世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/16 22:12
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  • Wow! This is the most wonderful sight I have ever seen!

  • Look at that! Isn't that the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?

I would suggest always using a '!' when saying something with such passion. Wow! Amazing! That is gorgeous! If you said such a phrase without emotion you'd lose the effect of what you are saying. Both of these phrases will work for beautiful scenery or anything you are wowed by!
何かをそのような情熱をもって表現する時は '!'(感嘆符)を使う事をお勧めします。 【例】 Wow! Amazing! (ワオ![素晴らしい](!) That is gorgeous! (それは[見事](!) このようなフレーズを感情なしで表現するとあなたが言おうとしている事の効果を失います。 両方の表現は美しい景色、又はあなたがワオ!と思った時に使うことが出来ます。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I've never seen such a beautiful sight!

  • People would pay money to see such a beautiful sight!

Well, if you wish the conversation to be about you, then you could use the first sentence. However, if you wish to make an enthusiastic comment about the exquisite beauty of a landscape or building or work of art, then the second example may be more expressive and appropriate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This is the most magnificent sight I have ever sen.

  • This is the most glorious sight I have ever seen.

  • Wow I've never seen a more majestic sight in my life.

When trying to describe a most beautiful sight there are a variety of adjectives that one can use to express him or herself such as ; magnificent- extremely beautiful and impressive to the eye. glorious- having immense beauty and striking. majestic-showing impressive beauty.
次の表現を使って、とても美しい景色を様々な形容詞を使って表現することが出来ます。 Magnificent([壮大な](堂々とした) -とてつもなく美しく、目にも[美しい](という意味になります。 Glorious(壮麗な/美しい) -心を打つような美しさと言う意味になります。 Majestic(雄大な/素晴らしい) -印象的な美しさといういみになります。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Wow! This is the most beautiful scenery/sight I have ever seen.

  • I have never seen a sight this beautiful

"I have never seen something as beautiful as this" would be an acceptable general term - whether referring to a sight or anything. Words like "wow!" really emphasize how impressive the sight is. "This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen" would also be appropriate. Remember to give reasons why you think it's the most beautiful sight you've ever seen.
景色や他の物を言う場合でも、"I have never seen something as beautiful as this" (こんなにきれいな景色を見たことがない)が一般的で無難な表現です。wowのような言葉は、景色がどれ程素晴らしかったかを本当に強調します。 "This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen" (これが今までに見た中で最も美しい場所です)も又適切な表現です。今までに見た中で最も美しい景色だと思った理由を言うのを忘れないで下さい。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The most beautiful sight i have ever seen

  • The most wonderful sight i have ever seen

  • The most magnificent/glorious sight i have ever seen

If you want to describe something as being very pretty/beautiful then you can use the words 'beautiful, wonderful. magnificent or glorious' they all mean something is very pretty To add 'I have ever seen' means you have never seen anything as beautiful/pretty as it before
とてもきれいな(美しい)ものを表すときは、 'beautiful', 'wonderful', 'magnificent', 'glorious' などの言葉が使えます。すべて「とてもきれい(美しい)」という意味です。 'I have ever seen'を加えると、今までそれほど美しいものを見たことがないという意味になります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • This was the most breathtaking sight I've ever seen.

  • This was the most gorgeous sight I've ever seen.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that a particular sight was the most beautiful sight you have ever seen. In the first sentence you will notice the adjective breathtaking and in the second sentence you will notice the adjective gorgeous. Both of these words mean beautiful. These two words are common in our everyday conversation and they would make great additions to your vocabulary.
上記どちらの文でも、こんなに美しい景色は見たことがないと伝えることができます。 最初の例文では"breathtaking"、そして二つ目の例文では"gorgeous"という形容詞が使われているのに気が付いたと思います。これらはどちらも「美しい」という意味です。これらは日常会話でよく使われる単語ですので、語彙に加えておくといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I have never seen something so beautiful before.

  • This is possibly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

  • This has to be the most thing I have ever seen.

When you want to express that what you are seeing is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen before you can say, "I have never seen something so beautiful before."
今見ている物について、今まで見た物の中で一番美しいと言いたいなら、 "I have never seen something so beautiful before."(こんなに美しい物は見たことがありません) と表せます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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