世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/03/07 17:20
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  • Which places did you visit in Japan?

  • Where did you go during your trip to Japan?

*Which places did you visit in Japan?/Where did you go during your trip to Japan? -when a person goes on holiday it's expected of them to go sightseeing,. Sightseeing means visiting places that are important and of interest. A :So tell me, which places did you visit? B: A lot, but the one that struck me most is Daibutsu a huge statue of Buddha.
*Which places did you visit in Japan?/Where did you go during your trip to Japan? (日本滞在中はどこに行きました?) -旅行で出かけている時は、観光に行きますよね。 "Sightseeing"(観光)とは重要な所や面白いところを訪ねる事を言います。 【例文】 A :So tell me, which places did you visit? (それで教えて、どこに行ったの?) B: A lot, but the one that struck me most is Daibutsu a huge statue of Buddha. (いろいろ行ったわ。でも衝撃的だったのが大仏ね。大きな仏陀の銅像よ)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Where did you go sightseeing when you were in Japan?

  • What did you do on your trip in Japan?

You can ask : "Where did you go sightseeing when you were in Japan?" "What did you do on your trip in Japan?" sightseeing = famous attractions A : Where did you go sightseeing when you were in Japan? B : I visited a few temples and I went to Disneyland. A : Did you enjoy it? B : I sure did!!
次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例】 "Where did you go sightseeing when you were in Japan?" (日本滞在中はどこへ観光に行きましたか?) "What did you do on your trip in Japan?" (日本滞在中は何をしましたか?) sightseeing = 観光、見物 【例文】 A : Where did you go sightseeing when you were in Japan? (日本滞在中はどこへ観光に行ったの?) B : I visited a few temples and I went to Disneyland. (いくつかお寺を訪ねて、ディズニーランドへ行ったわ) A : Did you enjoy it? (楽しんだ?) B : I sure did!! (もちろん、楽しんだわ!)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • What else did you do in Japan?

  • What other places did you visit in Japan?

  • Any other places that you visited in Japan?

It's always fun hearing about someone's travels. If you're super close to them, you can even say, "tell me more about your trip! What other places did you see?"
誰かの旅行話を聞くのはとても楽しいですよね。 とても親しい中の相手なら、次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例】 "Tell me more about your trip! What other places did you see?" (もっとあなたの旅行について教えて!他にはどこへ行ったの?)
Joraly DMM英会話講師
  • Where about in Japan did you go?

  • Where else did you see?

  • Did you visit many Places?

examples "where about did you travel?". or "did you visit many places?". or "did you visit many places in Japan?". "where else did you travel?".
【例文】 "Where about did you travel?". (どの辺を旅行しましたか?) "Did you visit many places?". (多くの場所を訪ねましか?) "Did you visit many places in Japan?". (日本の多くの場所を訪ねましたか?) "Where else did you travel?". (他にどこを旅行しましたか?)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Which places did you visit in Japan?

  • What did you do on your trip to Japan?

You can ask: Which places did you visit? What did you do? Sightseeing - to visit places of interest or attraction. A: What did you do during your trip to Japan? B: I did lots of shopping; I went to lots of restaurants; and did lots of sightseeing. A: What places did you visit? B: Many temples and Disneyland.
次のように質問することが出来ます。 【例】 Which places did you visit? (どこを訪ねましたか?) What did you do? (何をしましたか?) Sightseeing (観光) - 面白い場所や観光地を訪ねる事です。 【例文】 A: What did you do during your trip to Japan? (日本旅行中には何をしましたか?) B: I did lots of shopping; I went to lots of restaurants; and did lots of sightseeing. (沢山ショッピングしました。レストランに沢山いて、観光を沢山しました) A: What places did you visit? (どこへ行きましたか?) B: Many temples and Disneyland. (多くのお寺とディズニーランドへ行きました)
Rebekah Eve DMM英会話講師
  • Where did you visit while you were in Japan?

  • Where in Japan did you visit?

  • Where did you go on your trip to Japan?

When you are curious and want to ask a person about where they went in Japan, you can ask "Where did you visit while you were in Japan?"
相手が日本でどこに行ったか知りたいなら、次のように聞けます。 Where did you visit while you were in Japan? 〔訳〕日本にいる間に、どこに行きましたか?
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • What did you see on your trip to Japan?

  • Where did you go on your trip to Japan?

  • What places did you go to/visit on your trip to Japan?

When you ask someone what they went to see/go to you are asking about attractions or points of interest as usually when someone goes somewhere different they like to see new things you could also refer to this as sightseeing. Sightseeing is looking and visiting around the area and at things that are different or special to that place. It's nice to hear about people seeing different places it might make you want to go and see them for yourself as well.
どこかに出かけたら、見たことのないものを見たいと思う人が多いですね。なので、何を見に行ったか、または見に行くかと尋ねると、普通それは観光地についての質問になります。これはsightseeing(観光)と言うこともできます。 sightseeingとは、その場所特有のものを見て回ることを言います。 いろいろなところを訪れたことのある人の話を聞くのはいいですね。自分も見てみたいなと思うかもしれません。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Where did you go during your trip in Japan?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 Where did you go during your trip in Japan? のように英語で表現することができます。 during your trip は「旅行の間」というニュアンスの英語表現です。 例: Where did you go during your trip in Japan? Did you go to Osaka? 日本旅行中はどこへ行きましたか?大阪へは行きましたか? お役に立ちましたでしょうか? 英語学習頑張ってくださいね!
  • Where in Japan did you visit?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「Where in Japan did you visit? 」 (意味)日本のどこへ行きましたか? <例文>Where in Japan did you visit? / I went to Kyoto, Osaka, and Okinawa. I really enjoyed it. <訳>日本のどこへ行きましたか? /京都、大阪、沖縄に行きました。すごく楽しかったです。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • Where did you go while you were in Japan?

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: Where did you go while you were in Japan? 日本に滞在中はどこに行きましたか? while you were in Japan = あなたが日本にいた間 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Where did you go while you were in Japan?

Where did you go while you were in Japan? 日本に滞在中、どこに行きましたか? while you were in Japan で「日本滞在中」を英語で表現することができます。 例: Where did you go while you were in Japan? Did you go to Kyoto? 日本に滞在中はどこに行きましたか?京都へは行きましたか? お役に立てればうれしいです。
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