世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/12 07:22
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  • Why dont you go show your father!

  • I love it! Go show dad. He will love it too

Both of these phrases would work. The first one is simply directing the child to go show his/her father the picture. The second phrase you are first complimenting the child and also expressing an emotion. You are additionally telling the child what reaction you think your husband will have
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • Show it to daddy

  • You dad would like to see that

First example has pronoun it replacing the picture as this would be known but both are ok. Show it or show the picture. Second slightly different way. Instead of statement saying show you are encouraging child to do as it would please his/her father
始めの例は、代名詞itが絵を指しています。Show itでも、Show the pictureどちらでもかまいません。 二つ目はやや違った言い方ですが、show(見せる)を使わずに、子供にお父さんが喜ぶと思うということを後押ししている表現です。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • I think your daddy would like to see that!

  • That's great - show dad!

Well, children love encouragement and they also love showing their dads their creations. Child: "Mum, look at what I did!" Mum: " It's wonderful darling! I think your daddy would like to see that!"
子供は褒められるのが好きで、お父さんに自分の作品を見せたいものです。 Child: "Mum, look at what I did!" 子供:お母さん、これ作ったの見て! Mum: " It's wonderful darling! I think your daddy would like to see that!" 母:すごいね!お父さんも見たいと思うよ!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Go show it to your Dad!

  • Show your Dad he will love to see your picture.

"Go show it to your Dad!" This is a simple expression to use. Because you are using the word "it" you can use it for anything your child is holding such as a stuffed animal, a gift they were given, a picture, etc. "Show your Dad he will love to see your picture." Show - to visually let Dad see it. Love - really enjoy seeing what you did, will be happy!   Hope this helps.
"Go show it to your Dad!" お父さんに見せておいで! これは、シンプルな表現です。it(それ)は、子供が手に持っているぬいぐるみやもらったギフト、絵などを指すからです。   "Show your Dad he will love to see your picture." お父さんに見せておいで。その絵が見たいと思うよ! Show -見せる  Love - 気に入る
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • You should show it to daddy!

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「You should show it to daddy!」 (意味)お父さんに見せてきて! <例文> I drew a picture of dad.// You should show it to daddy! He'll love it! <訳>お父さんの絵を描いた。//お父さんに見せてきて!きっと喜んでくれるよ! 参考になれば幸いです。
  • Go show your daddy

  • Show this to your dad

  • Daddy would love to see this!

When your child does something you are proud of you want to make a fuss out of them so they feel heppy and would want their mum/dad to see it as well so could say 'go show your daddy' or 'show this to your dad' depending on the childs age would determine what word you would use if it was a younger child you might use 'daddy' where an older child you would say 'dad'
子どもがいいことをしたときには、うれしくてお母さん/お父さんにも見せたくなるくらいに褒めてあげたいですよね。 次のように言えます。 'go show your daddy'(お父さんに見せてきな) 'show this to your dad'(お父さんに見せてきな) 子どもの年齢によって使う言葉が変わります。 幼い子なら 'daddy' を使うかもしれません、大きな子なら 'dad' を使うと思います。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Go show dad!

  • You should show dad!

Go show dad! - This is the most basic way of telling your child to show her father. "Go" meaning 'do it'. You should show dad! - This is more of a suggestion than a command. You should but you don't have to. Your child could then think "Oh yeah... I should!".
Go show dad! は、お父さんに見せておいで という意味の最も基本的な言い方です。 "Go" は、そうしなさいという意味です。   You should show dad! は、命令というよりも提案により近い表現です。したらいいよという意味で、しなくてもいいことを表します。子供は、"Oh yeah... I should!"(そうだね。そうするよ。)と言うかもしれません。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • "Show your father!"

  • "Go and show your Dad!"

  • "Daddy would love to see this! Take it to him"

It's always beautiful to share these moments with your partner! It's a great way to motivate your child, too. You may wish to first acknowledge the great work the child has done. "It's wonderful!" "What a fantastic picture!" A few good phrases to use to then encourage the child to show it to your husband could be: "Show your father!" "Go and show your Dad!" "Take this to Daddy!" Of course, you can interchange the phrases with different names for a father (Dad, Daddy, Papa) based on your preferences.
こうした瞬間をパートナーとシェアできるというのは本当に素晴らしいですね。子どものやる気も引き出せるかもしれません。 まず、子どもの頑張りを褒めてあげるのもいいでしょう。 "It's wonderful!"(すごい) "What a fantastic picture!"(すごい絵だね) それから、「お父さんに見せてきてごらん」は次のような言い方ができます。 "Show your father!"(お父さんに見せてきてごらん) "Go and show your Dad!"(お父さんに見せてきてごらん) "Take this to Daddy!"(お父さんに見せてきてごらん) もちろん、「お父さん」の言い方("Dad" "Daddy" "Papa")は好みによって替えられます。
Lexi L DMM英会話講師
  • Go show it to daddy!

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「Go show it to daddy!」 =お父さんにこの絵を見せてきて! (例文)Go show it to daddy! It's so good! (訳)お父さんにこの絵を見せてきて! すごくいい感じ! (例文)I drew a picture of daddy!// Go show it to daddy! (訳)お父さんの絵を描いたよ!//お父さんにこの絵を見せてきて! お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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