世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/03/22 21:42
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  • Most difficult

  • Hardest

Most difficult=一番難しい difficult=難しい Hardest=一番難しい -estを言葉の後に付け足すと「一番〜」と言う意味になります。しかし、difficultのように言葉によっては付け足すのではなくmostを前に付ける場合もあります。この違いは一生懸命勉強して覚えるしかないので頑張りましょう。
  • Toughest

  • English is the toughest of all the languages I have studied.

Toughest is another word for difficult. It puts more emphasis on how difficult something is. "I'm struggling with the course, it's really tough" "I heard the interview process is really tough. Good luck!"
Toughestは、difficult(難しい)という意味の別の言葉です。どれほど難しいのか強調する言葉です。 "I'm struggling with the course, it's really tough" このコースに苦戦しているんだ。すごく難しくて。 "I heard the interview process is really tough. Good luck!" 面接が難しいって聞いたよ。頑張ってね!
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • hardest

  • really tough

"Hardest": This is to say that something is very difficult. Example, "English is the hardest language I have studied." "Really tough.": This is a informal way of saying that something is difficult. "English is a really tough language to learn." I hope that helps :)
"Hardest":これは、何かがとても難しいという意味です。 例:  "English is the hardest language I have studied." 今まで勉強した中で、英語が一番難しい。 "Really tough.": これは、何かが難しいという意味のカジュアルな言い方です。 例: "English is a really tough language to learn." 英語は、勉強するのに本当に難しい言葉です。
Kirst English teacher
  • English is the most challenging language of all those I've studied

  • Of the many languages I've studied, English proved to be the biggest challenge

When something stands out from a group of similar things, you can use the superlative form to describe it.: EX "Jean is the most talented actress I've ever met." Adjectives of 3 or more sy'lables: Form: THE plus MOST plus ADJECTIVE plus NOUN (or noun phrase). Adjectives of 2 or less syllables: THE plus ADJECTIVE plus EST plus noun. EX: "Henry is the happiest student in the class."
あるものの中で際立っていることを表す場合、最上級が使えます。 例: "Jean is the most talented actress I've ever met." ジーンは、今まで出会った女優で一番才能がある。 3音節以上からなる形容詞: the most+形容詞+名詞(句) 2音節以上からなる形容詞: the 形容詞+est+名詞 例: "Henry is the happiest student in the class." ヘンリーはクラスで一番幸せな生徒だ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Most difficult

  • Hardest

  • Toughest

If you want to say that something is the most difficult thing to do then you can use the terms 'Most difficult', 'Hardest' or 'Toughest' these all express that its very hard compared to other things So 'English is the most difficult/hardest/toughest language I have studied' would be how to say this
一番難しいことについて言う場合、以下の表現が使えます: 'Most difficult', 'Hardest' or 'Toughest' 三つとも、それが他のものに比べてとても難しいことを表します。 ですから、 'English is the most difficult/hardest/toughest language I have studied'(英語は私が勉強した言語で一番難しい) と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Extremely difficult.

  • Hardest

Native speakers will say like this: “Learning English is extremely difficult for me”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Do you need any help with the homework? B: Yes, please. English is extremely difficult for me.
ネイティブスピーカーなら、このように言います: “Learning English is extremely difficult for me”. (英語を学ぶのはものすごく難しい) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 会話で使うと次のようになります: A: Do you need any help with the homework? [訳]宿題手伝いましょうか? B: Yes, please. English is extremely difficult for me. [訳]ハイ、お願いします。英語はものすごく難しいです
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • English is the most difficult language to study.

  • English is the most demanding subject to study.

1. English is the most difficult language to study. "Most difficult" means more difficult than anything else. 2. English is the most demanding subject to study. When something is demanding it requires alot of skill or effort. If we describe English as the most demanding subject to study, it means that we need to apply more effort and skill to study English more than any other subject.
1. English is the most difficult language to study. [訳]英語は学ぶのに最も難しい言語です "Most difficult"は「一番難しい」という意味です。 2. English is the most demanding subject to study. [訳]英語は一番大変な教科です "demanding"は能力や労力が求められることを表します。 "English is the most demanding subject to study"で、英語は他のどの教科よりも労力と能力が求められるという意味になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • English is the most difficult language I've ever studied.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いましたm(__) English is the most difficult language I've ever studied. 「英語は私が勉強した中で一番難しい言語だ」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • Hardest

  • Most difficult

The two most common adjectives we can use when describing that something is hard for us would be, "hardest," or, "most difficult." Notice that in these two examples we are using the superlative but they take different forms. Hard can have the superlative at the end with an -est ending whereas difficult cannot so the superlative "most," must come before.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • It's the most difficult.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「It's the most difficult. 」 (意味)一番難しいです。 <例文>I think English was the most difficult subject for me in high school. <訳>高校生だった頃、私にとって英語が一番難しい科目だったと思います。 参考になれば幸いです。
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