世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/03/20 18:31
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  • I slept all day as I was on my period

  • I just chilled today as I was on my monthly cycle

  • It's my time of the month so I just lazed around

Explanation: A woman may not wish to discuss her personal condition openly and so instead of the word 'period' may say something like, 'monthly cycle,' or another popular euphemism: 'It's my time of the month.' Additionally, in the UK, few people would admit to sleeping all day as it appears lazy or slothful and a waste of a day. Example sentence: "I took a day off work as it was my time of the month."
個人的な体調のことを公に話したくない女性もいるので、生理という意味のperiodを使わずに、monthly cycleまたは、'It's my time of the month.' と言うのがいいかもしれません。 イギリスでは、怠惰な人と思われたり、時間を無駄にしているということで、一日中寝ていると言う人はほとんどいません。 例文:  "I took a day off work as it was my time of the month." 月に一回の女性の日だったので、仕事を休んだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I had really bad PMS so I just slept all day

  • I had bad PMT so I slept all day

  • I had horrible period pain so I slept all day

PMS and PMT are acronyms for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Premenstrual Tension (PMT). PMS/PMT refers to physical and emotional symptoms that occur in the one to two weeks before a woman's period, and that often continue into the first few days of your period too. It is common to use these acronyms when talking about your symptoms with others.
"PMS"と "PMT"は Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) (月経前症状) Premenstrual Tension (PMT). (月経前緊張症) の頭字語です。 PMS/PMTは女性が生理の1~2週間前に身体的や感情的に起こるもので、通常生理中の2~3日も続きますよね。 他の人とこの症状の話をする時はこれらの頭字語を使うのはよくあることです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I'm on my period so I just slept all day.

  • I'm on my period so I didn't want to do anything today.

I know this feeling too well. Be honest about it! "I didn't do anything today because I'm on my period." You can really use your period for so many things! "I didn't want to go out because I was on my period." "I got nothing done because I was on my period."
この気持ち本当によく分かります。正直に言いましょう! "I didn't do anything today because I'm on my period." 「生理で、今日は何もしませんでした」 「period(生理)」は、本当に色んなことに使えます! "I didn't want to go out because I was on my period." 「生理だったから、出かけたくなかった」 "I got nothing done because I was on my period." 「生理だったから、何もしなかった」
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I slept all day as i was on my period

  • I slept all day as it is my time of the month

  • I slept all day as i am on my monthly cycle

A woman's monthly cycle when she is menstruating is also referred to as her period it can also be shortened to PMT or PMS (Premenstrual tension or Premenstrual Syndrome) Some woman suffer badly with the symptoms and get a lot of pain and have to rest or sleep for the first couple of days unless they feel better
女性の毎月の生理のサイクルは、one's periodとも表されます。PMT又はPMS(Premenstrual tension/Premenstrual Syndrome)と省略されることもあります。 症状が重く痛みがひどいと、最初の数日間は休んだり寝ないといけないこともあります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I had my period so I got some shut-eye.

  • It was my time of the month so I slept all day.

  • Aunt Flo came for a visit, so I snoozed all day.

The three sentences you see above are excellent ways to express that you slept all day because you had your period. In the first and third sentence you will see the words shut-eye and snooze. Both of these words mean to sleep and are common in our everyday conversation. In the second and third sentence you will see the term time of the month and Aunt Flo. We use these terms to refer to our period.
上記3つの例文は、生理のため一日中寝ていたと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 最初と3番目の例文には、 shut-eyeとsnoozeという単語があります。両方とも寝るという意味で日常会話で使われます。 2番目と3番目の例文には、time of the monthとAunt Floという表現が使われています。これらは生理を表します。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • My period makes me tired, so I slept today

  • I'm menstruating, so I'm tired

  • I slept the whole day because I'm on my period.

"I'm on my period" is a clear enough statement for anything, but if you want to be more specific about how you feel when you're on your period, you can express that you slept all day. We use many excuses for our behavior for menstruation. I slept all day because I'm on my period. I'm tired lately because I'm on my period. I've been crying all day because I'm on my period. (Using this verb tense usually indicates that you are still crying) If you are still in bed, you can say "I've been sleeping all day because I'm on my period" I've been angry all day because I'm on my period. Or you can simply say that you are menstruating, so..... I am menstruating so I'm really hungry. I'm on my period so leave me alone
"I'm on my period"(今生理中です)は単刀直入な表現です。生理のとき、どのような気分になるのかを具体的に説明したい場合、「一日中寝ていた」と表現しても良いでしょう。生理は様々な行動の言い訳になります。 ●I slept all day because I'm on my period.(生理なので、一日中ゴロゴロしていた。) ●I'm tired lately because I'm on my period.(生理だから、最近疲れている。) ●I've been crying all day because I'm on my period. (生理なので、一日中泣いている。)完了形を使うということは、今現在も泣いている、ということです。"I've been sleeping all day because I'm on my period."(生理なので、一日中ゴロゴロしている。) "I've been angry all day because I'm on my period."(生理なので、一日中プンプンしている。) また、"menstruating"(生理中)という言葉を使って表すことも出来ます。 ●I'm menstruating, so I'm really hungry.(生理中なので、腹ペコです。) ●I'm on my period, so leave me alone.(生理中だから、放っておいて。)
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • I slept the whole day because I have my period.

  • I felt unwell and slept today because of my period.

  • I had my period today so I stayed home to rest.

Also you can simply say "I felt unwell" or "I was sick" depending on how well you know the person. But there are many ways this can be stated and "PMS" is a commonly used acronym as well.
また、シンプルに「I felt unwell(気分が優れなかった)」「I was sick(体調が悪かった)」と言ってもいいです(相手との関係によります)。 これはいろいろな言い方ができます。「PMS」はよく使われる省略です。
Iain DMM英会話講師
  • I had my period and slept all day.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 I had my period and slept all day. 「私は生理で1日中寝ていました」 のように表現できます(*^_^*) 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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