The national cuisine is more likely to be influenced by the cuisines of neighbouring countries.
For example the Belgian cuisine is a fusion of French cuisine and German cuisine, which is delicious.
"The national cuisine is more likely to be influenced by the cuisines of neighbouring countries. "
"national cuisine" -「その国の料理」
"more likely to 〇〇" - 「〜する傾向にある、〜しがち」
"neighbouring countries" -「隣国」
"For example the Belgian cuisine is a fusion of French cuisine and German cuisine, which is delicious. "
「〇〇(国名の) 料理 」は、"〇〇 cuisine"で言えます。※その場合の国名は形容詞を用います。
例、日本料理 ⇛ ○"Japanese cuisine" ✕"Japan cuisine"