世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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enuji sanさん
2018/03/16 22:57
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  • Slowly close the door.

  • Close the door slowly, please!

"Slowly close the door." This is a simple request. You could also say, "Quickly close the door." "Close the door slowly, please!" It is always polite to add "please" at the end of a request! You could also say, "Close the door quickly, please!" Or "Close the door softly, please!" (Softly means you do not slam or make a loud noise when you close the door.)
"Slowly close the door." ドアをゆっくり閉めてください。 これはシンプルな表現です。反対に、"Quickly close the door." (素早くドアを閉めてください)と言うこともできます。 "Close the door slowly, please!" ゆっくりとドアを閉めてください。 どんな時でも "please"をつけることで丁寧なお願いの文になります。 "Close the door quickly, please!" (素早くドアを閉めてください)や "Close the door softly, please!"(静かにドアを閉めてください)ということもできます。 (Softlyとは、大きな音を立てずに、静かにという意味です)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Please close the door softly

  • Please close the door gently

こんにちは。 ゆっくりは(softly) を使います。 Please close the door softly. もしくは (gently)やさしく、静かにを使っての 表現もありですね。 宜しくお願いします。
  • Could you please pull the door to gently?

  • Could you please close the door quietly as you leave?

If a door is closed quietly, it is probably closed slowly or gently, so either of thos three adectives may be used. 'Please' softens the request and the ,indirect form 'could' makes the request more polite than 'can' or 'will'. To pull the door to = to shut the door.
ドアを静か(quietly)に閉めるときは、ゆっくり(slowly)、優しく(gently)閉めるでしょう。この三つの副詞が使えますね。 「please」はお願いをやわらかくします。「could」は「can」や「will」よりも丁寧です。 To pull the door to =ドアを閉める(to shut the door)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please close the door slowly

  • Please don't bang the door

  • Please close the door gently.

When you say "please close the door slowly" you're telling the person to not be fast when closing the door. However, when you say "please don't bang the door" you are telling them that they shouldn't close it in a way that will make a loud noise. And when you say "please close the door gently" it (in a way) means both of the above - not to bang it, and to do it slowly.
"please close the door slowly" ドアをゆっくり(not fast)閉めてほしいと伝えています。 "please don't bang the door" ドアを静かに(大きな音を立てず)閉めてほしいと伝えています。 "please close the door gently" これは上の2つを合わせた感じです。大きな音を立てずゆっくり閉めることを表します。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Please, close the door softly.

  • Please, close the door gently.

"Please, close the door softly.": To close the door softly means to take care when closing the door so it would not be slammed. "Please, close the door gently.": This is similar in meaning, it means that the person would be careful when closing the door. Hope that helps :)
"Please, close the door softly." ドアを静かに閉めてください。 To close the door softly とは、ドアを閉めるときに大きな音を立てずに閉めるという意味です。 "Please, close the door gently." 静かにドアを閉めてください。 これもよく似た意味で、ドアを閉めるときに気を付けてほしいことを伝える表現です。
Kirst English teacher
  • Don't slam the doors!

  • Please close the door quietly.

"Don't slam the doors!" Slam means to forcefully close something, which can result in a loud noise. "Please close the door quietly." This is a polite way of asking a person to close the door quietly, so that way it does not make a noise.
"Don't slam the doors!"(ドアは強く閉めないでください) - "Slam" は「(大きな音を立てて)~を強く閉める」という意味です。 "Please close the door quietly."(ドアは静かに閉めてください) - これは静かにドアを閉めるようお願いする丁寧な言い方です。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Please close the door slowly.

  • Make sure to close the door quietly.

To politely tell somebody to close the door in a slow manner, you can say: "Please close the door slowly." "Make sure to close the door quietly."
「ドアはゆっくり閉めてください」と丁寧に伝えるなら、次のように言えます。 "Please close the door slowly."(ドアはゆっくり閉めてください) "Make sure to close the door quietly."(ドアはゆっくり閉めるようにしてください)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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