世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/07 01:24
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  • Come to the bus stop 5 minutes prior to the scheduled time.

  • Make sure you are in time for the bus. Allow at least five minutes just in case the bus comes earlier.

Come to the bus stopの部分は、pleaseを添えるなど、状況に応じて基本英語で習う依頼表現に入れ替えれば良いです。prior to はbeforeでもいいですが、ここではフォーマルに表現してみました。 2番目の例は、口頭で伝える感じにしてみました。「バスに間に合うようにしてください。少なくとも5分は余裕を持ってください。早めに来ることがありますから。」という感じです。 参考になれば幸いです。
Yutaka K やわらか英語コーチ
  • I would make sure to get to the bus top 5 minutes early, the schedule changes daily

This phrase is allowing you to let the person you are speaking to know that the bus schedule changes daily and that there is a possibility that the time will fluctuate by 5 minutes depending on which day it is. You are also giving them a warning about the changing bus times.
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • Please arrive at the bus stop five minutes early as the buses do not always stick to the timetable.

  • The bus times are approximate so best arrive five minutes before the timetable states.

Not every place operates a bus system which is reliable and timely. In that case, a prospective passenger may well be advised to come earlier than the scheduled time. A: "If you get to the bus stop exactly on time, you could well miss the bus."
全ての場所のバスが、時間通りにしっかりと運行されるとは限りません。ですので、バスに乗るときは、予定時刻よりも早くバス乗り場に着 例:  "If you get to the bus stop exactly on time, you could well miss the bus." バス停に出発時刻ぴったりに着くと、バスを逃すかもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please be at the bus stop five minutes before the scheduled time.

  • Please try be at the bus stop five minutes before we're due to leave.

You can say to the person "please be at the bus stop five minutes before the time the bus is scheduled to leave". You can also explain: "It's important to be at the bus stop five minutes early..." and give reasons why they should be there early.
"please be at the bus stop five minutes before the time the bus is scheduled to leave" (バスの出発時刻の5分前にはバス停にいてください) また: "It's important to be at the bus stop five minutes early..."(バス停に5分前にはいてください) この後、その理由を伝えます。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • You should arrive a few minutes early to avoid missing the bus

  • The timetable is not rigid. Arrive early to be sure you don’t miss the bus

First example has verb phrase ‘should’ arrive telling you what to do. In other words you need to get to the bus stop a few minutes early. Second example tells you timetable is not rigid(It can change unannounced)
最初の例では「should arrive」を使って、何をすべきかを伝えています。 バス停に数分前に来ることですね。 二つ目の例では、時刻表は予告なしに変わることがあると伝えています。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • Please be at the bus stop 5 minutes earlier than the scheduled time.

  • Make sure to be at the bus stop 5 minutes early, just in case the schedule changes.

Any of these two sentences can be used to express what you want to say :- 1. Please be at the bus stop 5 minutes earlier than the scheduled time. By starting your sentence with "please be at the bus stop" it's a polite way of asking someone to ensure they are present at the bus stop at that specific time. 2. Make sure to be at the bus stop 5 minutes early, just in case the schedule changes. The expression "just in case" means that if you do something in case or just in case a particular thing happens, you do it because that thing might happen.
どちらの文でもあなたの言いたいことを伝えられます: 1. Please be at the bus stop 5 minutes earlier than the scheduled time. (予定の時間より5分前にバス停にいて下さい) "please be at the bus stop"(バス停にいて下さい)これは、特定の時間にバス停にいるようお願いする丁寧な言い方です。 2. Make sure to be at the bus stop 5 minutes early, just in case the schedule changes. (スケジュールが変わるといけないので、必ず5分前にはバス停にいるようにして下さい) "just in case"は「~するといけないので」という意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Please come to the bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled time

  • Please come to the bus stop 5 minutes before the bus is due

  • Please come to the bus stop 5 minutes early as the schedule changes daily

If you want to tell someone to be at the bus stop early then you could say 'Please come to the bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled time' or 'Please come to the bus stop 5 minutes before the bus is due' To explain why they need to be early you could add ' as the schedule changes daily' then they would know
バス停まで出発5分前に来て欲しい時は、”Please come to the bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled time"または、 "Please come to the bus stop 5 minutes before the bus is due"と言います。 理由を説明する際は、”as the schedule changes daily"(スケジュールが日替わりするため)と付け加えると良いでしょう。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Please arrive at the bus stop five minutes before departure.

  • Try to get to the bus stop five minutes before.

Please arrive at the bus stop five minutes before departure. 出発5分前までにバス停に到着してください。 こちらは丁寧な言い方です。 Try to get to the bus stop five minutes before. 5分前までにバス停にいるようにしてね。 こちらはカジュアル目な英語表現です。 ぜひ使ってみてください。
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