他の回答にあるように「We should meet again.」がいいでしょう。
来週など期日を決めたい場合は、「We should meet again next week.」などの言い方ができます。
It was great meeting you today. We should do it again!
Both are casual ways to tell someone you want to meet up with them again.
Hang out: is a casual phrase used when getting together with someone. Friends say it to each other all the time in American culture. "Let's hang out at the beach."
In the second phrase; you are awknowledging that you enjoyed meeting the person and would like to do it again.
Hope this helps!
Hang out: 誰かと一緒に過ごすときに使うカジュアルなフレーズ。アメリカの文化では、友達同士がよく言います。
"Let's hang out at the beach."
"We should get together" is a positive yet assertive way of suggesting your strong desire to meet again. Saying "same time next __ (week, month, or year)" is a very forward way of setting up an appointment with the person. This is said when you are sure the desire to spend time again is mutual. Using a question like "when can I see you again" implies one parties desire to meet but putting it in a question form softens the suggestion.
"We should get together"
"same time next __ (week, month, or year)"
"when can I see you again"
"We should hang out again soon!:
This is a very informal way to express this idea. Hang out - means to spend time together when you can.
"Let's meet again the next time you are in town."
This could be something you would say to a friend or to a business colleague.
Next time you are in town - You would say this to someone who is from a different city/state/ country, that you want to have another meeting with or just to see again.
"We should hang out again soon!
これは、またすぐ会おうということを表すカジュアルな表現です。Hang outは、一緒に過ごすという意味です。
"Let's meet again the next time you are in town."
Next time you are in town とは、他の市や州、国から来た人に、また会いたいことを伝えるのに使うことができます。
It was really nice to meet you, I hope we can catch up again.
I had a great time meeting you, we should organise another time to hang out.
We should meet up again.
"It was really nice to meet you, I hope we can catch up again." and "I had a great time meeting you, we should organise another time to hang out." both work well if you just met the person.
If however you met them sometime ago you could say something like "That time we hung out was fun, we should organise to do it again soon!"
"It was really nice to meet you, I hope we can catch up again."
"I had a great time meeting you, we should organise another time to hang out."
"That time we hung out was fun, we should organise to do it again soon!"
I've enjoyed our time together. Are you up for a repeat?
Well, it really depends on your relationship with the person concerned how you phrase your invitation. If it is a romantic relationship, sentences 1 and 2 are probably most appropriate. It is probably best to use the first person if it is a romantic relationship.
Let's definitely meet again.
We need to meet again for sure.
meet again で「また会う」を英語で表すことができます。