世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/16 23:18
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  • I'll visit you soon in Honolulu and Canada!

"I'll" is the contraction of "I will." This is the best way to say that at some point, maybe sooner or later, you will visit them in their country. I hope that this helps. :)
"I'll" は "I will" の短縮形です。 これが、「いつかホノルルとカナダに会いに行く」と伝えるベストな言い方です。 お役に立てれば幸いです :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I'll certainly visit you when I can in Honolulu and Canada

Well, the example sentence is rather unusual because it is not specific and seems to raise more questions than it does provide information. Who are you going to visit? One person? In that case, you would visit one person in one place, surely? "I'll come and see you in Canada OK?" If you are speaking to two people going to two different locations, then you could say: "I'll visit you in Canada - and YOU in Honolulu!" But would that be on the same trip or on two separate trips? It seems there is some planning and details to be worked out!
例文は、具体的ではないので少し自然ではないかもしれません。誰のところに行くのですか?一人ですか? "I'll come and see you in Canada OK?" あなたに会いにカナダにいくね。 もし別々のところにいる2人と話しているのなら、 "I'll visit you in Canada - and YOU in Honolulu!" あなたに会いにカナダへ、あなたに会いにホノルルへいくね! しかし、一回の旅行で二か所行くのか、別々の旅行なのでしょうか?状況によって言い方は変わってくるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to visit you in Honolulu/ in Canada.

  • I would love to visit you in Honolulu/ Canada.

  • I am defiantly going to visit you in Honolulu/ Canada

Since Honolulu is in the United States and Canada is a different country I am thinking you are talking to two different friends. You can use the phrases for which ever place you are going to visit. Saying, "I would love to visit you in Honolulu." Is more of asking for permission, this will lead to a conversation about when and how long you can visit :)
"Honolulu"(ホノルル)はアメリカで"Canada"(カナダ)は違う国なので、あなたは二人の違う友達の事を話していると思います。 どこの国をあなたが訪ねるとしても、これらの表現を使うことが出来ます。 【例】 "I would love to visit you in Honolulu." (ホノルルにあなたに会いに行きます) と言うと、これはあなたが許可を求めている感じになり、その後の会話へ続き、いつどのくらいの期間であなたが訪ねるという事に話がつながるでしょう:)
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I'm looking forward to visiting you in Honululu and Canada soon.

  • I'm keen on visiting you in Honululu and Canada soon.

  • I'm excited to travel to Honululu and Canada to see you soon.

looking forward to(noun)-Anticipation and excitement for future events. keen on/keen to(adjective)-Showing eagerness and enthusiasm for something. excited to do something(adjective)- Showing enthusiasm to do something in the future.
looking forward to(noun) (~[名詞]を楽しみにしています) -未来の出来事への期待と楽しみを表しています。 keen on/keen to(adjective) (~[形容詞]に熱中している、したがっている) -何かに対しての熱意ややる気を表しています。 excited to do something(adjective) (興奮して、ワクワクして~(形容詞)をやりたがっている) - 未来について何かをやる気があることを表しています。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • I will visiit you in Honolulu and Canada

  • I will go to Honolulu and Canada to visit/see you

  • I will come and see you/visit you in Honolulu and Canada

If someone is somewhere else and you want to go and see them you could say 'to see them' or 'to visit them' So you could say ' i will visit you' or 'i will come and see you'
離れている場所にいる人に会いに行きたいときは、”To see ○○”(○○に会う)または、”To visit ○○”(○○を訪ねる)と言います。 「あなたに会いに行く」と伝える際は、”I will visit you"または、”I will come and see you"と表現します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to visit you in Honolulu and Canada.

  • I'm planning on visiting you in Honolulu and Canada.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that you will visit them once they are in Honolulu and Canada. In the first sentence you will see the word go. Although this word has different meanings in this sentence it means to travel to a specific area. This is a word that is appropriate for both formal and informal settings.
上記二つの例文は、「ホノルルとカナダに訪ねに行きます」と伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 最初の文に"go"という語があります。"go"には様々な意味がありますが、この文では「〔ある場所に〕行く」という意味です。この語はフォーマルとインフォーマルどちらの場面でも使うことができます。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I will come visit you in Honolulu and Canada

  • I'd like to visit you in your country

  • Would it be okay if I visited you in Canada/Honolulu?

You can say "I'd like to visit you in Honolulu/Canada soon" or "I will come visit you in Honolulu/Canada" to tell them of your intention to visit. To be polite, you can also pose it as a question like, "Would it be okay if I visited you in Canada/Honolulu?". This way you're asking permission to visit.
"I'd like to visit you in Honolulu/Canada soon" (ホノルル/カナダにあなたに会いに行きたいです)又は "I will come visit you in Honolulu/Canada" (ホノルル/カナダにあなたに会いに行きます)と言うことで、あなたに会いにいくつもりだということを相手に伝えることが出来ます。丁寧に言うのであれば "Would it be okay if I visited you in Canada/Honolulu?". (ホノルル/カナダにあなたに会いに行っても良いですか)のような疑問文として相手に聞くことも出来ます。このように聞くと行っても良いか許可を求めています。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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