All of these answers describes a very big smile.
When someone has a 'beaming smile' it means that they are smiling so much that their teeth are shining almost like the beaming headlights of a car.
When someone is 'smiling ear to ear' it means that it looks as if they are smiling so much that it reaches both of their ears.
”A beaming smile"は、光り輝く笑み、とう意味で、キラキラ輝く白い歯を見せる笑顔のことです。
”Smiling ear to ear"は、両側の耳に口元が届くくらいの満面の笑みになることを表したフレーズです。
A huge smile or big smile are the same thing basically it means that someone is smiling alot
To use the term from ear to ear means they are smiling so much it looks like there mouth is touching from one ear to the other
「huge smile」または「big smile」は同じことで、基本的に誰かが大いに笑っているということを意味しています。「from ear to ear」という意味は大いに笑っていて、口が耳からもう一方の耳へ届いているように見えるという意味です。
There is also a popular term used in the US: grinning like a Cheshire cat. If someone is grinning like a Cheshire cat it means they are smiling very widely.You can also say someone is smiling broadly. For example: He has a broad smile.
他に、"grinning like a Cheshire cat"というアメリカでよく使われる表現もあります。これは、満面の笑みを浮かべるという意味です。
"smiling broadly"という言い方もあります。
He has a broad smile.
The best way to describe when someone is smiling very big, is to say 'they are grinning'. A grin is a bigger smile than normal. However, you could also say 'a huge smile', using the word 'huge' to make the smile bigger, or also describe the grin as 'a great big grin'.
満面の笑みを浮かべていることを表す言い方として一番いいのは、'they are grinning'です。grinは、普通の笑顔よりもにっこり笑うことです。
'a huge smile'と言うこともできます。'huge'を使って、より大きく笑っていることを表します。ほかに、'a great big grin'とも言えます。
The two sentences you see above are great ways to express that someone has a huge smile. In the second sentence you will see the word grin. This word has the same meaning as smile. We also use the phrase smile(or grin) from ear to ear to describe a huge smile. This is a phrase that is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
二番目の例文では "grin" という言葉を目にすると思います。
また、"smile (or grin) from ear to ear" というフレーズも満面の笑みを表す時に使われます。このフレーズは日常的によく使われます。語彙に加えておくといいと思います。
「満面の笑み」のことをよくbig smile と言います(*^_^*)
She had a big smile on her face.
What a nice smile!