世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/03/31 12:02
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  • I don't like it when the person sitting behind me on a plane has bad manners.

  • I don't like it when the person sitting behind me on a plane keeps kicking my seat.


「行儀悪い」は英語で "bad manners" となります。配慮不足というニュアンスで言いたいなら "inconsiderate" (配慮がない)、または "lack of consideration"(配慮不足) を使っても良いです。

"I don't like it when 〇〇" は "〇〇 の時は嫌い・好きじゃない”

(飛行機で)後ろの席に座っている人 => the person sitting behind me (on a plane)

"keeps kicking my seat" は「私の席を蹴り続けている」という意味になります。


DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • I hate it when the person behind me on a plane is rude.

  • It bugs me when the person behind me on a plane keeps bumping my seat.

It bugs meはit bothers meとだいたい同じ意味ですが、フォーマルな時にbothersの方がいいです。Hateはちょっと強いので、よく知っている人と一緒にいる時じゃないと使わない方がいいです。
bump my seat = 席にぶつかる

Tim Young 主催
  • Please don't kick the back of my seat.

  • Would you mind not kicking the back of my seat, I am trying to sleep.

  • It is bad manners to kick the seat in front of you on an airplane.

When on an airplane it is okay to ask the person behind you to not kick your seat. First, start off with asking them politely, "Please don't kick the back of my seat". If they continue then be a little more firm and say, "Would you mind not kicking the back of my seat, I am trying to sleep". This time you are asking them to stop as well as explaining why you would like them to stop. If they still kick the back of your seat then you can point out that they are showing bad manners and correct them by saying, "It is bad manners to kick the seat in front of you on an airplane."

"Please don't kick the back of my seat"

"Would you mind not kicking the back of my seat, I am trying to sleep"

"It is bad manners to kick the seat in front of you on an airplane."

Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I don't like it when the person sitting behind me on a plane has bad manners.

  • I hate when the person sitting behind me is rude.

  • I hate when the person behind me kicks my seat.

There is nothing more annoying than sitting in front of someone that keeps kicking your chair. Especially if you are on a long flight! Here are some ways to express that.
- I hate when the person sitting behind me is rude.
- The person sitting behind me was very annoying.
- I really dislike when the person sitting behind me is being rude.


  • I hate when the person sitting behind me is rude.(後ろに座った人が行儀が悪いと本当に嫌です)

  • The person sitting behind me was very annoying.(後ろに座った人が本当にうっとうしかった)

  • I really dislike when the person sitting behind me is being rude.(後ろに座った人が行儀が悪いと本当に嫌です)

Niabh DMM英語講師
  • One of my pet hates is a person with bad manners sitting behind me on an airplane.

  • I really don't like it when a person sitting behind me on an airplane keeps on kicking the back of my chair thereby disturbing my sleep.

  • I hate bad mannered people sitting behind me on a plane.

Sometimes one may be unfortunate enough to sit in a chair that is directly in front of a person who has bad manners on a plane. The 'bad mannered' person may be very busy 'kicking' the back of your chair, thereby disturbing your sleep. That could be one of your 'pet hates'. The noun 'pet hate' used in the first statement means 'somthing that annoys a person a great deal'. A 'bad mannered' person sitting directly behind you can be very irritating, making you not to enjoy your trip. So, if you have been in such a situation during some of your trips, you may say to someone:
One of my pet hates is a person with bad manners sitting behind me on an airplane.
I really don't like it when a person sitting behind me on an airplane keeps on kicking the back of my chair thereby disturbing my sleep.
I hate bad mannered people sitting behind me on a plane.

飛行機では運悪くマナーの悪い人の前の席になってしまうことがあります。後ろから席を蹴られてなかなか眠れないということもあるかもしれません。もしかしたらこれがあなたの 'pet hate' かもしれません。

一つ目の例で使われている名詞 'pet hate' は「すごく嫌いなもの」をいいます。

後ろの席の人が 'bad mannered'(マナーが悪い)だと、すごくイライラして旅行を楽しめないかもしれません。


One of my pet hates is a person with bad manners sitting behind me on an airplane.

I really don't like it when a person sitting behind me on an airplane keeps on kicking the back of my chair thereby disturbing my sleep.

I hate bad mannered people sitting behind me on a plane.

Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I don't like it when the person sitting behind me on a plane has bad manners

  • I really dislike sitting behind people with bad manners in a plane

When you want to explain to someone that you don't like sitting behind an ill-mannered person in a plane; then you may explain this in the following ways:
-I don't like it when the person sitting behind me on a plane has bad manners
-I really dislike sitting behind people with bad manners in a plane


-I don't like it when the person sitting behind me on a plane has bad manners(飛行機で後ろの席の人がマナーが悪いと嫌です)

-I really dislike sitting behind people with bad manners in a plane(飛行機で前の席の人がマナーが悪いと嫌です)

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I don't enjoy my flight when the passenger behind me has bad manners.

  • I hate it when another passenger on the flight is bad mannered and rude.

"I don't enjoy my flight when the passenger behind me has bad manners."
"I hate it when another passenger on the flight is bad mannered and rude."
this sentence is referencing that while on a plane you are annoyed/frustrated with someone who is very rude/ has bad behavior.
To 'enjoy' something is to say something is fun or you are having a good time in something.
When someone had "bad manners" they are usually very rude, ex. "This gentlemen on the bus was very bad mannered".

"I don't enjoy my flight when the passenger behind me has bad manners."(飛行機で後ろの乗客のマナーが悪いと嫌です)
"I hate it when another passenger on the flight is bad mannered and rude."(飛行機でほかの乗客のマナーや態度が悪いと嫌です)


'enjoy' は「~を楽しむ」という意味です。
"bad manners" は失礼な態度を表します。

"This gentlemen on the bus was very bad mannered".(その乗客の男性はすごくマナーが悪かった)

Jack F DMM英会話講師
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