世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/12 16:48
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  • Shall I book a room for you?

  • Would you like me to reserve a room for you?

The first example uses the modal(helping verb) shall with the main verb book creating verb phrase shall I book. Simple way to ask a polite question Example two is similar with modal (helping verb) would and main verb like used to form question would you like. Both are good ways of forming a question in a polite manner
はじめの例は、shall I~?で、~しましょうかという意味になります。丁寧な質問をする、シンプルな言い方です。 2つ目の例は、would like~to...で、~に...してもらいたいですか、つまり、~しましょうかという意味になります。両方とも丁寧な表現です。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • 1. If you like, I can recommend and book a decent hotel for you?

  • 2. Would you like me to arrange a hotel for you or would you prefer to do that yourself?

In the first sentence you are offering to make the arrangements for your visiting friend. In the second sentence, you are enquiring whether youir friend prefers to make the arrangements themself or let you do it for them? In these days of online booking, most people would probably like to select a place themselves and perhaps check with you after they made a choice as to the suitability of their selection.
はじめの例は、あなたが相手にホテルの手配を提案している表現で、二つ目の例は、相手に自分に予約をしてほしいか、それとも自分でしたいか確認している表現です。 最近では、オンライン予約もあるので、ほとんどの人が自分たちの目で確かめて予約したい人が多いのではないのでしょうか。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a hotel room yet? Would you like me to book one for you?

  • Would you like me to get a hotel room booked for you?

Both of these phrases will let the person you are talking to that you are wondering about their accommodation. The first one you are first asking if they already have a room? If not, would they like you to book one for them. The second one you have already assumed that they don't have a room yet and are asking if you can book them one.
どちらの表現も、相手の宿泊場所のことを気にかけている文です。 はじめの例は、もう部屋を予約したのかを聞いて、もししていないようなら予約をしてほしいか尋ねる表現です。 2つ目の例は、相手がまだ部屋の予約をしていないと思い、予約をしてほしいか尋ねる表現です。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like me to book a hotel for you?

  • Would you like assistance making a reservation?

  • Would you like me to reserve a hotel room for you?

"Would you like?" is a polite way to ask if the person would appreciate something. Assistance is a word for help that is given or received. Book a hotel, make a reservation, and reserve a hotel room all refer to ways of arranging to have a hotel room for use at a later time.
"Would you like?"は、相手の望むことを尋ねる丁寧な表現です。 "Assistance"とは「手伝い」という意味です。 "book a hotel" "make a reservation" "reserve a hotel room"、すべて、ホテルの部屋を予約することを表します。
Staci DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like me to book you a hotel room?

  • Would you like me to book a hotel room for you?

  • Shall I book/reserve a hotel room for you?

If you are referring to a hotel room then you can also use the term 'room' if you say 'would you like me to?' you are asking if someone wants you to do something for them you can also say 'shall I' To make a reservation or to reserve something is the same as to 'book' it
hotel room'(ホテルの部屋)は、'room'と言うこともできます。 'would you like me to?'は「私が~しましょうか」という意味です。ほかに、'shall I'(私が~しましょうか)と言うこともできます。 'to book'(予約する)は、'to make a reservation'や'to reserve'と同じ意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I can book a hotel room for you if you want me to.

  • Do you want me to reserve a room for you?

Native speakers will say like this: “I can book a hotel room for you if you want me to”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: I'll be visiting Japan soon! B: Awesome! I can book a hotel room for you if you want me to.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “I can book a hotel room for you if you want me to” (もしよければ、ホテルを予約してあげますよ) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 会話では以下のように使えます。 A: I'll be visiting Japan soon! B: Awesome! I can book a hotel room for you if you want me to. ↓ A: もうすぐ日本に行きますよ! B: すばらしい!もしよければ、ホテルを予約してあげますよ。
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like me to book you a hotel room?

  • I can book you a hotel room if you want.

  • Just let me know if you would ever like for me to book you a hotel room.

There are many ways you can ask this, but the most common is "Would you like me to book you a hotel room?" This simply asks for permission for you to purchase a hotel room for the person, and it is a formal question. If you want to offer to do it, then you can say, "I can book you a hotel room if you want." This is a polite way of saying you will do it, while expecting his/her opinion. Another polite way to offer is by saying, "Just let me know if you would ever like for me to book you a hotel room." This gives them time to think about it and tell you their decision later.
いろいろな言い方ができますが、最も一般的なのは、 "Would you like me to book you a hotel room?"(ホテルの部屋を予約しましょうか) です。この文では、その人の代わりにホテルの部屋を予約してもいいか相手の許可を求めています。 次のように「提案」することもできます。 "I can book you a hotel room if you want."(もしよければ、ホテルの部屋を予約してもいいですよ) これは、相手の考えを尋ねつつ提案する丁寧な言い方です。 もう一つ丁寧な言い方として、 "Just let me know if you would ever like for me to book you a hotel room."(もしホテルの部屋を予約したいようだったら言ってください) この文では、相手にこれについて考える時間を与えています。
Miranda DMM英語講師
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