熱中してしまう前に急いで帰ってきた方がいいよ。) テレビ番組が本当に面白いところにさしかかった時に、やめないといけない時の気持ちは最悪ですね。'sucked in' という表現は 'drawn in'と同じ意味があり、そのプログラムに本当に熱中し楽しんでいる状態を表しています。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • I'll just be watching TV until you get here

  • I'm just going to watch telly while I wait

  • I'm going to watch the box until you arrive

There are many slang names for the television in English. Some of them are: - TV - Telly - The box - Idiot box
テレビを指すスラング用語は英語に沢山あります。例えば次のような言葉です。 - TV - Telly - The box - Idiot box(バカの箱)
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I'll kill time by watching the TV

When someone 'kills time' it means that they have to be somewhere or do something at a certain or undefined time, but perhaps they arrived early or must wait for the interim time to pass.
誰かが「kill time」と言うとき、ある時間にどこかにいなければならない、または、何かをしなければならないが、早く着いてしまった、または、しばらくの間過ぎるのを待たなければいけないということです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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