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簡単な表現ですが、中々言えないものです。 I think this expression is pretty easy, but I can't say it so easily. Is it fine that "All of clerks are chinese in the restaurant" ?
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2018/03/30 11:52
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  • All the workers in that restaurant are Chinese.

  • Everyone that works in that restaurant are Chinese.

Hello there. --- 「あのレストランの従業員はみんな中国人です」 "All the workers in that restaurant are Chinese"になります。 "Clerk"はお会計の仕事をする人を指します。 レストランだとレジ担当とかですね。 他にも"Everyone that works in that restaurant are Chinese" 「あのレストランで働いている人は全員中国人だよ」という言い方もあります。 --- Hope this helps.
Saki A DMM英会話翻訳スタッフ
  • All the employees at the restaurant are Chinese

  • Everyone who works at the restaurant are Chinese

The word "employee" refers to someone who works for someone or at a business such as a restaurant or a store. To say that all the employees are Chinese means that everyone who works there are Chinese.
"employee" は雇われて働いている人、例えば会社やレストランの従業員を指します。 "All the employees at the restaurant are Chinese" は「そのレストランで働いている人は皆中国人である」という意味です。
Derrick M DMM英会話講師
  • The management at that restaurant hire exclusively Chinese staff.

  • All of the staff that work there are of Chinese origin.

When we use the word 'exclusively' we mean that the restaurant only hires Chinese staff. Exclusively can be used in many many contexts for example - "The musicians in that band exclusively use American made instruments." It is also good to mention that the management hire the staff as this adds more detail to the answer. When we use the word 'origin' in the second answer we mean that all of the staff originate/are born in China. Both of these answers are formal statements. For an informal answer you could say "all of the staff that work there are Chinese."
exclusively' を使うと、「そのレストランは中国人スタッフしか雇わない」という意味になります。 'exclusively' はさまざまな文脈で使われます。 例えば: "The musicians in that band exclusively use American made instruments."(そのバンドのミュージシャンはアメリカ製の楽器しか使いません) また、「経営陣が雇っている」という言い方も、より詳しい説明になるので、いいと思います。 二つ目の例の 'origin' は、スタッフが皆中国生まれであることを表します。 これらの例はどちらもフォーマルな言い方です。 インフォーマルな言い方としては、"All of the staff that work there are Chinese."(そこで働くスタッフは皆中国人です)などがあります。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Everyone that works at that restaurant is Chinese.

When using the word "everyone" the verb that follows must be singular. We call people from China "Chinese." I hope that this helps. :)
"everyone" に続く動詞は単数形になります。 「中国人」は "Chinese" といいます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • All of the staff of that restaurant are Chinese

  • All the workforce of that restaurant are Chinese

  • The restaurant has Chinese workers

When you want to explain that a certain restaurant only has works that are Chinese; then you may explain this in the following ways: -All of the staff of that restaurant are Chinese -All the workforce of that restaurant are Chinese -The restaurant has Chinese workers
あるレストランについて「そこで働いている人は全員中国人だ」と説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 -All of the staff of that restaurant are Chinese(そのレストランのスタッフは全員中国人です) -All the workforce of that restaurant are Chinese(そのレストランのスタッフは全員中国人です) -The restaurant has Chinese workers(そのレストランでは中国人が働いています)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The entire restaurant staff is Chinese.

  • Everyone who works here is from China.

  • The restaurant staff is made up of all Chinese people.

Everyone that works at this restaurant is Chinese. All the employees at this restaurant are Chinese. The staff at this restaurant is exclusively Chinese. Everyone who works here is Chinese. Chinese people work at this restaurant. The entire staff at this restaurant is Chinese.
Everyone that works at this restaurant is Chinese.(このレストランで働いている人は皆、中国人です) All the employees at this restaurant are Chinese.(このレストランの従業員は皆、中国人です) The staff at this restaurant is exclusively Chinese.(このレストランのスタッフは皆、中国人です) Everyone who works here is Chinese.(ここで働く人は皆、中国人です) Chinese people work at this restaurant.(このレストランでは中国人が働いています) The entire staff at this restaurant is Chinese.(このレストランのスタッフは皆、中国人です)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • a) The staff is Chinese

  • b) All employees are Chinese

a) The staff is Chinese *Staff - all people employed by a particular organization. "a staff of 500" b) All employees are Chinese *Employees -This is a person employed for wages /salary. i hope this helps :-)
a) The staff is Chinese(スタッフは中国人です) *Staff - ある組織の全従業員 "a staff of 500" (500人のスタッフ) b) All employees are Chinese(従業員は全員中国人です) *Employees - 給与をもらって雇われている人 参考になれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • All of the restaurant staff are Chinese.

  • The kitchen staff, waiters, waitresses and front-of-house staff are all Chinese.

  • Everyone who works there is Chinese.

All of the above options are correct. Please note that it is not correct to say "staffs": "Staff" is an uncountable noun. Front-of-house staff refers to the receptionist and hostesses (hostesses show customers to their tables).
上記の例は全て正しい言い方です。 "Staff" は数えられない名詞です。"Staffs" とするのは間違いですのでご注意ください。 "Front-of-house staff" は受付係と 'Hostesses' を指します。 ※ 'Hostesses' とはお客さんをテーブルまで案内する人です。
Clare M DMM英会話講師
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