世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/05/08 23:33
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  • In the clubs, what kind of music is played?

『あなたの国のクラブハウスでは、どんなことがかかっていますか?』という文章ならば、 In the clubhouses of your country what kinds of music is played? で良いと思います。 ただ、『音楽がかかっていて踊れる場所』は、クラブやクラブハウスというよりは、 disco bar というのが一般的かと。 ゴルフをやるところを a clubhouse といってたような気がします。 お役に立てたらうれしいです。
Terumi H アメリカ在住元英語講師
  • What music is typically played at the clubs in your country?

"Typically" is another way to say "normally" and they mean the same thing. You want to make sure "clubs" is plural because you are talking about all of the clubs in their country. I hope that this helps. :)
"typically" は "normally"(通常)の別の言い方です。意味は同じです。 「クラブ」は "clubs" と複数形にします、その国にある全てのクラブについて言っているからです。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • What kind of music is played at clubs in your country?

  • What kind of music do clubs play in your country?

When you want to find out what kind of music is played in clubs in your teacher's country; then you may ask in the following ways: -What kind of music is played at clubs in your country? -What kind of music do clubs play in your country?
相手(先生)の国のクラブでどんな音楽が流れるのか知りたいなら、次のように言えます。 -What kind of music is played at clubs in your country?(あなたの国のクラブではどんな音楽が流れますか) -What kind of music do clubs play in your country?(あなたの国のクラブではどんな音楽が流れますか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • What type of music do the clubs in your country play?

  • What kind of music is typically played at clubs in your country?

What type of music do the clubs in your country play? - this is the most basic way of asking for the type of music played at clubs in one's country. What kind of music is typically played at clubs in your country? - the word "typically"means on a normal basis, it can be swapped out for "usually", "normally", etc.
What type of music do the clubs in your country play?(あなたの国のクラブではどんな音楽がかかりますか) →これは「あなたの国のクラブではどんな音楽がかかりますか」の最も基本的な言い方です。 What kind of music is typically played at clubs in your country?(あなたの国のクラブでは主にどんな音楽がかかりますか) →"typically" は「通常は」という意味です。これは、"usually" "normally" などと置き換えることもできます。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • What kind of music is played at clubs in your country?

  • In your country what type of music is played in clubs?

When going to a club you hear different kinds or types of music (rock/pop/hip hop) etc and different countries might play different music so both these sentences would find out what music is played in clubs in that persons country
クラブでは、色んな音楽(ロック、ポップ、ヒップホップなど)が流されますね。国によってもかけられる音楽は違うかもしれません。 これらどちらの文でも、相手の国のクラブでどんな音楽が流れるのか確認できます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • What kind of music is played in the clubs there?

  • What kind of music do the clubs play there?

  • What's the music like in the clubs in your country?

I would say something like: "What kind of music is played in the clubs there?" Another similar way of wording the same question is: "What kind of music do the clubs play there?" A third example could be: "What's the music like in the clubs in your country?" Each of these is a basic and straightforward way to get your question across. Hope this helped! :)
私だったら次のように言います。 "What kind of music is played in the clubs there?"(そちらのクラブではどんな音楽がかかりますか) また、これと似ていますが、 "What kind of music do the clubs play there?"(そちらのクラブではどんな音楽がかかりますか) と言うこともできます。 また、三つ目の言い方として、 "What's the music like in the clubs in your country?"(あなたの国のクラブではどんな音楽がかかりますか) と言うこともできます。 これらはどれも、この質問のシンプルで単刀直入な聞き方です。
Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • What kind of music do they play in the clubs?

  • What's the music like in British clubs?

During an online English lesson, when talking about clubs in your teacher's country, you want to ask what kind of music is played at clubs. You try one of the above suggestions.
オンライン英会話で先生の国ではどんなタイプの音楽がクラブでかかるのか聞いてみたいということですね。 上記の文のどちらかを使ってみてください。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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