世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/05/08 13:44
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  • critical illness

  • serious disease

"illness "と"disease "は、[『病気』](、 『病い』の事です。 "critical"は[『重大な』](という意味で、"critical illness "は深刻な病気の意味。 お役に立てたらうれしいです。
Terumi H アメリカ在住元英語講師
  • He has a serous physical challenge ahead

  • The doctors are not optimistic of his chances

  • It may be touch and go whether he makes it

Touch and go' means that the successful outcome for something is not at all certain. EX. "It's touch and go whether we will arrive at the shop before it closes."
Touch and go'([危険な](危なっかしい)とは[成功する](確率が低い、と言う意味になります。 【例】 "It's touch and go whether we will arrive at the shop before it closes." (閉まる前にお店にたどり着けるかは、どうなるかわからない)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • severe illness

  • grave illness

  • terminal illness

Depending on who are you are speaking with and depending on the type of illness, you can use the words severe, grave or terminal. If you use the words grave or terminal, this usually indicates that he or she will not survive the illness. If you want to be more sensitive and avoid hurting feelings of the person who is sick, you can say severe illness.
話をしている相手や、どんな病気なのかにもよりますが、 "severe"(深刻な/厳しい) "grave"(深刻な/重大な) "terminal"(末期の/絶望的な) これらの言葉を使って言い表すことができます。 "grave"や"terminal"は普通、もう助からない場合に使われます。 病気の人の気持ちを傷つけない思いやりのある言い方をしたいのなら、"severe illness"(深刻な病気)が使えます。
Jaymie Gee DMM英会話講師
  • terminally ill

  • very sick

  • very ill

"terminally ill" is only when it is believed the person will not recover. So saying this will allow the other person to know it is a critical illness. saying something like "very sick/ill" will let the other person know it is not a light illness. If you don't want to discuss the illness further with the person, always be honest and say, "I don't want to talk more about it."
"terminally ill"(末期症状の)とはその病気は快復することのないと考えられます。 ですので、これを言う事によって相手は深刻な病気と言う事が分かるでしょう。 "very sick/ill"の様に言うと、相手はこれが軽い病気ではないという事が分かるでしょう。 これ以上病気の話をしたくない場合は、正直に次のように言いましょう。 【例】 "I don't want to talk more about it." (これ以上は話したくないです)
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Chronic illness

  • Serious illness

  • Severe illness.

When you want to talk about a serious illness, then you can say something like: -My brother has chronic liver disease, which means that he has to be on constant treatment. -Research for a number of serious illnesses like cancer and HIV get funding from the government. -My mother has lived with a severe mental illness called bi-polar, which can be described as intense mood swings.
深刻な病気について話すときの表現です: -My brother has chronic liver disease, which means that he has to be on constant treatment. 弟は、慢性的な肝臓の病気で、定期的な治療が必要です。 -Research for a number of serious illnesses like cancer and HIV get funding from the government. がんやエイズのような重い病気の研究には、政府から助成金がでる。 -My mother has lived with a severe mental illness called bi-polar, which can be described as intense mood swings. 私の母はバイポーラという重い精神障害を患っています、気分が激しく変わる病です。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • This is a grave illness.

  • This is a critical illness.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that a particular illness is serious. In the first sentence you will notice the adjective grave and in the second sentence you will notice the adjective critical. Although these words have different meanings, in these sentences they mean very serious. These two words are appropriate for both formal and informal settings. They would make great additions to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文を使って、深刻な病気を言い表すことが出来ます。 一つ目の例文では形容詞の"grave"、そして例文2では形容詞の"critical"が使われているのに気が付いたと思います。この二つの単語にはいろいろな意味がありますが、例文ではどちらも「深刻な」という意味になります。 この二つの単語はフォーマル・インフォーマルのどちらの場面でも使うことが出来ます。語彙に加えておくといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Serious illness

  • Life threatening

  • Critical

When referring to a serious illness this usually means that whoever is unfortunately affected with the illness/ disease is in a life threatening situation unless treated immediately with the correct medical care. Serious illness does not always result in death but it is something that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible so the patient has the best chance of recovery.
serious illness'(重病)は普通、すぐに治療しないと命にかかわるような状況を表します。 'serious illness'(重病)は必ず死につながるわけではありませんが、できるだけ早く対処しなければならないものを言います。
Shannon J DMM英会話講師
  • serious disease

「深刻な病気」はserious diseaseで良いです(*^_^*) He has a serious disease. 「彼は深刻な病気です」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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