世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/27 14:59
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  • Two of my colleges from work got married/tied the knot

  • Two people from work are getting married.

  • I am going to marry one of my work colleges.

"Two of my colleges from work got married/tied the knot" This explains that two people you work with got married. "Tied the knot" is another way of saying they got married. "Two people from work are getting married." This is another way of explaining that two people who you work with are going to be getting married. "I am going to marry one of my work colleges." This explains that you are going to be getting married to someone you work with.
"Two of my colleges from work got married/tied the knot" 仕事の同僚である2人が結婚しました。 仕事の同僚同士が結婚したことを表します。 "Two people from work are getting married." 同僚2人が結婚をします。 これもあなたの2人の同僚が結婚をする予定であることを表します。 "I am going to marry one of my work colleges." 職場の人と結婚をします。 これはあなたが同僚と結婚することを表しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • To get married to someone from work

  • To marry a fellow worker (employee) / colleague

例文1は、「会社の人と結婚する」と言うニュアンスで、 She got married to a guy from work. 「彼女は会社の男性と結婚しました。」 と言うことができます。 例文2は、「同僚と結婚する」と言うニュアンスで、 She is going to marry a fellow employee next month. 「彼女は来月同僚と結婚予定です。」 などということができます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • Two employees are getting hitched

  • Two collegues are going to get married

Hitched is a slang term for getting married . When you work for a firm you can be an employee and when they work for the same company they are collegues.
Hitchedは俗語(口語)で結婚するという意味です。 会社に「務める」場合はemployeeを使い、 会社内の「同僚」をcolleguesと言います。
Daniella Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Employees getting married

An employee is a person that works for a company, and that business pays the person a regular wage/amount of money for their time and work services.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • A marriage between two employees

  • Two employees tying the not

A marriage is usually between two people - two people are involved in the wedding ceremony. 'To tie the knot' means to get married. "Henry and Ethel are tying the knot next week."
結婚は二人の人間の間のものです。 'To tie the knot'ー結婚する "Henry and Ethel are tying the knot next week."(ヘンリーとイーゼルは来週結婚します。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • that got married

  • ...colleagues that got married

When two people that work together get married, you can explain this by saying: that got married. -...colleagues that got married For example: -Sam and Sandy are co-workers that got married last week. Everyone at the office was invited. -Sam and Sandy were colleagues before they got married. They met at work.
同じ職場の2人が結婚した場合は、こう言って説明することが出来ます that got married.(結婚した同僚) -...colleagues that got married(結婚した同僚) 例文 -Sam and Sandy are co-workers that got married last week. Everyone at the office was invited. サムとサンディーは同じ職場で働いていて、先週結婚しました。結婚式には職場の人は全員招待されました。 -Sam and Sandy were colleagues before they got married. They met at work. サムとサンディーは、結婚する前は同じ職場で働いていました。職場で知り合いました。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • To get married to someone from work

  • To get married to a coworker/colleague

  • Two employees tying the knot

A casual informal way of saying to get married is to 'tie the knot' so if you are explaining that 2 people who work in the same complany are getting married then you would say 'two employees tying the knot' When getting married to someone from work as well as saying this you can also say 'to get married to a coworker/colleague'
「結婚する」のカジュアルな言い方は 'tie the knot' です。ですから、同じ会社で働く二人が結婚するなら、'two employees tying the knot'(結婚する二人の社員)と言えます。 「職場の同僚と結婚する」は、'to get married to someone from work' あるいは 'to get married to a coworker/colleague' と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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