"Will you explain why A is the correct answer to the question?"
"Why is answer A correct?"
This is a very simple way to ask the question.
The word "Why" is understood to be asking for an explanation of the question and answer on the test, exam, etc.
"Will you explain why A is the correct answer to the question?"
If you want to be more direct and perhaps more formal you can use this sentence.
You begin with "will you explain" this shows that you want to understand the answer and what makes it correct.
Correct answer - the right answer.
"Why is answer A correct?"(なぜAが正しい答えなのですか?)
"Will you explain why A is the correct answer to the question?"(なぜAが正解なのか教えてもらえますか)
"will you explain" が文の冒頭にくるので、あなたが問題の正解を知りたいことやなぜその答えになるのか、を聞きたいということが伝わります。
Correct answer - 正解
Could you briefly explain why the correct answer to this question is A?
Could you elaborate a little why A is the correct answer?
1.Could you briefly explain why the correct answer to this question is A?
2.Could you elaborate a little why A is the correct answer?
P.S. やはり2番目のほうがベストと思います。なぜかというと、「elaborate 」では potatoさんの望ましいニュアンスは、完璧に通じるからと思います。意味は、「もう少し詳しく説明する」ことで、内容に関するだけでなく、その流れについても触れるというニュアンスを示すことばとなります。
Could you explain exactly why A is the correct answer?
You could just ask the teacher to 'explain' the answer, or explain 'exactly why' A was correct.
Alternatively, you could ask, "Why wasn't B correct?" if you feel this was a better answer.
また代わりに "Why wasn't B correct?"「どうしてBは正解じゃなかったんですか」のように、B のほうが良い解答だと思う場合には聞いてみても良いでしょう。
I would like you to explain why the answer is A, please.
Please give me more information on why A is the correct answer over the others.
Can you tell me why only A is the correct answer?
I would like you to explain why the answer is A, please.
Please give me more information on why A is the correct answer over the others.
Can you tell me why only A is the correct answer?
I need more understanding on why the answer is A.
Please explain to me the reason A is the correct answer.
I would like you to explain why the answer is A, please.
Please give me more information on why A is the correct answer over the others.
Can you tell me why only A is the correct answer?
I need more understanding on why the answer is A.
Please explain to me the reason A is the correct answer.
If an answer is not clear to you then you should always ask your teacher for an explanation.
You can do this by saying:
Can you explain why 'A' is the correct answer?
Why is the answer 'A'?
Please explain why the answer is 'A'.
To explain something is to make it clear. To give reasons why it is the correct answer.
Can you explain why 'A' is the correct answer?
Why is the answer 'A'?
Please explain why the answer is 'A'.
To explainとは、はっきりさせることを言います。 To give reasons whyは、正しい答えと言うことです。
Both of these examples are to the point. "Can you explain why?" means I need to know more why this one is correct and the others are wrong.
You can also ask about the question in general, "Can you clarify question 4, please?"
「Can you explain why?」は「どうしてこれが正解で、他のが誤りなのか教えてほしい」という意味になります。
Can you clarify question 4, please? (問題4について詳しく教えていただけますか)