I might leave my watch at your house.が私の答えだったのですが、これはおかしいと英語の先生に言われました。理由はよく理解できませんでした。
He may be in his house.
He might be able to come to the party.
ですから、ご質問者様がお答えになったようにI might leave~としてしまうと、「私は腕時計を家に忘れることになるかもしれない」という不自然な意味になってしまいます。
助動詞は後ろに動詞の原形を置くしかできませんから、may leftのように過去形と組み合わせることができません。
I may/might have left my watch in your house.
have leftは過去の出来事
Both of these express that your watch is lost and that you believe that you may have forgotten it at a friends home. Asking them to check and look for your watch can be a quick way to make sure it is actually there.
When you want to tell your friend that you think you left your watch in their home, then you can say:
-I might have left my watch at your house.
-I think I left my watch at your house/place (when I was visiting)
-I might have left my watch at your house.
-I think I left my watch at your house/place (when I was visiting)
To say that you 'might' have done something, is to say that you think it could have happened but you are not entirely certain. It means you are not definite.
「'might' have done something(~したかもしれない)」は、その可能性はあるが確証はない、はっきりわからないことを表します。
My watch may have been left at your place. Could you check for me please?
I think my watch may still be at your place. Could you look for me please?
In this type of communication, there are two elements. Obviously you wish to inform your friend about the watch. You also need to ask them to check if the watch is there, although an intelligent friend should offer immediately to look for you.
I can't find my watch, I didn't leave it at your house did I?
If you can't find something and you think you left it at your friends house then you might just ask 'Can you check to see if my watch is at your house' or you could say 'I think i have left my watch at your house' by saying 'I can't find my watch you are explainng why you think you left it there
'Can you check to see if my watch is at your house?'(私の時計があなたの家にあるか確認してもらえますか)
'I think I have left my watch at your house'(あなたの家に時計を忘れてきたと思う)
'I can't find my watch'(時計が見つからない)これは、なぜその人の家に時計を忘れたと思うのか理由を説明しています。
I am not sure but, I think I left my watch at you home.
I'm not sure if I left my watch at your house or not.
I possibly left my watch are your place.
To show probability or to speak about the possibility of something happening, you can use phrases like "might have", "possibly", "not sure" or "maybe".
"I'm not sure if I left my watch at your house or not."
物事の可能性を表すときには、"might have" "possibly" "not sure" "maybe" などのフレーズが使えます。
"I'm not sure if I left my watch at your house or not."