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2018/04/26 12:17
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  • I catch a fully packed train to go to work every morning. It is so tiring.

fully packed という言葉が 満員という意味で使えます。とにかく混んでるときにはFully packed restaurant とかFully packed event など使えます。
  • I commute to work by train and it's always packed/crowed

  • I get to work by train and it's always full

You can say: -The train I take to work everyday is always pack -I commute to work by train and it's always packed. -I get to work by train and it's always full.
次のように表現することが出来ます。 【例】 -The train I take to work everyday is always pack (私の乗る電車は毎日満員です) -I commute to work by train and it's always packed. (毎日満員電車で通勤しています) -I get to work by train and it's always full. (いつも満員電車で仕事へ向かっています)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Travelling to and from work is very tiring because the train is always packed.

  • My commute is exhausting due to the amount of people using the train.

1. "To and from" is a phrase used to express travelling to a destination and also back to the initial location. In other words, "my commute" would hold the same meaning and "travelling to [and from] work". 2. With regards to the feeling experienced, we can use "exhausting", "tiring" or another other related adjective. 3. Lastly, we can describe the train as being "packed" (with people) or simply express that there is a large amount of people using the train service, which is what makes the trip so tiring.
1. "To and from"(行くと戻る)は、目的地へ行くそしてそこから出発地点へ戻ることを表現する時に使います。他の言い方としては、"my commute"(通勤)も同じ意味として使えますし、"travelling to [and from] work"(仕事へ向かう[から戻る]) 2. 体験した気持ちとして、"exhausting"(くたくたになる)、"tiring"(疲労する)等の同義語の形容詞が使えます。 3. 最後に、 電車が人で"packed" (満員)と伝えたり、或いはシンプルな表現として、非常に多くの人々が同じ列車を利用しています、それが通勤をとても疲れさせます。
Roscoe DMM英会話講師
  • My daily, overloaded train commute is exhausting

Brevity is the key to any statement and to include all the information in a short and exhausted way, is ideal for this situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have the "joy" of commuting to work in a packed and crowded train.

  • It's a drag going to work everyday in a packed and crowded train.

Any of these sentences can be used to expalin the situation that you want to express. 1. I have the "joy" of commuting to work in a packed and crowded train. In this sentence the speaker is using sarcasm by saying that something is a joy when in fact it is the exact opposite. 2. It's a drag going to work everyday in a packed and crowded train. When ever we say that something is a drag it means that something annoying, or disappointing. This sentence is saying that it is an annoying experience to commute to work every day in a crowded and packed train.
どちらの文でもこの状況を表すことができます。 1. I have the ʺjoyʺ of commuting to work in a packed and crowded train. (ギュウギュウの満員電車で通勤できて楽しいよ) この文では、実際には全く楽しくないことを"joy"と表現して皮肉を言っています。 2. It's a drag going to work everyday in a packed and crowded train. (毎日満員電車で通勤するのは面倒くさい) "drag"とは、面倒なことや、つまらないことを表します。この文は、毎日満員電車で通勤するのは面倒くさいという意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I find it mentally draining traveling by train every morning as the carriage is always packed.

  • It's exhausting commuting by train. It's always extremely crowded.

To express that you find something tiring. You may make use of numerous adjectives. You may say that you find something exhausting and draining. exhausting-Emphasizing that something makes you very tired. draining-to exhaust or deplete one's energy.
何らかの疲労を表現するには、多数の形容詞を使うと良いか もしれません。exhausting(クタクタになる)とかdraining (消耗する)などです。 exhausting- とても疲れていることを強調します。 draining- エネルギーを奪われたり、使い尽くしたりするこ とです。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • I travel to work in a very busy/packed train every day and it's tiring

  • I commute to work daily in a very busy train and it's tiring

When you travel to work as well as saying 'when i travel to work' you can also say 'when i commute' as this means the same thing Every day can also be called 'daily' or on 'a daily basis' If a train is very busy it can also be called 'packed' or 'crowded'
「通勤する」ことを”Travel to work"または”Commute"と言います。 「毎日」のことを"daily"または"on a daily basis"と言います。 「満員電車」のことを"packed"または"crowded"という形容詞で表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My commute to work includes an overcrowded train, it's very tiring.

  • The train I use to get to work is always jam-packed, it's very exhausting.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you have to commute to work on a crowded train. In the first sentence you will notice the word overcrowded and in the second sentence you will notice the word jam-packed. Both of these words mean a space is filled to the point that it is uncomfortable.
どちらも、満員電車で通勤しなければならないと伝える言い方です。 はじめの文には overcrowded、2つ目の文には jam-packed という言葉が使われています。これらはどちらも「居心地が悪いほど込み入っている」という意味です。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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