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2018/03/16 23:56
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  • My son won two baseball games

  • My son won back to back baseball games

  • My son won two baseball games in a row

When you win any number of games one after another, we can refer to those things happening in a row. When it is just two of them, then they are back to back.
"My son won two baseball games."(息子は野球の試合で2回勝ちました。) "My son won back to back baseball games."(息子は野球の試合で2試合連続勝ちました。) "My son won two baseball games in a row."(息子は野球の試合で2試合連続勝ちました。) 何試合か連続で勝った時、"in a row"と表現します。もし2試合の場合、"back to back"と表現します。
Bogy DMM英語講師
  • My son was twice on the winning team

If someone participates in a team game and the team wins a game, then it is obviously a team effort. If an individual player states that they 'won' a game, it seems they are taking credit for the whole team effort - which is obviously a fallacy.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My son won two baseball matches

  • My son won two baseball games back to back

When you want to explain that your son won two baseball matches, then you may explain this in the following ways: -My son won two baseball matches -My son won two baseball games back to back
「息子が野球の試合で2勝した」は、次のように表せます。 -My son won two baseball matches(息子は野球の試合で2勝しました) -My son won two baseball games back to back(息子が野球の試合で2連勝しました)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • My son won two baseball games.

  • My son won a double header.

In American English, the word "game" is used instead of the word "match". Match is used in British English. If your son won two games over a period of time, the first sentence is the best way of expressing this idea. In the United States, it is common to play two baseball games, one after the other. This is called a "double header". If your son won two games that were played one after the other, you could use the second sentence to express this idea.
アメリカ英語では、"match" ではなく "game" という言葉が使われます。"match" はイギリス英語で使われます。 息子さんが一定の期間をおいて2試合に勝利したなら、一つ目の言い方がベストです。 アメリカでは、野球の試合を2試合続けて行うことがよくあります。これを "double header"(ダブルヘッダー)といいます。息子さんが連続して行われた2試合に勝利したなら、二つ目の文が使えます。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • I won two matched today

  • My son is excellent at sports, he won two matches today

  • I'm elated, i won 2 matches today

examples "we watched our son play baseball today, he won two of the matches that he played". or "i won two matches today, it was fantastic". or "I am so happy (elated) i won two matches today". win, winning & won I would like to win the match We are winning the match We won the match
例 "we watched our son play baseball today, he won two of the matches that he played". (今日私たちは息子の出た野球の試合を観戦しました。彼の出た試合で2回勝ちました。) もしくは "I won two matches today, it was fantastic". (今日二試合勝ちました。素晴らしい試合でした。) もしくは "I am so happy (elated) i won two matches today". (今日は二試合勝ててとてもうれしいです。) win, winning & won "I would like to win the match". (私は試合に勝ちたいです。) "We are winning the match". (私たちは試合に勝ちそうです。) "We won the match". (私たちは試合に勝ちました。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • My son won two baseball matches.

  • My son's baseball team won two games.

Parents are usually very proud when their children excel in anything. It is very common for fathers to be proud, when it comes to their sons excelling in sports. In these sentences, one could be bragging to others about the victory of his son and the baseball team.
子どもが何かに秀でていると親はそれを誇りに思うものです。 スポーツが得意な息子を持つとお父さんがそれを自慢に思うことが多いです。 これらの文は、息子や息子の野球チームについて父親が得意げに話しているような、そんな言い方です。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • My son won two baseball matches

  • My son was victorious in two baseball games

"My son won two baseball matches" a simple and easy statement implying the son had won 2 baseball matches/games. To be victorious in something is another term used for winning, but in a more formal way.
"My son won two baseball matches"(息子は野球の試合で2勝した) はシンプルで簡単な文です。「息子は野球の試合で2勝した」と伝えています。 'To be victorious in' は 'To win'(~に勝つ)の別の言い方です。ただ、'To be victorious in' の方がフォーマルです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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