よく自分は、最初に「I don't know how I could say in English」と置いて、その後、その言いたい言葉を英語で説明しようと試みます。
また、日本人の思想・文化に触れたことのある英語話者に対して「Are there any English words/phrases for ○○?(○○に[該当する](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/22533/)ような英単語や表現、ある?)」みたいな投げかけをしたりします。
最後の「How would you describe...」は、先日、とある日本人とアメリカ人で、とあるやりとりがありました。その際に話題に出た表現です。
その日本人に「落語って[英語でなんていうの?](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/347/)」と質問され、その返事に「落語は落語です」と答えた僕の回答の後、そのアメリカ人との間で「そのあと、それ(ここでは「落語」)をどう describe するか?だよね」という話に広がったので、ここでも紹介させて頂きました。
I am not sure how to say it in English
Saying you are not sure shows uncertainty and is a subtle request for help on the English translation. It is a better way of saying 'I don't know' as it suggests you may have an idea but you would still like some assistance.
I am not sure how to say it in English.
「I am not sure」は、[確信](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/63427/)がないことを表し、英語では助けを求めるニュアンスになります。アイデアはあるけど少し助けが欲しいというニュアンスなので、「I don't know」と言うよりもいいです。
I understand the question, but I don't know how to answer in English.
"I understand the question, but I don't know how to answer in English" Let's the teacher know you understand but can't find the words to express your ideas or thoughts.
"I don't know the word to use in English."Let's the teacher know you can make the sentence but that you don't know the exact word to use.
"I understand the question, but I don't know how to answer in English"
"I don't know the word to use in English."
I understand the question but I don't know how to answer it in English
I don't know how to answer that in English
When you're trying to explain to your teacher that you don't know how to answer their question in English when they have asked you a question; then you can say:
-I understand the question but I don't know how to answer it in English
-I don't know how to answer that in English
-I understand your question, but I don't know how to express what I think in English.
You can also ask your teacher to help you with the answer. I'm sure they'll be happy to explain how to answer similar questions.
-I understand the question but I don't know how to answer it in English
-I don't know how to answer that in English
-I understand your question, but I don't know how to express what I think in English.
I understand the question but I don't know how to answer it
You could open by saying that you understand the question, this is important as it means your teacher will not waste time trying to explain the question to you again. Instead, they can concentrate on supporting you to answer the question.
まず「I understand the question(質問は理解している)」と始めます。
If you are defeated by a question, it means that either, you do not actually know the answer, or, the question is so complicated or is in terms that you do not understand, and so, are unable to give an intelligent response.
When you understand something asked of you in English but are unable to express your answer in English you could reply that you are unsure of how to answer that question or say that you have difficulty answering in English but reassure the person asking the question that you do understand.
"I'm unsure of how to answer that question."(その質問にどう答えたらいいか分かりません)
"I have difficulty answering in English."(英語で答えるのが苦手です)