My income has gone down so I'm trying not to buy too many clothes (unlike before).
I don't earn as much money as before so I'm trying to cut down on buying clothes.
「収入が減ったから、前みたいに服を買わないよう、我慢した」= My income has gone down so I'm trying not to buy too many clothes (unlike before). / I don't earn as much money as before so I'm trying to cut down on buying clothes.
「服を買わないよう、我慢した」= I'm trying not to buy too many clothes / I'm trying not to spend too much money on clothes
収入が減った = My income has gone down / I'm not earning as much as before
前みたいに = like before / like I used to
服を買わないよう= I'm trying not to buy too many clothes / I'm trying not to spend too much money on clothes