感動する曲 moving songs
楽しい曲 fun songs
move は(動く)ということになりますので、感動と相当することです。
全部の書いた情報を含むと The singer I like has lots of different songs including moving songs and fun songs で言うことができます。
He(she) has released a variety of music such as moving ballads and fun songs, which is why I like him(her).
He(she) has sung moving songs and fun songs and that's why I like him(her).
I like the variety of moving songs and fun songs that he(she) has released.
「感動する曲や楽しい曲など色々あります(だからその歌手が好き)」= He(she) has released a variety of music such as moving ballads and fun songs, which is why I like him(her). / He(she) has sung moving songs and fun songs and that's why I like him(her). / I like the variety of moving songs and fun songs that he(she) has released.
variety = 色々な種類の
music = 音楽
moving ballads =感動するバラード(曲)
fun songs = 楽しい曲
「感動する曲や楽しい曲など色々あります」= "She/He has released different kinds of songs such as moving songs and fun songs."
「感動する」= "to be moved"
例:「あの曲が私を感動された。」= "That song moved me."