世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/05/01 12:20
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  • I’m not sure what I could get her.

  • I’m not quite sure what I should get him.

  • I don’t really know what kind of present she would like.

Sakiさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 1. I’m not sure what I could get her.(女性の友達なら) 彼女のために、何を「ゲット」したらよいのか、迷っています。 2. I’m not quite sure what I should get him. (男性の友達なら) 彼のために、いったい何を「ゲット」するべきなのか、ちょっと迷っています。 3. I don’t really know what kind of present she would like. (女性の友達なら) 彼女は、どんなプレゼントが好きだろうな。 お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • I don't know what to get them.

  • They are too hard to shop for!

  • I have no idea what they want for their birthday.

Of course you can replace 'they/their' with another pronoun, but all of these work to express that you have no clue what your friend wants for their birthday!
もちろん 'they/their' (彼ら/彼らの)と他の代名詞に置き換えることが出来ます。 これらすべての表現は、あなたが友達の誕生日に何を買ったらいいのか分からない事を言い表しています!
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Regarding a birthday present - my mind's a blank

  • I can't imagine what he would like for a birthday present

If your mind is 'a blank', it means that you have no idea about something, or cannot come up with a suitable response to something. If you say, "I can't imagine..." it means that, in a certain situation, you would not be able to understand something, or the logic of something. Eg. "I can't imagine why John went on holiday to Spain in the middle of the winter."
「My mind is a blank」は「全く分からない」とか「どう対応すべきか分からない」といった意味になります。 「I can't imagine ...」は「...(の理屈)を全く理解できない」という意味です。 【例】 "I can't imagine why John went on holiday to Spain in the middle of the winter."(なんでジョンが真冬にスペインを旅行したのか全く理解できない)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don't know what to get him/her for his/her birthday

  • I'm not sure what to gift him/her for his/her birthday

When you want to say that you're not sure what to get your friend for their birthday; you can say something like: -I don't know what to get him/her for his/her birthday -I'm not sure what to gift him/her for his/her birthday -I'm not sure what to buy for my friend for their birthday.
友達の誕生日に何を買ったらいいかわからないとき、以下のように言えます: -I don't know what to get him/her for his/her birthday 彼/彼女の誕生日に何を買ったらいいかわからない。 -I'm not sure what to gift him/her for his/her birthday 彼/彼女の誕生日に何をあげたらいいのかわからない。 -I'm not sure what to buy for my friend for their birthday. 友達の誕生日に何を買ったらいいかわからない。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I have no idea what to get him

To say you have no idea about something is to say that you do not know what to get him.
I have no idea about something(私はそれについて全く分かりません)とは、友達(男性)に何をあげたらいいか分からないと言う時に使います。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I do not know what to buy him/her for his/her birthday

  • I'm not sure what to buy him/her for his/her brithday

If you are unsure or can't make your mind up with what to buy your friend for their birthday then you can say you are 'not sure' or 'do not know' by adding ';his/her birthday' you are explaining what you are buying it for
誕生日に友達に何を買ってあげたらいいか分からないあるいは決められないなら、それは 'not sure'(分からない)または 'do not know'(同)で表せます。 'his/her birthday'(彼/彼女の誕生日)は、それを何のために買うのかを説明します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'm unsure on what to buy him/her.

  • I haven't got a clue on what to buy him/her.

When you want to say that you don't know to buy your friend for their birthday you can use the following expressions. -I haven't got a clue on what to buy him/her. -I'm unsure on what to buy him/her.
友達の誕生日に何を買ったらいいか分からないと言いたいなら、次の表現が使えます。 -I haven't got a clue on what to buy him/her. -I'm unsure on what to buy him/her. (何を買ったらいいか分からない)
Max W DMM英会話講師
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